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Ivana Teodorović Univer sity of Nov i Sad Faculty of Sciences Dep t. Biology & Ecology

Workshop : Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation Zrenjanin, 27.10.10. Ecological status of the River Tamiš in Serbia - basis for development of the best water management practices for maintaining and enhancing the values of the River Tamiš.

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Ivana Teodorović Univer sity of Nov i Sad Faculty of Sciences Dep t. Biology & Ecology

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  1. Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation Zrenjanin, 27.10.10. Ecological status of the River Tamiš in Serbia - basis for development of the best water management practices for maintaining and enhancing the values of the River Tamiš Ivana Teodorović University of Novi Sad Faculty of Sciences Dept.Biology & Ecology

  2. Integrated water resource management Equitable use (including ecosystem as one of the users?) Taking into account all possible aspects and viewpoints UN Milenium Assessment 2005: concept of ecosystem goods and services – how to integrate into integrated water resource management? Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10.

  3. Water Framework Directive (WFD) Modern Bibleof water management Ultimate goal: good ecological & chemical status by 2015 Phylosophy: integrated management – catchment approach River Basin Management Plans 2009 (first cycle), iterations 2015 i 2021 Special focus on protected areas (water abstraction, Natura sites) Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10.

  4. Danube River Basin- DRBDMP ICPDR (Danube Convention, Serbia ratified, WFD – not mandatory, but commitment) – based on Roof Report 2004 Plan contains: Identification of significant pressures: organicpollution, nutrients, hazardoussubstances (priorityand DRBspecific priority), hydromorphological alterations) Identification of HMWB Risk assessment (failure to achieve good status) Program of measures Horizontal and vertical integrationwith other EU policy and legislation (Flood Directive, IPPC, Nitrate, Urban Waste Water, Bird, Habitat, Natura...) Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10.

  5. www.tamisproject.net

  6. Objectives Analyses of physical, chemical and biological quality elements needed for integrated assessment of ecological and chemical status of the Srbian section of the River Tamis Basis for integrated water management plans Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10.

  7. Hydrology, hiydromorphology Chemical and ecotoxicological analyses basic water quality parameters specific pollutantsin water and sediment bioaccumulationinfish Biological quality elements Qualitative and quantitative analysis of phyto, zooplankton, bottom fauna, fish and macrophytes microbiologyandchlorophyl a Physicalanalysis (radioactivity) Water, sediment, fish Project activities - defined by the ToR Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10.

  8. Hydrology (1) Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10. DRBDMP: Tamiš is an important Danube tributary (> 4000 km2), but not included into TNMN Total length 395 km, Serbia 118 km Catchment 7500 km2, Serbia 1500 km2 In Serbia only 1 tributary - Brzava Width 50-70 m, depth up to 7 m Connected with DTD (Botoš) Slope 0.002-0.006 ‰ Discharge at the confluence with the River Danube 50 m3/s 3 weirs, 1 ship lock

  9. Hydrology (2) Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10. 25 cm 30 cm Tomaševac N 45º 17,697“, E 20º 38,539“ 0-2 cm 15 cm 5-10 cm 0-5 cm Farkaždin N 45º 11,045“ , E 20º 28,916“ 40 cm 60 cm Pančevo N 44º 52,635“, E 20º 37,789“, 5-10cm

  10. Hydrology (3) Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10. Organic matter content 2.1 – 8.2 %

  11. Hydromorphology (1) Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10.

  12. Hydromorphology (2) RHS report – based on two indices: Habitat Quality Assessment - HQA - describes the diversity of river habitats and objects Hydromorphological modification - HMS - occurrence, frequency and importance of modifications in the river bed / indicates the level ofanthropogenic alterations Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10.

  13. Hydromorphology (3) Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10. The River Tamis is being evaluated as medium to significantly modified water body (HMC classes 3 and 4) In spite of all river regulations undertaken in the past, the River Tamis can still be regarded as a water body of high habitat potential and diversity. Implementation of the adaptive management might decrease HMC for an order of magnitude

  14. Water chemistry- Basic water quality parameters Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10. Water quality at Jaša Tomić generally good (I – II class) At the sampling site upstream the city of Pančevo, all water quality parameters exceed the national environmental standards set for I-II class as well as ICPDR target values

  15. Water chemistry- Water quality (2): nutrients Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10. Concentrations of nitrates and orthophosphate exceed III-IV and V class, respectively

  16. Water chemistry- Metalsinwater Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10. Contentof Cd, Pb, Hg and As within I/II class values

