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Component Design

Component Design. By the end of the course each student will design and test a MIPS processor Datapath components will be designed and tested in the next few labs (registers, multiplexers, alu’s, etc.) Controller will be designed as a state machine

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Component Design

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  1. Component Design • By the end of the course each student will design and test a MIPS processor • Datapath components will be designed and tested in the next few labs (registers, multiplexers, alu’s, etc.) • Controller will be designed as a state machine • Controller and datapath will be combined and it will be used to run a machine program

  2. Reference Model Stimulus Generation Compare Design Design and Test Strategy • Each design will be tested by comparison to a reference model • Reference model should perform exactly as the real design • Both reference and design receive the same input

  3. Reference Model Reference model is behavioral, design is structural • A behavioral design is easier to create and easier to assume correct • Difficulties • A bug in either the reference model or the design will be detected • The reference model must be debugged before the design • The reference model may not be timing-accurate

  4. Reference Model Example module MUX_behav (f, sel, b, c); output reg f; input sel, a, b; always @ (sel or a or b) begin if (sel == 1) f = b; else f = a; end endmodule module MUX_struct (f, a, b, sel); output f; input a, b, sel; and #5 g1 (f1, a, nsel), g2 (f2, b, sel); or #5 g3 (f, f1, f2); not g4 (nsel, sel); endmodule Behavioral Reference Model Structural Design

  5. Testbench with Reference Model module mux_comp (mismatch, in1, in2, sel) input in1, in2, sel; output mismatch; wire out1, out2; MUX_behav m1 (out1, in1, in2, sel); MUX_struct m2 (out2, in1, in2, sel); xor x1 (mismatch, out1, out2); endmodule module mux_tb (mismatch) wire in1, in2, sel; output mismatch; mux_comp m1 (mismatch, in1, in2, sel); always … endmodule • Error is detected by observing the mismatch signal

  6. Reference Model for a Design with Timing module mult_struct (prod, in1, in2, clk) input [7:0] in1, in2; input clk; output [15:0] prod; // shift-add algorithm endmodule module mult_behav (prod, in1, in2) input [7:0] in1, in2; output [15:0] prod; res = in1 * in2; endmodule • Design is timing-accurate, reference model is not • Need to choose the sample points

  7. A Sample Clock module mult_tb wire in1, in2, clk, sclk; mult_comp m1 (in1, in2, clk, sclk); initial clk = 0; sclk = 0; always #5 sclk = ~sclk; always (sclk) #1 clk = ~clk; always … endmodule module mult_comp (in1, in2, clk, sclk) // declare inputs, outputs, wires mult_behav m1 (out1, in1, in2); mult_struct m2 (out2, in1, in2, clk); always (sclk) if (out1 != out2) $display(“error); endmodule • Signals must settle just before the clock • Sample clock rises just before regular clock

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