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Ever Wonder Why You Exist? What Is Your Purpose in Life?

Well, you are not alone. We all struggle to figure out what gives us purpose and direction in our lives. The more effort you put into becoming familiar with yourself, the more likely you are to find your passion and purpose in life. Life is whatever you put into it, so put yourself and your happiness into it to find your sense of purpose. Call us @ 469-249-8928. For more detail visit @ https://blueskytalk.org/

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Ever Wonder Why You Exist? What Is Your Purpose in Life?

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  1. Ever Wonder Why You Exist? What Is Your Purpose in Life?

  2. Well, you are not alone. We all struggle to figure out what gives us purpose and direction in our lives. For some, it is a career. For others, direction and purpose come through hobbies. However, finding what gives our lives meaning, purpose and direction is not a small feat. But it is a rewarding one, instilling a sense of fulfillment and happiness in our lives. That is what purpose and direction provide. Wholeness. Fulfillment. Purpose. Happiness. My dad gets his sense of direction and purpose through enlisting in the army and becoming a chaplain, in addition to his chosen career. That gives him the meaning, purpose, and direction he was looking for in his life. My mom is a teacher, and her career is what gives her direction and purpose. Yet, for them finding direction and purpose did not happen overnight. So, how were they able to find their passion and purpose in life and integrate them into their routines? And how can you do the same? Here are some tips to guide you in your pursuits to find passion, direction, and meaning. 1) Find your focus A focus can be a career you would like to try and pursue, or a hobby you want to get into. Focus can also be understanding and mastering your craft. Maybe you are a writer—so write. Try new writing styles or finish that short story you've been longing to finish. It is totally up to you what you wish to do with yourself. It is whatever you are passionate about. If you want to focus on working with animals, but keep your job, you could volunteer on weekends at a local animal shelter.

  3. 2) Act So, you have figured out what your focus is. Which focus can drive you and motivate you to be a better person, or give you a good outlet to release stress? Once you answer that, you need to act. It does not matter how much you want to find direction and purpose in your life if you do not act on it. You must take active steps towards focusing on yourself and your direction in life. If you want to go through with the animal shelter idea, contact them right away! If you want to write, make time out of your weekdays or weekends to focus on writing what you want. 3) Stay optimistic There will be days when you feel as if the whole world is against you, and sometimes it is. But that is a vital learning experience. Do not fall when life kicks you to the ground. You must get back up. One way to do that is to think about why you are looking for a sense of purpose and direction in your life. Generally, the end goal is to create a somewhat predictable state of happiness and meaning for yourself. Failing to think about your “why” may end in a sense of regret for not pursuing what you are passionate about. I know I love writing, and I strive to write every day. But I cannot beat myself up if I fail to write every day or I do not write something that I consider good. I need to persevere with my writing to become better at it since that is what provides me with direction and purpose in life.

  4. 4) You determine your purpose This one is difficult because we determine what is our purpose. Finding a focus is something you are passionate about, determining our purpose is different altogether. A purpose is not necessarily a hobby. It is your niche in life. A niche in life can be anything you want it to be. Maybe you strive to be the best friend and a caring mother/father to your children. That is your niche and gives you a sense of purpose. Maybe it is being the best cook in your family and always creating a smile on everyone's face when you go to a family reunion. It is whatever you make it. My dad went into the army to protect his country and family, that is his purpose, and it is inspiring. My mother went into teaching to impact the lives of the youth, that is what she determined to be her purpose in life. Finding your purpose can be big or small, but it is not any less meaningful since you determine it. 5) Reflect on the values that matter most to you Maybe you go through all these steps and realize that you need to make a major change to your life. That is okay. It can be a career change, halfway through your life. If your job makes you miserable every single day when you wake up in the morning, maybe it’s time to consider looking for another job. It is never too late to make yourself happy.

  5. Furthermore, reflecting on your values and what matters to you in life does not require a major lifestyle change. It is entirely up to you. Through reflection, you could discover things about yourself like passions and desires that make you a stronger and better person. These discoveries may lead to a small change. For instance, you might discover that you thoroughly enjoy meditating for a half-hour each morning and incorporate that into your daily routine. That bit of mediation may provide the necessary time you needed to rebalance and look for your sense of purpose and direction. Every person is different, and just because somebody you know has found a sense of direction through a career or hobby does not mean it applies to you. You are able to determine that by reflecting on what matters to you most, and maybe it's family and spending more time with them provides the happiness and fulfillment you are striving towards. Remember, these steps are what you do with them. The more effort you put into becoming familiar with yourself, the more likely you are to find your passion and purpose in life. Life is whatever you put into it, so put yourself and your happiness into it to find your sense of purpose.

  6. GET IN TOUCH Address - 6010 W Spring Creek Pkwy, Plano, TX 75024 Email - contact@blueskytalk.org Phone - 469-249-8928 Website - https://blueskytalk.org/

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