  17. Water chemistrySpecific organic pollutants in water Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10. According tocontents of PAHs, organochlorine pesticidsand PCBs water of the river Tamiš can be classified as I/II class • PAH • benzo(b)fluoranthen, benzo(k)fluoranthen and indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene (priority pollutants) and dibenzo(a,h)anthracene i phenanthrene, were detected in concentrations above the practical quantisation limits. • Concentrations of Benzo(b)- and benzo(k)fluoranthene remain below 15 ng/l - EU environmental quality standard • Sum of dibenzo(a,h)anthraceneand indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene - 15 ng/l –comparison with EU regulation not possible as it is set for the sum of benzo(g,h,i)perylene and indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene • Phenanthrene – along the river in spring and summer up to 12 ng/l. • Te rest of PAHs <2,0 ng/l and/or <0,8 ng/l • According to national regulations, content of PAHs remains within the limits of water class I-II • Organochlorine pesticids • Heptachlorepoxside is the only organochlorine pesticide detected(Jabuka, autumn) 8,76 ng/l far bellow I/II class values (18 µg/l) set by national regulations • All other pesticide <5,0 ng/l and /or <2,0 ng/l

  18. Sediment qualityMetals in sediments Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10. As regard to contamination by hazardous substances, sediment quality is generally good

  19. Sediment qualityMineral oils Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10. Mineral oils – the highest load at the sampling site Jasa Tomić-Sečanj – class 3 In samples from other two sites remains within class 2 – slightly contaminated

  20. Sediment quality - PAHs Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10. Sediment not contaminated with PAHs

  21. Sediment qualityOrganochlorine pesticides and PCBs Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10. Organochlorine pesticides - mainlyclass 0 and 1 Sediment not contaminated with PCBs

  22. (Eco)toxicologyMetals in edible fish tissue Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10. No human health risk

  23. (Eco)toxicologyPAHs in edible fish tissue Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10. No human health risk

  24. (Eco)toxicologyPCBsand organochlorine pesticidesin edible fish tissue Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10. No human health risk

  25. Physical analyses (1) Radionuclides in water Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10. radionuclides were not detected in the tested samples

  26. Physical analyses (2) Radionuclides in sediments Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10. Dalmacija, B., Prica, M., Ivančev – Tumbas, I., van der Kooij, A., Roncevic, S., Krcmar, D., Bikit, I, Teodorovic, I. (2006). Pollution of the Begej Canal sediment – metals, radioactivity and toxicity assessment. Environment International, 32, 606 – 615. The measured radioactivity didn’t deviate from usual values for agricultural soil in Vojvodina No indication for the presence of depleted uranium

  27. Physical analyses (3) Radionuclides in biota Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10.

  28. Physical analyses (4) Radionuclides in biota Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10. No human health risk

  29. Biological quality elements- Vegetation (1) The wetland and freshwater vegetation of Panonian basin, predetermined by potential natural vegetation type of Salici-Populetum, has been changed recently due to the irrigation and human pressure Intrazonal submersed plant community: Ceratophylletum demersi and Myriophyllo-Potametum Submersed invasive species such as Elodea Canadensis and Vallisneria spiralis overabundant submersed vegetation is typically the result of introduction of invasive species which out-compete native plants, and grow unchecked by authentic herbivores or parasites. Floating vegetation is represented with a pioneer community Salivinio-Spirodeletum polyrrizae and typical Nymphaetum albo-lutae and Hydrochari nimphoidetum peltatae fragments. typical Phragmitetea species are present with a somewhat similar presence level. Within this group association of emerged vegetation of reed in stagnant and slow-flowing waters Scirpo–Phragmitetum is dominating. Serbian Red List taxa Trapa nattans agg and Nymphae alba give a significant natural relevance to the researched area Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10.

  30. Biological quality elements Vegetation (2) Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10.

  31. Biological quality elements Vegetation (3) Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10. Corine – 11 habitat types EUNIS classification: 48 habitat types

  32. Biological quality elements Vegetation+ habitats (4) Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10. Without L With L stretch

  33. Biological quality elementsPhytoplankton (1) Autumn – 40 taxa, 6 classes Summer: 56 species, 5 classes Spring: 36 taxa, 5 classes Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10. Saprobic index: beta-mezosaprobic typeeg. II water quality class

  34. Biological quality elementsPhytoplankton (2) Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10. Chlorophyll a (mg/m3)

  35. Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10. Biological quality elementsZooplankton (1) • Zooplankton community is underdeveloped, which particularly stands for euriplanktonic species. • Among the registered taxa, the majority belong to phytophylic species. • The communities, regardless of sampling site and the season, are dominated by the group Rotatoria. • Group Cladocera is represented by phytophylic species only. • Within the group Copepoda only larval stages nauplius and copepodit have been recorded

  36. Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10. Biological quality elementsZooplankton (2) • Saprobic index ranged from oligo toβmezosaprobic. • Such a low values are most probably caused by the dominance of phytophylic species which individual saprobic value proved inadequate for such types of water bodies. Therefore, it could be speculated that the real saprobic status might be considerably higher.

