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Thesis/Brainstorming/Outline. Ms. Logan English I. Thesis Statement. Purpose: Outlines your paper for the reader in a brief sentence in the introduction. This is a very simple formula for a thesis: OPINION + (3) BECAUSE STATEMENTS = THESIS

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  1. Thesis/Brainstorming/Outline Ms. Logan English I

  2. Thesis Statement • Purpose: Outlines your paper for the reader in a brief sentence in the introduction.

  3. This is a very simple formula for a thesis: • OPINION + (3) BECAUSE STATEMENTS = THESIS Ex: School uniforms are bad because they limit a student’s freedom of speech, encourage student apathy, and cost the student’s parents more money than an alternate outfit.


  5. Brainstorming • Always important to the writing process. • Webbing • T-chart • Venn diagram

  6. Why the extra step? • The more EVIDENCE you provide, the better equipped you will be to write. • 9th-grade English considers “Reader Response” the most important part of the thinking process

  7. Reader Response • Who is the intended audience? • Intended reader vs actual reader • How did the author meant for the work to be received? • Intended as art or as fact • How did the author’s life affect the composition? • Rarely considered in modern analysis for fiction • Important for the reception of biography

  8. Example • Prompt: What did you find most intriguing about the society in Scott Westerfeld’sUglies? People rush to the newsstands to read about Kristen Stewart’s latest affair; this demonstrates a complete lack of understanding on what life is all about. In Scott Westerfeld’sUglies, I found the way Tally perceives actual beauty is contradictory to our culture’s outlook, and her subsequent epiphany after a confrontation with her parents. Tally eventually tries to find out what life is actually meant to represent, and I appreciate her struggle with both internal and external forces.

  9. With effective brainstorming and a good thesis, you can create a very organized outline to guide your writing. THE MORE ORGANIZED YOU ARE, THE EASIER IT WILL BE TO COMPOSE YOUR ESSAY.

  10. Sample Outline • Keep your thesis handy!!! In Scott Westerfeld’sUglies, I found the way Tally perceives actual beauty is contradictory to our culture’s outlook, and her subsequent epiphany after a confrontation with her parents.

  11. In Scott Westerfeld’sUglies, I found the way Tally perceives actual beauty is contradictory to our culture’s outlook, and her subsequent epiphany after a confrontation with her parents. • Introduction • Hook, thesis, transition statement • Paragraph One: How Tally perceives beauty • Detail: does not like her own reflection at first and looks forward to the surgery • Detail: tries to get her friend Shay to feel as “ugly” as she herself does • Paragraph Two: When Tally realizes her society is shallow • Detail: Her parents suddenly seem vapid to her when they don’t offer any good advice and just want her to conform • Detail: David tells her about growing up in the wild and she suddenly has an epiphany that other people grow up “ugly” all their lives and are perfectly happy

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