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Expanding Access to Cervical Cancer Prevention: QIAGEN's Commitment

QIAGEN is working towards eliminating cervical cancer by expanding access to screening technologies and prevention tools. Join the global partnership in educating, advocating, and mobilizing governments to make a difference.

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Expanding Access to Cervical Cancer Prevention: QIAGEN's Commitment

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Presentation Transcript

  1. QIAGEN:Making Improvements in Life Possible Improving the lives of women around the world by expanding access to screening technologies and working to eliminate cervical cancer

  2. Cervical Cancer:A known cause, yet prevention restrained by access The Cause Cervical cancer has a single primary cause: human papillomavirus Testing for high-risk types of HPV is proven to be very effective Intervene to remove abnormal cells before they become cancerous The Paradox Cervical cancer is preventable because its cause is known Still the No. 2 cause of cancer death among women worldwide 300,000 women die of cervical cancer each year – 80% in developing countries The Challenge Improve access. Increase political will. Engage with partners. In countries around the world.

  3. Solutions: What Does it Take to Eliminate Cervical Cancer? A comprehensive approach to cervical cancer prevention: Screening and treatment HPV vaccination of young girls • The cause is known. The prevention tools are available. The challenge is access. • For the sake of women everywhere, access needs to be improved. • QIAGEN is taking the lead.

  4. QIAGEN Working to Expand Access to Preventive Tools careHPV • New HPV test customized for low-resource settings • Donation of 1.5 million tests for developing world Comprehensive HPV prevention collaboration

  5. What You Can Do to Help Eliminate Cervical Cancer Partnership required – No one can do this alone We need greater alignment among all partners to ensure sustainable progress GlobeWomen from Companies, Governments and NGOs • Educate yourself, staff and constituents about prevention • Educate legislators and mobilize governments • Encourage policies to support accessible prevention • Assure that insurance plans cover screening/ vaccination • Engage advocates and attract media attention • Seek partners to host educational session, launch local pilots/demonstration projects • >300,000 lives per year depend on the outcome of our collective efforts

  6. Working Together We Can End Cervical Cancer

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