  37. Biological quality elementsBottom fauna (1) Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10. 11 groupsof aquatic macroinvertebrates Group Oligochaeta - 13 species; Djukić et al, 1987 - 6 oligochaeta species

  38. Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10. Biological quality elements- Bottom fauna (2) • Jaša Tomić: in total5 groups: Bivalvia, Oligochaeta, Diptera, Odonata i Trichoptera • Sečanj: in total 3 groupsBivalvia, Oligochaeta i Diptera • Tomaševac: in total 11 groupsAmphipoda, Bivalvia, Oligochaeta , Turbellaria, Hirudinea, Ephemeroptera, Diptera, Odonata, Trichoptera, Gastropoda, Isopoda • Farkaždin: in total 6 groupsAmphipoda, Bivalvia, Gastropoda,Oligochaeta, Diptera, Trichoptera • Opovo: in total 6 groups : Amphipoda, Bivalvia, Gastropoda, Oligochaeta, Diptera i Odonata • Pančevo: in total 5 groups: Bivalvia,Gastropoda, Hirudinea, Oligochaeta i Diptera

  39. Biological quality elementsBottom fauna (3) Opovo Farkaždin Pančevo Tomaševac Jaša Tomić Sečanj Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10.

  40. Biological quality elementsBottom fauna (4) Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10. Principle group of macrozoobenthos – Group Oligochaeta Saprobic index(Pantle- Buck)α – mezosabrobic zone,water quality class III

  41. Biological quality elementsFish fauna (1) Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10. 34 species PUJIN et al., 1987 20 species MALETIN et al., 1998 28 species 22 genera 8 famillies

  42. Biological quality elements- Fish fauna (2) Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10. 2 vulnerable, 6 rare, 11 common and 9 exotic species Absolute value of fish fauna 28, relative value 1.04.

  43. Biological quality elements- Fish fauna (3) Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10. Saprobic Index

  44. Biological quality elements- Fish fauna (4) Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10.

  45. Biological quality elements-Fish fauna (5) Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10. Pike: 1+ - 3+, sex ratio 3:1 Foulton’s coefficient 0.9 Pike-perch: 0+ - 5+, sex ratio 3:1 Foulton’s coefficient 1.06 - 1.13 Asp: 0+ - 5+, sex-ratio 1:1 Foulton’s coefficient 1.38 - 1.47

  46. Biological quality elements- Fish fauna (6) Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10. Bream: 1+ - 5+, sex ratio 2:1 Foulton’s coefficient 1.82 – 2.05 Blicca bjoerkna: 0+ - 5+, sex ratio 1:1 Foulton’s coefficient 1.77 – 2.41 Carp: 0+ - 5+, sex ratio 2:1 Foulton’s coefficient 1.95 - 2.27

  47. Biological quality elements- Fish fauna (7) Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10. Goldfish: 1+ - 5+, sex ratio 1:1 Foulton’s coefficient 2.82 – 2.99

  48. Biological quality elements- Microbiology (1) Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10. IFA I-II class – slight organicpollution Heterothrophs

  49. Biological quality elements- Microbiology (2) Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10. E.coli Totalcoliforms(TC) II-III class Escherichia coli– II class Totalcoliformes

  50. Workshop: Building Capacity – Supporting the Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation, Zrenjanin, 27.10.10. Concluding remarks (1) • Water quality at the border sampling site Jaša Tomić is generally good (I – II class), with the exception of nitrate (III-IV class) and orthophosphate (V class) concentrations. However, at the sampling site upstream the city of Pančevo, all water quality parameters exceed the national environmental standards set for I-II class as well as ICPDR target values. • The content of hazardous substances and priority pollutants remain below the EQS. • Radionuclides have not been detected in water column. • According to the saprobic index values based on the structure and composition of phytoplankton and fish fauna, the River Tamis belongs to -mezosaprobic type of waters (II class) along the whole stretch, while values based on zooplankton indicate even lower saprobic status - oligo to β mezosaprobic. • According to the number of heterotrophic bacteria, the river Tamis water can be classified into I-II class. • The total number of coliforms indicates II – III class, while the number of faecal coliforms (Escherichia coli) reaches the values for moderately polluted water bodies (II class).

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