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Chapter S2 Space and Time

Chapter S2 Space and Time. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Einstein. S2.1 Einstein’s Revolution. Our goals for learning What are the major ideas of special relativity? What is “relative” about relativity?. What are the major ideas of special relativity?.

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Chapter S2 Space and Time

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  1. Chapter S2Space and Time http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Einstein

  2. S2.1 Einstein’s Revolution • Our goals for learning • What are the major ideas of special relativity? • What is “relative” about relativity?

  3. What are the major ideas of special relativity?

  4. Einstein’s Theories of Relativity • Special Theory of Relativity (1905) • Usual notions of space and time must be revised for speeds approaching light speed (c) • E = mc2 • General Theory of Relativity (1915) • Expands the ideas of special theory to include a surprising new view of gravity

  5. Key Ideas of Special Relativity • No material object can travel faster than light • If you observe something moving near light speed: • Its time slows down • Its length contracts in direction of motion • Its mass increases, or its momentum no longer increases linearly with velocity for sure! • Whether or not two events are simultaneous depends on your perspective

  6. What’s relative about relativity?

  7. Relativity of Motion • Motion is not absolute—we must measure speed of one object relative to another • Example: Plane moving at 1,670 km/hr from E to W would appear from space to be standing still

  8. Absolutes of Relativity • The laws of nature are the same for everyone • The speed of light is the same for everyone All of relativity follows from these two ideas!

  9. Making Sense of Relativity • As children, we revised our ideas of “up” and “down” when we learned that Earth is round • Relativity forces us to revise how we think of “space” and “time”

  10. What have we learned? • What are the major ideas of special relativity? • No material object can exceed the speed of light • We must revise our notions of space and time when dealing with objects near light speed • What is “relative” about relativity? • All motion is relative • But laws of nature, including the speed of light, are the same for everybody

  11. S2.2 Relative Motion • Our goals for learning • How did Einstein think about motion? • What’s surprising about the absoluteness of the speed of light • Why can’t we reach the speed of light?

  12. How did Einstein think about motion?

  13. Reference Frames Ball moves at 10 km/hr in reference frame of plane • Motion can be defined with respect to a particular frame of reference Ball moves at 910 km/hr in reference frame of someone on ground

  14. Absoluteness of Light Speed Light moves at exactly speed c • Einstein claimed that light should move at exactly c in all reference frames (now experimentally verified) Light moves at exactly speed c (not c + 900 km/hr)

  15. What’s surprising about the absoluteness of the speed of light? Light moves at exactly speed c Light moves at exactly speed c (not c + 900 km/hr)

  16. Thought Experiments • Einstein explored the consequences of the absoluteness of light speed using “thought experiments” • The consequences will be easiest for us to visualize with thought experiments involving spaceships in freely floating reference frames (no gravity or acceleration)

  17. Relativity of Motion at Low Speeds

  18. Relativity of Motion at Low Speeds

  19. Relativity of Motion at High Speeds

  20. Light Speed is Absolute c + 0.9c = c !?!

  21. Relativity of Motion

  22. Why can’t we reach the speed of light?

  23. Trying to Catch up to Light • Suppose you tried to catch up to your own headlight beams • You’d always see them moving away at speed c • Anyone else would also see the light moving ahead of you

  24. Special Topic: What if Light Can’t Catch You • Is there a loophole? • What if you’re somehow moving away from a distant planet faster than the speed of light? • In that case you have no way of detecting that the planet is there. • Although there are some phenomena that move faster than light, no information can be communicated faster than the speed of light

  25. What have we learned? • How did Einstein think about motion? • Motion must be defined with respect to a reference frame • What’s surprising about the absoluteness of the speed of light • Velocities in different reference frames do not add up like we expect them to because the speed of light must be the same for everyone • Why can’t we reach the speed of light? • No matter how fast we go, light will always appear to move away from us at speed c

  26. S2.3 The Reality of Space and Time • Our goals for learning • How does relativity affect our view of time and space? • Do the effects predicted by relativity really occur?

  27. How does relativity affect our view of time and space?

  28. Path of Ball in a Stationary Train • Thinking about the motion of a ball on a train will prepare us for the next thought experiment

  29. Path of Ball in a Moving Train • Someone outside the train would see the ball travel a longer path in one up-down cycle • The faster the train is moving, the longer that path would be

  30. Time Dilation • We can perform a thought experiment with a light beam replacing the ball • The light beam, moving at c, travels a longer path in a moving object • Time must be passing more slowly there

  31. The Time Dilation Formula Light path in your reference frame Light path in frame of other spaceship

  32. The Time Dilation Formula • Time will appear to pass more slowly in a moving object by an amount depending on its speed • Time almost halts for objects nearing the speed of light

  33. Simultaneous Events? • In your reference frame, red and green lights on other spaceship appear to flash simultaneously

  34. Simultaneous Events? • But someone on the other spaceship sees the green light flash first—simultaneity is relative!

  35. Length Contraction • Similar thought experiments tell us that an object’s length becomes shorter in its direction of motion

  36. Mass Increase • A force applied to a rapidly moving object produces less acceleration than if the object were motionless • This effect can be attributed to a mass increase in the moving object, or a momentum increase with velocity that is no longer linear, i.e. p=mv where =1/√1-(v/c)2 .

  37. Velocity Addition

  38. Formulas of Special Relativity

  39. Deriving E = mc2 Mass-Energy of object at rest Kinetic Energy

  40. Do the effects predicted by relativity really occur?

  41. Tests of Relativity • First evidence for absoluteness of speed of light came from the Michaelson-Morley Experimentperformed in 1887, the year Albert Einstein turned 8 years old. • Time dilation happens routinely to subatomic particles the approach the speed of light in accelerators • Time dilation has also been verified through precision measurements in airplanes moving at much slower speeds

  42. Tests of Special Relativity • Prediction that E=mc2 is verified daily in nuclear reactors and in the core of the Sun and every bright star in the sky. Kind of important in astronomy huh!

  43. Test Relativity for Yourself • If speed of light were not absolute, binary stars would not look like two distinct points of light • You can verify relativity by simply looking through a telescope at a binary star system

  44. A Paradox of Non-Relativistic Thinking • If speed of light were not absolute, you would see the car coming toward you reach the collision point before the car it struck • No paradox if light speed is same for everyone

  45. What have we learned? • How does relativity affect our view of time and space? • Time slows down for moving objects • Lengths shorten for moving objects • Relativistic Mass of a moving object increases • Momentum no longer increases linearly with speed • Simultaneity of events depends on your perspective • Do the effects predicted by relativity really occur? • Relativity has been confirmed by many different experiments

  46. S2.4 Toward a New Common Sense • Our goals for learning • How can we make sense of relativity? • How does special relativity offer us a ticket to the stars?

  47. How can we make sense of relativity?

  48. Making Sense of Relativity • According to you, time slows down in a moving spaceship • According to someone on that spaceship, your time slows down • Who is right? • You both are, because time is not absolute but depends on your perspective

  49. Toward a New Common Sense • As children we learned that “up” and “down” are relative • Relativity tells us that “time” and “space” are relative

  50. How does relativity offer us a ticket to the stars?

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