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A proposed alert-level notification system for all U.S. volcanoes

A proposed alert-level notification system for all U.S. volcanoes. C.A. Gardner, M.C. Guffanti, C.C. Heliker, D.P. Hill, J.B. Lowenstern and T.L. Murray. The U.S is rich in volcanoes. AVO. ~ 170 past 10,000 yrs ~ 80 historical time ~ 50 monitored. YVO. CVO. LVO.

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A proposed alert-level notification system for all U.S. volcanoes

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  1. A proposed alert-level notification system for all U.S. volcanoes C.A. Gardner, M.C. Guffanti, C.C. Heliker, D.P. Hill, J.B. Lowenstern and T.L. Murray

  2. The U.S is rich in volcanoes AVO ~ 170 past 10,000 yrs ~ 80 historical time ~ 50 monitored YVO CVO LVO 5 volcano observatories/ 3 alert level systems HVO

  3. Our goal is a single system that: • can accommodate all styles, sizes and durations of volcanic activity • is useful to both aviation and ground-based communities • works during escalating and de-escalating activity • does not erupt existing effective communication or protocols

  4. Proposed System

  5. Elements of the proposed system • color compatible with the current aviation color code • term compatible with NWS system for ground-based hazards • description based on activity at the volcano • no specific language regarding plume height or forecast of activity • information regarding plume height and forecast part of text accompanying change in alert levels or updates ALASKA VOLCANO OBSERVATORY CURRENT STATUS REPORT Thursday, June 10, 2004 3:50 PM ADT (23:50 UTC) MOUNT VENIAMINOF (CAVW#1102-07) 53° 10’N 159°23’W Summit Cone elevation 10,016 ft; 3,053 m) CURRENT LEVEL OF CONCERN COLOR CODE: YELLOW Episodes of low-level tremor were recorded at Mount Veniaminof throughout the day. Several episodes were of similar amplitude to those that in the past were accompanied by short-duration, small ash emissions (less than 10,000 feet above sea level). Clouds continue to obscure the volcano in satellite data and web camera images. Activity at Mount Veniaminof can increase quickly and small ash emissions that pose a hazard to people and low-flying aircraft in the vicinity of the caldera may occur with little or no warning.

  6. Feedback • from the aviation community to ensure effective communication • from the volcano community to discuss other approaches - someday a worldwide scheme?

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