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North West London STP Workforce Strategy - Supporting the Growth and Development of the Workforce

This document outlines the North West London Sustainability and Transformation Plan's workforce strategy, focusing on recruitment, retention, workforce transformation, talent and leadership development, and the current GP workforce. It also addresses workforce planning, including inflow, demand, supply, and outflow, and raises questions to guide the development of a workforce plan and strategy.

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North West London STP Workforce Strategy - Supporting the Growth and Development of the Workforce

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  1. North West London Sustainability and Transformation PlanThe North West London vision – helping people to be well and live well Jonathan Sampson June 2017

  2. STP Governance

  3. STP delivery Areas

  4. Executive Summary Workforce planning • Sub categories (broadly aligned to STP delivery areas) • Overarching • Prevention and Wellbeing(DA1) • Primary Care (DA2) • Older people’s care (DA3) • Mental Health (DA4) • Acute Services (DA5) The NWL workforce strategy is being implemented under the joint leadership of Health Education England North West London (HEE NWL) and CCG Collaborative, Strategy and Transformation Team (S&T) working as a unified team within a newly designed governance structure, to ensure service-led decision making. The overarching aim of this STP workforce strategy is to outline our approach to supporting the growth and development of the workforce, to ensure that high quality, evidence based workforce transformation activity is planned and implemented to support the delivery of the STP. The NWL STP workforce strategy is centred on four workforce priorities that cut across all five STP delivery areas. These are organised as: Recruitment and retention Workforce Transformation Talent, Leadership and Organisational Development

  5. Current GP workforce

  6. GP workforce – age profile GP age profile - % by FTE GPs over the age of 60

  7. Workforce planning in a leaky system…. Workforce inflow Includes newly qualified, return to practice and migration Workforce demand Total number of staff required (may be more or less than current supply) Workforce supply Total number of staff in post Workforce supply includes turnover between practices and other employers such as community services, care homes, social services, etc Workforce outflow Includes retirements and migration out of area

  8. Questions to underpin the development of a workforce plan and strategy • What will the future workforce profile look like? Eg the ratio of GP to other clinical staff. And the proportion of non-clinical staff? Whilst the latter play an important role are there efficiencies that can be achieved in rationalising some of our clinical administrative processes? • Are the assumptions in the model (next slide) re. retirements, turnover, trainees and recruitment realistic? • How many GPs, nurses and other clinical roles are required every year to maintain status quo? How many required to respond to rising demand? • What are the implications for the number of training practices, GP trainers and nurse mentors required? What about the role of inter-professional hubs? • How can we maximise the recruitment of trainees once they qualify? What are their expectations re. career, salary and work/life balance? • What new roles might play a part in mitigating the impact of extra demand or supply shortages for particular professions? Eg Pharmacists, PAs and paramedics? Others? • What measures might be effective in retaining the existing workforce?

  9. C a r i n g fo r C a r e H o m e s T h e vi si o n : T o cre a t e a mo re co mp a ssi o n a t e a n d su p p o rt i ve w o rki n g e n vi ro n me n t f o r ca re h o me w o rke rs i n H a mme rsmi t h & F u l h a m, Ke n si n g t o n & C h e l se a a n d W e st mi n st e r . D r L u ksh my Je ya l i n g a m , C a ro l i n e D u ra ck , D r El e a n o r W o rt h i n g t o n , Jo n a t h a n Sa mp so n , So p h i e W a l t e rs, Ab i o l a Ki n g sl e y- O sa i g a , D r C l a re Et h e ri n g t o n Aim T h i s p ro j e ct a i ms i n cl u d e t h e f o l l o w i n g : 1 ) I mp ro ve Ed u ca t i o n 2 ) I mp ro ve C a re 3 ) I mp ro ve St a f f W e l l Be i n g Me th o d s T h e r e a r e th r e e s tr a n d s o f th i s p r o j e c t: Sc h w a r tz R o u n d s - o p p o rt u n i t y w h e re a l l st a f f ca n co me t o g e t h e r t o re f l e ct o n co mp l e x e mo t i o n s w e e xp e ri e n ce i n h e a l t h ca re . Sh a r e a n d L e a r n Ev e n ts - T h e se a re f u l l y f u n d e d d a ys o f e d u ca t i o n i n d i f f e re n t l o ca t i o n s a cro ss t h e t ri b o ro u g h . T h e y w i l l p ro vi d e o p p o rt u n i t i e s t o h e l p sh a p e t h e w a y w e ca re , b u i l d re l a t i o n sh i p s a n d l e a rn a n d sh a re yo u r e xp e ri e n ce s. T h e se e ve n t s e n a b l e st a f f t o co me t o g e t h e r t o sh a re b e st p ra ct i ce a n d i d e n t i f y a re a s o f i mp ro ve me n t . I n d i v i d u a l c a r e h o m e v i s i ts – O u r t e a m w i l l co me t o a ca re h o me a n d ca n co ve r cl i n i ca l t o p i cs a s w e l l a s l i st e n i n g g ro u p s t o p ro vi d e e mo t i o n a l su p p o rt f o r yo u r t e a ms. H e a l th Ed u c a ti o n N o r th W e s t L o n d o n

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