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Advancing Vocabulary Skills Third Edition (Chapter 3) PowerPoint Flashcards

Advancing Vocabulary Skills Third Edition (Chapter 3) PowerPoint Flashcards. Word: ambiguous. Definition : able to be interpreted in more than one way; not clear. Part of Speech : adjective. Link : a guy named Gus. Derivatives : ambiguously, ambiguousness.

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Advancing Vocabulary Skills Third Edition (Chapter 3) PowerPoint Flashcards

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  1. Advancing Vocabulary Skills Third Edition (Chapter 3) PowerPoint Flashcards

  2. Word: ambiguous Definition: able to be interpreted in more than one way; not clear Part of Speech: adjective Link: a guy named Gus Derivatives: ambiguously, ambiguousness Sentence: This picture by a guy named Gus, is ambiguous because it spells “liar” twice, and there are two faces.

  3. Word: dissident Definition: a person opposed to established ideas or beliefs, especially in politics or religion Part of Speech: noun Link: he’s against Derivatives: dissidents Sentence: He is a dissident because he’s against military recruiters on campus.

  4. Word: embellish Definition: to decorate; beautify by adding details Part of Speech: verb Link: relish Derivatives: embellished, embellishment Sentence: I like to embellish my hot dog with relish.

  5. Word: fritter Definition: to spend or waste a little at a time Part of Speech: verb Derivatives: fritters, fritterer Link: sitter Sentence: It is easy to fritter away our time as a sitter in front of the TV.

  6. Word: inadvertent Definition: unintentional; accidental Part of Speech: adjective Derivatives: inadvertently, inadvertence, inadvertency Link: accident Sentence: His inadvertent turn onto the one-way street going the opposite direction led to a horrible accident.

  7. Word: inane Definition: without sense or meaning; foolish Part of Speech: adjective Derivatives: inanely, inaneness Link: insane Sentence: I thought Bob was insane when he made this inane face just because I said I was going to the store.

  8. Word: juxtapose Definition: to place close together, especially in order to compare or contrast Part of Speech: verb Link: clothes Derivatives: juxtaposed, juxtaposing, juxtaposes Sentence: They are wearing the same clothes as they stand juxtaposed.

  9. Word: lethargy Definition: a great lack of energy; inactivity due to laziness Part of Speech: noun Link: no energy Derivatives: lethargic, lethargically Sentence: The kitten demonstrates lethargy because it has no energy.

  10. Word: sporadic Definition: happening now and then; occasional Part of Speech: adjective Derivatives: sporadically Link: I’ve had it Sentence: I’ve had it with the sporadic rain!

  11. Word: subsidize Definition: to support financially; provide a grant or contribution Part of Speech: verb Derivatives: subsidizes, subsidizer, subsidized Link: Is it wise? Sentence: Is it wise to subsidize the new restaurant when it will probably go out of business in a year?

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