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Semi-supervised learning and self-training

Semi-supervised learning and self-training. LING 572 Fei Xia 02/14/06. Outline. Overview of Semi-supervised learning (SSL) Self-training (a.k.a. Bootstrapping). Additional Reference. Xiaojin Zhu (2006): Semi-supervised learning literature survey.

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Semi-supervised learning and self-training

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  1. Semi-supervised learning and self-training LING 572 Fei Xia 02/14/06

  2. Outline • Overview of Semi-supervised learning (SSL) • Self-training (a.k.a. Bootstrapping)

  3. Additional Reference • Xiaojin Zhu (2006): Semi-supervised learning literature survey. • Olivier Chapelle et al. (2005): Semi-supervised Learning. The MIT Press.

  4. Overview of SSL

  5. What is SSL? • Labeled data: • Ex: POS tagging: tagged sentences • Creating labeled data is difficult, expensive, and/or time-consuming. • Unlabeled data: • Ex: POS tagging: untagged sentences. • Obtaining unlabeled data is easier. • Goal: use both labeled and unlabeled data to improve the performance

  6. Learning • Supervised (labeled data only) • Semi-supervised (both labeled and unlabeled data) • Unsupervised (unlabeled data only) • Problems: • Classification • Regression • Clustering • …  Focus on semi-supervised classification problem

  7. A brief history of SSL • The idea of self-training appeared in the 1960s. • SSL took off in the 1970s. • The interest for SSL increased in the 1990s, mostly due to applications in NLP.

  8. Does SSL work? • Yes, under certain conditions. • Problem itself: the knowledge on p(x) carry information that is useful in the inference of p(y | x). • Algorithm: the modeling assumption fits well with the problem structure. • SSL will be most useful when there are far more unlabeled data than labeled data. • SSL could degrade the performance when mistakes reinforce themselves.

  9. Illustration(Zhu, 2006)

  10. Illustration (cont)

  11. Assumptions • Smoothness (continuity) assumption: if two points x1 and x2in a high-density region are close, then so should be the corresponding outputs y1 and y2. • Cluster assumption: If points are in the same cluster, they are likely to be of the same class. Low density separation: the decision boundary should lie in a low density region. • ….

  12. SSL algorithms • Self-training • Co-training • Generative models: • Ex: EM with generative mixture models • Low Density Separations: • Ex: Transductive SVM • Graph-based models

  13. Which SSL method should we use? • It depends. • Semi-supervised methods make strong model assumptions. Choose the ones whose assumptions fit the problem structure.

  14. Semi-supervised and active learning • They address the same issue: labeled data are hard to get. • Semi-supervised: choose the unlabeled data to be added to the labeled data. • Active learning: choose the unlabeled data to be annotated.

  15. Self-training

  16. Basics of self-training • Probably the earliest SSL idea. • Also called self-teaching or bootstrapping. • Appeared in the 1960s and 1970s. • First well-known NLP paper: (Yarowsky, 1995)

  17. Self-training algorithm • Let L be the set of labeled data, U be the set of unlabeled data. • Repeat • Train a classifier h with training data L • Classify data in U with h • Find a subset U’ of U with the most confident scores. • L + U’  L • U – U’  U

  18. Case study: (Yarowsky, 1995)

  19. Setting • Task: WSD • Ex: plant: living / factory • “Unsupervised”: just need a few seed collocations for each sense. • Learner: Decision list

  20. Assumption #1: One sense per collocation • Nearby words provide strong and consistent clues to the sense of a target word. • The effect varies depending on the type of collocation • It is strongest for immediately adjacent collocations. • Assumption #1  Use collocations in the decision rules.

  21. Assumption #2: One sense per discourse • The sense of a target word is highly consistent within any given document. • The assumption holds most of the time (99.8% in their experiment) • Assumption #2  filter and augment the addition of unlabeled data.

  22. Step 1: identify all examples of the given word: “plant” Our sample set S

  23. Step 2: Create initial labeled data using a small number of seed collocations Sense A: “life” Our L(0) Sense B: “manufacturing” U(0) = S – L(0): residual data set.

  24. Initial “labeled” data

  25. Step 3a: Train a BL classifier

  26. Step 3b: Apply the classifier to the entire set • Add to L the members in U which are tagged with prob above a threshold. or

  27. Step 3c: filter and augment this addition with assumption #2

  28. Repeat step 3 until converge

  29. The final DL classifier

  30. The original algorithm Keep initial labeling unchanged.

  31. Options for obtaining the seeds • Use words in dictionary definitions • Use a single defining collocate for each sense: • Ex: “bird” and “machine” for the word “crane” • Label salient corpus collocates: • Collect frequent collocates • Manually check the collocates  Getting the seeds is not hard.

  32. Performance Baseline: 63.9% Supervised learning: 96.1% Unsupervised learning: 90.6% - 96.5%

  33. Why does it work? • (Steven Abney, 2004): “Understanding the Yarowsky Algorithm”

  34. Summary of self-training • The algorithm is straightforward and intuitive. • It produces outstanding results. • Added unlabeled data pollute the original labeled data:

  35. Additional slides

  36. Papers on self-training • Yarowsky (1995): WSD • Riloff et al. (2003): identify subjective nouns • Maeireizo et al. (2004): classify dialogues as “emotional” or “non-emotional”.

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