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What is abnormal behavior? By what criteria should it be defined?

What is abnormal behavior? By what criteria should it be defined?. Causes and Treatments of Abnormal Behavior: Different Approaches. 2000 approximate figures. Represented as a percentage of all reported disorders in the US adult population.

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What is abnormal behavior? By what criteria should it be defined?

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  1. What is abnormal behavior? By what criteria should it be defined?

  2. Causes and Treatments of Abnormal Behavior: Different Approaches

  3. 2000 approximate figures

  4. Represented as a percentage of all reported disorders in the US adult population

  5. 1. Describe the differences between Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and Panic Disorder. For GAD there is excessive or unrealistic worry about almost everything, most of the time Also known as “free-floating anxiety” In panic disorder, there are recurrent and unexpected panic attacks The fear of these attacks affects the person’s overall well-being

  6. 2. What is the difference between being afraid of something and having a phobia? The fear is more intense and is out of all proportion to the possible danger of the object or situation

  7. 3. Summarize the differences between social phobias, specific phobias, and agoraphobia. Social phobias are characterized by continuous fear of performing in social situations Specific phobias are related to specific objects or situations (bugs, flying, etc.) Agoraphobia is characterized by anxiety about being in places or situations from which escape might be difficult or embarrassing

  8. 4. How might panic attacks lead to agoraphobia? The person is afraid of having an attack in public, so they don’t leave home Through negative reinforcement (take away the anxiety, to increase the behavior of staying inside) they become operantly conditioned to fear leaving home

  9. 5. What is the difference between an obsession and a compulsion (in the disease OCD)? Obsession = recurrent thoughts, impulses, or images Compulsions = irresistible impulses to perform behaviors or rituals over and over

  10. 6. How does exposure therapy work? Consists of gradually exposing the person to the real anxiety-producing situations or objects that he or she is attempting to avoid and continuing exposure treatments until the anxiety decreases

  11. 7. What is the cause of the physical symptoms in somatoform disorders? They are believed to be caused by psychological factors But the symptoms are real !!!!

  12. 8. What are some examples of conversion disorders? Blindness Dizziness Nausea Paralysis Loss of sensation

  13. 9. How does mass hysteria occur? Through suggestion, observation, or other psychological processes, a group may develop similar fears, delusions, abnormal behavior, or physical symptoms (real!)

  14. Somatoform Disorders • Hypchondriasis – excessive preoccupation with health concerns and incessant worry about developing physical illnesses

  15. Somatoform Disorders • Somatization Disorder – a history of diverse complaints that appear to be psychological in origin • Typically involves numerous body systems

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