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Premises Liability Lawyers in Denver

Contact the Premises Liability Lawyers of The Bourassa Law Group right now at (303) 900-0575 for a Free consultation.

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Premises Liability Lawyers in Denver

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Premises Liability Lawyers inDenver Bourassa LawGroup

  2. BOURASSALAWGROUPISHEREFORYOU Ifyouhavesufferedaninjurywhileonsomeoneelse’sproperty,then youcantakelegalactionagainsttheresponsibleparty.Ourpremises liability lawyers in Denver will begin investigating your claim immediatelytosecureallformsofproofinordertoestablishthatthe property owner failed to maintain “reasonable care” over their property. www.blgwins.com

  3. Your Premises LiabilityRights INSTANCES OF PREMISES LIABILITY CLAIMS CAN INCLUDE: Slip and fallcases Injury caused by dangerous property conditions Dogbites Inadequate maintenance of the property ALANDOWNERMAY INCLUDE: Property owners Property managers Tenants Contractors Eventorganizers www.blgwins.com

  4. THE DIFFERENT TYPESOFVISITORS UNDER PREMISES LIABILITY Thetypesofvisitorsinpremisesliability cases fall into threecategories Invitees Licensees Trespassers www.blgwins.com

  5. COLORADO PREMISES LIABILITY ATTORNEYSYOUCANDEPENDON. Withspecial attention to your case, our attorneys are fully committed to helping build an unbeatable premises liability claim. We will do everything in our power to help you secure compensation for but not limitedto: Present and future medical bills Lostwages Pain and suffering Property damage Emotionaltraumaa www.blgwins.com

  6. CONTACTUS Bourassa LawGroup 1099 18th St, Suite2880 Denver, CO80202 (303)331-6186 blgintake@blgwins.com www.blgwins.com


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