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Copper. Humans have copper 2mg/kg of body weight. Cupper intake 2-5 mg/daily. CU is absorbed from stomach & upper small intestine. 80% Of absorbed CU excreted through the bile , 16% enter back the intestine and 4% excreted in urine.

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  1. Copper Humans have copper2mg/kg of body weight. Cupper intake 2-5 mg/daily. CU is absorbed from stomach & upper small intestine. 80% Of absorbedCUexcretedthrough the bile, 16% enterback the intestine and 4% excreted in urine. Copper disterbution is shown in diagram below :-

  2. Dietryintestineexcretion( feces ) Tissuesblood liver Cu – Alb 7% Ceruloplasmin 93% Cu- protein Bone marrow R.B.C kidney Urin Nonerthro- cuprein 40% Erthrocuprein 60%

  3. -: Rule of copper in humans 1 - It could facilitateironabsorption . 2 - It could be stimulatory to enzymes in hemoglobin biosynthesis pathways. 3 – It could be involved in mobilization of iron . 4 – Ceruloplasmine (cu-ptotein) enzyme oxidizes Fe2+ to Fe3+. 5 - Cu deficiency leads to lack of iron in new RBC. 6 – Cudeficiency in animals causes loss of hair color due to reduced tyrosinase activity. 7 - Tyrosinase converts tyrosine to the black pigment ( melanin ) .

  4. 8 – Cu is constituent of cytochrome oxidase which is important to phosphorylation ( ATP production) Copperdeficiency It could happend in infants due to severe copper deficiency which is characterized with : - Chronic diarrhea , leukocyte deficiency , with or without iron deficiency anemia . Excess copper storage :- It is a rare disease called Wilsons, disease (( 4-5/ miljon

  5. It is acondition of excess copper storage in liver, brainand kidneywhich produces hepatic cirrhosis, brain damage and kidney dafect . Patients have defective metallothionein, a metal-binding protein, in which binds copper so tightly than normal individules . Also the blood level of ceraloplasmin is solowbecause of high storage of copper in liver ,kidney and brain . Reversing symptoms by using –ve Cu balance, which is can be done by diet and use chelating agent eg. Penicillamine.

  6. Copper hepatotoxicity : - Result from long-term hemodialysis, because of metalic tap water used . Water used from these taps contain 1ppm added to dialysis fluid, which must be completly deionized . Copper sulfate : ( CuSO4) :- 1- Official antidote for phosphorouspoisoning . 2- Used as fungicide in agriculture and swimmingpools . 3-Used to test sugarindiabeticurine.Redppt. Of copper oxide is a positivetest. HO-- Cu2+ + sugar Cu2O + sugar acids

  7. Zinc ( Zn) It is associated with metalloenzymes such as :- alcohol-,lactic- and malat dehydrogenase,D-lactat cytochrom C and reductase . Zinc daily requirment is 10-15 mg which comes from meat ,fish, milk and nuts . Zinc deficiency :- Low Zn plasma levels are seen with alcoholic cirrhosis,tuberculous ,painless ulcers, pulmonaryinfections,mongolism,myocardial infraction,and pregnancy.

  8. Zinc toxicity Results from ingestionacidic food in metal containers and inhaling zincoxideby workers. Symptoms : chills,fever, coughing,salvation & headache. Zinc sulfate It is used orally for wond healing following surgery in doses 220mg /3 times daily. Only side effect is diarrhea. It is also used as topical astringent.

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