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Guiding Principles for Success and Happiness

Professor McDermott offers guidelines for a successful career and a happy life, emphasizing the importance of little things, building relationships, maintaining a positive attitude, being mindful of confidences, embracing change, learning from mistakes, taking action, serving others, and having integrity.

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Guiding Principles for Success and Happiness

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  1. Professor McDermott’s… Guidelines for a successful career… and a happy life

  2. Recognize the importance of the “little things” Sometimes when I consider what tremendous consequences come from little things… I am tempted to think… there are no little things - Bruce Barton

  3. Be a people builder

  4. Build your subordinates • Choose subordinates who are smarter than you • Help them move up the organization

  5. Support your boss • Analyze your boss and try to supplement his or her weaknesses • Let your boss take the credit • If he or she moves up, so will you

  6. Don’t criticize your predecessor

  7. Remember that how you do something is often as important as what you do! • Contrary to popular belief, the shortest distance between two points is usually not a straight line.

  8. Axiom… It isn’t enough to be sincere, one must be right… It isn’t enough to be right, one must be effective!

  9. Build teams • Don’t select someone who is just like you • Education • Temperament • Viewpoint • Willingness to take risks

  10. Be optimistic • Great leaders are optimists • That doesn’t mean you have to take a Pollyanna approach to life

  11. Recognize the importance of attitude! Your life is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens. - John Homer Miller

  12. Attitude The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind. - William James

  13. Be careful with confidences • If you say something behind a person’s back, it will not only get back to him or her but in an exaggerated form

  14. Get all the facts before you act

  15. Focus on the right question • Is it more important than the right answer ? ? ?

  16. Listen more, talk less

  17. Re-evaluate old “truths” • Things change • Be open to new viewpoints • Don’t think in clichés • Don’t be trendy

  18. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes

  19. Allow other to make mistakes • If you don’t • People won’t take risks • Employees won’t innovate • Employees will spend their time finger pointing, trying to find ways to cover themselves instead of ding the creative things the organization needs done to grow

  20. Allow other to make mistakes • If your subordinates never make a mistake they aren’t • Innovating • Stretching • Growing

  21. Mistakes • That doesn’t mean we make stupid mistakes or that we make the same mistake twice • That doesn’t mean we make mistakes because we haven’t done our homework

  22. Be a doer When all is said and done, usually more is said than done…

  23. Be a ‘doer’ Success… seems to be connected with action. Successful men keep moving. They make mistakes by they don’t quit. - Conrad Hilton

  24. Develop a service orientation • The greatest is he or she who serves

  25. Be considerate Years ago I preferred clever people. There was a joy in beholding…a mind…bearing thoughts quickly translated into words, or ideas expressed in a new way. I find now that my taste has changed. Verbal fireworks often bore me. They seem motivated by self-assertion and self display. I now prefer another type of person; one who is considerate, understanding of others, careful not to break down another person’s self respect…My preferred person today is one who is always aware of the needs of others, or their pain and fear of unhappiness, and their search for self-respect…I once like clever people. Now I like good people. - Solomon Bennet Freehof

  26. Have integrity • Realize that organization's corrupt • Remember that people get involved in wrong doing one step at a time • Live conservatively so you can walk away from a situation that becomes unsavory

  27. Rationalizations • It is owed to me • Everyone else is doing it • The good cause • Loyalty to boss or organization

  28. Loyalty We love people, but we’re loyal to principles.

  29. Have integrity • Don’t bear false witness – don’t color the other side’s position • Don’t manipulate people • Don’t dig pits for other people, stay away from unsavory coalitions • Make an early commitment to be a person of integrity even if it hurts your career

  30. Try to always maintain • Balance • Perspective

  31. The End Everyone will experience the consequences of his own acts. If his acts are right, he’ll get good consequences. If they’re not, he’ll suffer for it. - Harry Browne

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