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MATURITA TOPICS Australia_General facts II _17

MATURITA TOPICS Australia_General facts II _17. ANJ_Maturita. Mgr. Filip Soviš. www.zlinskedumy.cz. Australia. Geography ( l andscape , rivers , f auna , f lora ) Climate People & Lifestyle ( culture , sport, etc .) Natural Wonders Tourist a ttractions Other. PART II. Australia.

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MATURITA TOPICS Australia_General facts II _17

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  1. MATURITA TOPICSAustralia_General facts II_17 ANJ_Maturita Mgr. Filip Soviš www.zlinskedumy.cz

  2. Australia • Geography (landscape, rivers, fauna, flora) • Climate • People&Lifestyle (culture, sport, etc.) • Natural Wonders • Touristattractions • Other PART II

  3. Australia Could you describe some of Australian geographicalfeatures? • theeasterncoast: theAustralianAlpsand the Great DividingRange • Uluru(= Ayers Rock, thelargestpieceof rock in theworld) • Kata Tjuta (= "many heads"; alsoknown as Mount Olga) • Mount Kosciuszko (AA; 2,228 m) - thetallestmountain • rivers: the Murray River(thelongestriver), theDarling • lakes: LakeEyre, LakeTorrens and LakeGairdner • over2,000 nationalparks and naturereserves(UNESCO's List)

  4. Australia Whatis so specialaboutthe Great Barier Reef? • alongthecoastofQueensland in theCoralSea • theworld’slargestcoralreef (theworld'sbiggest single structure made by livingorganisms) • supports a widediversityoflife • CNN labeleditoneofthesevennatural wondersoftheworld

  5. Australia Could you describe Australian climate? • Central: hot / arid (the Great Sandy Desert, the Great Victoria D.) • North: tropical, heavysummerrains (rainforested Cape York Peninsula, woodland, grassland and desert) • Southwest: hot dry summer, mildwinters(inlandmostlyplains - bushfires / droughts) • summerstarts in December

  6. Australia What do you know about Australianwildlife(flora and fauna)? • climateand geographicalisolation • animals: marsupials – kangaroo, koala bear, Tasmaniandevil, wombat; mammal: platypus; other: emu, echidna, kiwi, cockatoo, dingo • vegetation: grass and eucalyptustrees • thenationalfloweriswattle

  7. Australia What are some typical Australiansports andpastimes? • cricket(bat‑and‑ball game, the most popularsummer sport) • rugby(easternstates) and Australianrulesfootball (the rest ofthe country) • soccer • divingand surfing

  8. Australia Who are some famous peopleconnectedwithAustralia? • literature: Patrick White (thefirstAustralian to winthe Nobel Prizeforliterature), Peter Carey (novelist) • singers: KylieMinogue, Peter Garrett (leadsingerofMidnightOil, now a politician) • actors: Nicole Kidman, Mel Gibson • director:BruceBeresford(Sydney – A Story of a City) • painters: SidneyNolan(surrealist), Brett Whiteley (avant‑garde) • sportsmen: CathyFreeman (sprinter), Ian Thorpe (swimmer), SirDonald Bradman (cricket), LleytonHewitt (tennis) • others: Steve Irwin (naturalist; unafraid of dangerous animals)

  9. Australia Would you like to go to Australia? • Absolutely/ sure / yes. • I love Australianculture / lifestyle. • I thinkthatpeoplelivingthere are more easy‑going / friendlythan in theCR. • Itmustbe a very interesting place. • Australiais a wealthy / prosperous country / nation… I couldfind a goodjobthere. • I wouldlike to go there to learnEnglish and make somemoney. • No / No way… it’stoofaraway / I amafraid to fly so far… it’stoo hot.

  10. Australia • Whatclimatewouldyouexpect in thesouthofAustralia? • Wouldyoulike to live in Australia? Why? Why not? • WhatisAustraliafamousfor?

  11. Bibliografické citace BRIDGE. Australia [online]. 2010-2013 [cit. 2013-02-28]. Soubor typu PDF. Dostupné z: http://www.bridge-online.cz/maturita/maturitni-karty BURNIE, Glen a Rob RAESIDE. FlagsoftheWorld. CRW Flags' Online Catalog [online]. 1996-2013, 2013-01-04 [cit. 2013-01-05]. Dostupné z: http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/country.html#n LEOPOLD, Corey. Uluru, helicopterview, croped[online]. 2008 [cit. 2013-02-28]. Obrázek typu JPEG, CreativeCommons. Dostupné z: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Uluru,_helicopter_view,_croped.jpg SMITH-DLUHÁ, Gabrielle. Angličtina: otázky a odpovědi nejen k maturitě. 1. vyd. Dubicko: INFOA, 2007, 231 s. Zrcadlový text. ISBN 978-80-7240-489-6.

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