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Beam dynamics in RF linacs Step 2 : Beam transport

Beam dynamics in RF linacs Step 2 : Beam transport. Nicolas PICHOFF. France CEA-DSM/IRFU/SACM/LEDA. Outlines. Beam representation Distribution Sigma matrix Emittance Matching Mechanism of emittance growth. Beam representation. Beam definition.

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Beam dynamics in RF linacs Step 2 : Beam transport

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  1. Beam dynamics in RF linacs Step 2 : Beam transport Nicolas PICHOFF France CEA-DSM/IRFU/SACM/LEDA

  2. Outlines • Beam representation • Distribution • Sigma matrix • Emittance • Matching • Mechanism of emittance growth

  3. Beam representation Beam definition A beam could be defined as a set of particles whose maximum average momentum in one direction (z) is higher than its dispersion : x p z y

  4. Beam representation Particle representation Each particle is represented by a 6D vector : or or …

  5. Beam representation Beam phase-space representation It is represented by a particle distribution in the 6D phase-space (P). It can be plotted in 2D sub-phase-spaces :

  6. Beam representation Beam modelisation Beam : Set of billions (N) of particles evolving as a function of an independent variable s Macroparticle model:  set of nmacroparticles(n<N) macroparticle: statistic sample of particle Distribution function model:  of 6 coordinates Number of particles Between and

  7. Beam representation Statistics Average of a function A on beam :

  8. Beam representation First order momentum: beam Centre of Gravity (CoG) Average : position, phase, Angle, Energy …

  9. Beam representation Second order momentum : Sigma matrix The beam can be represented by a 6×6 matrix containing the second order momentum in the 6D phase-space : the sigma matrix. are the beam 2D rms emittances

  10. Beam representation 2D RMS Emittance (for example) • The statistic surface in 2D sub-phase-space occupied by the beam • Indicator of confinement

  11. Beam representation Beam Twiss parameters The goal is to model the beam shape in 2D sub-phase-space with ellipses. The beam Twiss parameters are : 5 : uniform elliptic distribution with same rms size.

  12. Linear transport 6D transport matrix The transverse force is generally close to linear. The longitudinal force can be linearized when j << js. The particle transport can be represented by a 6×6 transfer matrix :

  13. Linear transport Sigma matrix transport in linear forces The transport of sigma matrix can be obtained from particle transfer matrix :

  14. Linear transport RMS emittance evolution in linear, uncoupled forces  If linearforce :   The emittance isconstant. If acceleration :   The emittance isdamped. , the normalized rms emittance, isconserved.

  15. Linear transport Linear matching The linear matching is the association of 2 notions : - Slide 36 : In uncoupled, linear & periodic forces, particles are turning around periodically oscillating ellipses Their shapes are given by Courant-Snyder parameters - Slide 57 : A beam can be represented by 2D-ellipses Their shape are given by Twiss parameters

  16. Beam dynamics Beam linear matched Phase-space trajectory Phase-space periodic looks The beam is linear-matched : Beam Twiss parameters (S57) Channel Courant-Snyder parameters (S36) = Matched beam Bigger input beam Smaller input beam Phase-space scanned by the mismatched beams 50% mismatched beam  The beam second order (or envelope) motion is periodic

  17. Beam dynamics Linear (rms) matching The matching is done between sections by changing focusing force with quadrupoles (transverse) and cavities (longitudinal). Calculations are made with « envelope codes » where the beam is modelled by its sigma matrix. This type of code calculates automatically the focusing strength in elements that matches the beam. Not matched beam Matched beam

  18. Beam dynamics Space-charge forces Electromagnetic interaction between particles. It is linear if beam is uniform, non-linear otherwise (generally). Example : axi-symmetric beam Density Firled Radial position Radial position Distributions : uniform parabolic gaussian Equivalent beams: Same current, same sigma matrix

  19. Introduction Mechanisms of emittance growth and particle losses

  20. Introduction • The main source of emittance growth is the beam mismatching in non linear forces acting through 3 mechanisms : • The distribution intern mismatching, • The beam filamentation, • Resonant interactions between particle and beam motions • Other mechanisms play a (small) role : • Coupling between directions (x, y, phi), • Interaction with residual gas, • Intra-beam scattering.

  21. Beam dynamics 1 – Intern mismatching In an intern matched beam, beam distribution in phase-space is constant on particle trajectory in phase-space. Û H = Cste If not, the beam distribution “re-organise” itself.

  22. Beam dynamics 2 - Filamentation When the confinement force is non linear (multipole, longitudinal, space-charge), the particle oscillation period depends on its amplitude : Particle do not rotate at the same speed in the phase-space : possible filamentation Linear force Non linear force

  23. Beam dynamics 3 – Space-charge resonance - In non-linear forces, the particle oscillation period depends on its amplitude - The space-charge force acting on a particle depends on beam average size - If the beam is mismatched, its average size oscillates with 3 “mismatched” modes High-freq breathing mode Low-freq breathing mode Quadrupolar mode - Some particles can have oscillation period being a multiple of these modes - The amplitude of these particles will resonantly growth and decreased

  24. Beam dynamics 4 - Coupling The preceding developments assumed that the force along each direction was depending only on the particle coordinates in this direction (even non-linear). When the force also depends on other coordinates  2 particles with the same sub-phase-space position can feel different forces and get separated in the sub-phase-space.  2D emittance growth • Sources of coupling : • Transverse defocusing in cavities depending on phase, • Transverse focusing in quadrupoles depending on energy, • Energy gain in cavities depending on transverse position and slope, • Phase-delay due to transverse trajectory increase, • Skew quadrupoles, • Space charge-force, • …

  25. Atom nucleus Charge : +Z.e b Mass : M mi n b q q( ) b max b max Particle Charge : z.e Mass : m Energy : E Momentum: p q Electrons min Beam dynamics 5 – Residual gas interaction Cross section : (Rutherford) Probability:

  26. Beam dynamics 5 – Residual gas interaction(2) Beamcore Good agreement Mismatching

  27. Beam dynamics 6 – Intra-beam scattering Transfer of energy between 2 directions in a two-body collision. Very efficient if different longitudinal-transverse emittances c : Ratio between longitudinal and transverse energy Tails induced by 2 body collision in a uniform proton beam

  28. conclusion Summary • Beam is a set of particles • Beamcanbemodeledwith: • macroparticles, • distribution function, • statisticproperties • The simplest is the 2nd order momentum : the sigma matrix, including • rms emittance (confinement), • Twiss parameters and 2D ellipses, • Emittance is conserved and damped in linear motion • Sigma matrix can be transport with matrix when the force is linear(ised) • (some) Source of emittance growth and halo are : • In mismatched beam in non-linear forces : filamentation & resonances • forces coupled between directions • scattering (intra or with residual gas)

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