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CSIS-385: Analysis of Algorithms

CSIS-385: Analysis of Algorithms. Dr. Eric Breimer. Course Info. CSIS-385: Analysis of Algorithms (Spring 2007) Lecture: Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9:20AM - 10:15PM, RB302 Website: http://www.cs.siena.edu/~ebreimer/courses/csis-385-s07/ OR use Google  “Dr. Eric Breimer”. Instructor.

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CSIS-385: Analysis of Algorithms

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  1. CSIS-385: Analysis of Algorithms Dr. Eric Breimer

  2. Course Info • CSIS-385: Analysis of Algorithms (Spring 2007) • Lecture: Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9:20AM - 10:15PM, RB302 • Website: http://www.cs.siena.edu/~ebreimer/courses/csis-385-s07/ • OR use Google  “Dr. Eric Breimer”

  3. Instructor Dr. Eric Breimer • ebreimer@siena.edu • 786-5084 • RB 311 • Office Hours:Mon, Wed, & Fri 10:15 - 11:15 AMTues & Thurs 1:30 - 2:25 PM

  4. Textbook • Algorithms, 1/e • Richard Johnsonbaugh and • Marcus Schaefer

  5. Prerequisites • CSIS-210 • MATH-250

  6. Topics • Mathematics for Algorithms: Order Notation, Mathematic Induction, Recurrence Relations, Graph and Tree Notation • Data Structures: Stacks & Queues, Linked Lists, Binary Trees, Priority Queues, Heaps, and Heapsort • Searching Techniques: Binary Search, DFS & BFS, Topological Sort, Backtracking

  7. Topics • Divide and Conquer Algorithms: Mergesort, Closest Pair Problem, Matrix Multiplication • Sorting and Selection Algorithms: Insertions Sort, Quicksort, Radix Sort • Greedy Algorithms: Kruskal's and Prim's Algorithms, Dijkstra's Algorithm, Huffman Codes, Knapsack Problem

  8. Topics • Dynamic Programming: Matrix Multiplication, Longest Common Subsequence Problem, Floyd and Warshall Algorithms • Text Searching: KMP Algorithm, Boyer-Moore-Horspool Algorithms, Approximate Pattern Matching • P and NP Problems: Graph Coloring, Hamiltonian Cycles, TSP, Satisfiability, Independent Set, and Cliques

  9. Grading • Your final numeric average will be based on the following weights: • 40% Homework • 30% 2 Exams • 20% Final Exam • 10% Lecture Attendance & Participation

  10. A 93.0 or higher avg. 90.0 or higher on the final exam A- 90.0 or higher B+ 87.0 or higher B 83.0 or higher B- 80.0 or higher C+ 77.0 or higher C 73.0 or higher C- 70.0 or higher D+ 67.0 or higher D 63.0 or higher D- 60.0 or higher F less than 60.0 Letter grades

  11. Homework (40%) • At least 6 homework assignments. • Each homework • Can include as many a 45 problems from the book • Can take 20+ hours of work • Some homework will include a small programming “task” • Start early: if you start the day before it is due, you are doomed!

  12. Exams (30%) • 2 exams (15% each) • Look on the schedule for the dates • Don’t miss these dates unless you • Are so sick that you have to see a doctor. • Have contacted student affairs with a serious personal emergency.

  13. No Late Homeworks • Homework must be submitted at the beginning of lecture on the due date • or you can submit it before the due date. • If you are absent or late for lecture when an assignment is due, you will recieve a grade of zero unless you get it to me ahead of time. • I highly recommend that students plan ahead to start assignments as soon as possible.

  14. Final Exam (20%) • A cumulative final exam will be given during finals week. • To receive an A in this course, you must score a 90 or higher (after curving) on the final exam.

  15. Attendance and Participation (10%) • 1% penalty for second absence . • additional 3% penalty for every absence after the second • maximum of 10%. • For example • missing 5 lectures is 10% • missing 4 is 7%; • missing 3 is 4%, • missing 2 is 1%.

  16. Attendance Policy • You are expected to attend every class. • Be aware of the following penalties: • You can receive up to a 10% penalty toward you final average for excessive absence and/or lateness. • In addition: • An unexcused absence on the day will result in a zero on an exam (15%)

  17. Excused Absences • You can be excused (not penalize) and allowed to makeup missed work for serious issues. • For illness or medical emergencies, show documentation (a doctor's note). • For family emergencies or other serious commitments, contact student affairs or the counseling center. • If you are concerned that an absence will not be excused, you should contact the instructor as soon as possible.

  18. Academic Integrity • Cheating on a homework or an exam will result in • an automatic grade of zero • a letter grade reduction on your final grade. • Second offense • automatically failure the course • formal letter send to the academic affairs

  19. Academic Integrity • For individual work: • You can discuss the problems and general ideas for how to approach a problem • But, your solution should be your own work and you should guard it from plagiarism. • Never compose your answers with the help of other students or tutors. • Excessive similarity in homework answers will be consider plagiarism. • If you can not adequately explain your solution to a problem, you will receive a zero for that problem.

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