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  2. OUTLINE • What is ADHD ? • Types of ADHD • Someoutcomes of ADHD • A short video (Is ADHD a gift ?) • A short video (Pupilsbefore & aftersupport) • TipsforManagers (How todeal ADHD) • Basic TipsforTeachersandTrainers (How todeal ADHD) • A short video (Motivationfor ADHD by Dr. Russel) • Tips for Teachers and Trainers (How to deal ADHD) • A short video (Solutions forADHD James L.West)

  3. ADHD / ADD • Attentiondeficithyperactivitydisorder (ADHD) sometimescalledAttentiondeficithyperactivitydisorder (ADD) • Involveshyperactivity, difficulty paying attention and a tendency to act impulsively. • PupilswhohaveADHD have a normal IQ even he/shecan’tadaptschool/classactivities.

  4. What is ADHD • Prevalence begins in childhood and can affect all areas of a patient’s life. • 3% - 5% of school-aged children • Causes Change in the brain structure • Genetic & heredity • Mother is exposed to chemicals during pregnancy (smoke, alcohol, drugs) • Child exposed to chemicals at young age (environmental toxins – PCBs or Lead) • Gender – boys are 3x more likely than girls

  5. There are 3 Major Types • Predominantlyinattentive (ADHD/I) Difficultypaying attention struggles to concentrate and complete tasks forgetful and easily distracted poor organizational skills, lethargic, sluggish, shy, anxious or constantly daydreaming most often diagnosed in adolescent girls. • Predominantly hyperactive/impulsive ADHD (ADHD/HI) Difficultycontrolling behavior, with an increased risk for serious aggressive or oppositional behavior and antisocial conduct. fidget and excessively restless. blurt out comments that are inappropriate and often do not think before they act. • Combined ADHD Combines symptoms of the other two forms of ADHD the most common form of ADHD. diagnosed in boys of elementary-school age.

  6. Someoutcomes of ADHD • ADHD can effect much more than behaviours. It can effect emotions, academic performance and social skills. • Pupilsdiagnosed with ADHD often have other problems such as depression, anxiety, language disorders and learning disabilities. • They can often verbalize rules for behaviour but have difficulty internalizing them and putting them into action. And they often use inappropriate ways of interacting with the world. • For example; they use hitting and pushing when angry instead of expressing themselves verbally.

  7. Near 10% of theworldpopulation is ADHD. • Maybesome of us in thisroomhave ADHD. • Forexample; I do havehyperactivebehavioursanddifficulty at payingattentionfor a long time. • Itisn’t a gift, but Nevermind! • Justfocus on how you can reversethedisadvantagetoadvantage.

  8. Is it a gift ? Can an ADHD succeed • Amazing ADD Intro • You can watchthe video: • http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=LFLlTS6odxQ

  9. SomestudentsbeforeandaftersupportTranscendentalMeditation (TM) • Students overcome ADHD with the TM technique • You can watchthe video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOiGm-X8cak

  10. Theyshould be supportedbytheirParents, TeachersandFriends (School)

  11. Tipsfor Directors

  12. Tipsfor Directors • Allstaffandotherstudentsshould be informedabouttheincludedpupils. Theseapproachesmust be supportedbytheguidance service and / or an expert. • Theclasrooms, workshops, etc. Brieflyalltheschoolareashould be designedorrenovatedandsupervisedconsideringinclusion at school. • Inclusionshould be consideredduringcurriculumplanningandevaluationprocess.

  13. Tipsfor Directors • Provide in yourschoolorsupportyourteachersandtrainerstoattend in-service trainingsaboutinclusion. • Pupilsdiagnosed with ADHDmust be supportedandrehabilitatedduringtheir general andvocationaltraining as otherincludedstudents.

  14. Tipsfor Directors • ForthisinclusiontypeEven it is not an obligationtomakephysicalchanges at school, at least an areashould be providedforthesepupilsenablingthemtostudywithsupportingstaffsuch as guidanceteacher, an expertor a specialeducationteacher. • ADHD is a permanent, continuouspsychologicaldisorder. Ourgoalshould be; • Instead of tryingtokillandwindirectlywhich is impossible. • Decreasingthebadeffectsandturning it intoadvantagewiththepupil’stalentandskills is a better idea.

  15. Tipsfor Directors • A strongcollaborationshould be builtamongtheschooladministrationstaff – teachers- parents – pupils. • The pupils diagnosed with ADHDshould be suportedregardingtotheirskillsandtalents. • Theyneedlimitsandrulesto be awareandcontroltheirimpulsivity. Thustheserulesshould be as clear as possible but shouldn’t be toomuchandlong. • Pupilsdiagnosed with ADHDwhoarehavinghyperactivitydisorderandattentiondeficitneedtolosetheirenergy. Supportingandorientingthemtoattendsportactivities is an effetivesolution.

  16. Basic TipsforTeachersandTrainers • Listen tothepupil • Provide a safeenvironment • Treatthemwithrespect • Pickyourbattles! (don'tpick on everylittlethingyourpupilsdo wrong! Findoutwhatreally, reallymatterstoyouandlettheotherstuffgo!)

  17. Basic TipsforTeachersandTrainers Remember! Children do wellifthey can ! • Givethemtaskswhichthey can achive • InformaboutDay’sschedule • Allowthem “thinkoutloud” while problem solving • Letthestudentthinkfor 10-20 secondsbeforeansweringinstead of answeringimpulsively

  18. TipsforTeachersandTrainers • IEP (Individualisededucationprogrammesand/orPlans) should be preparedandpracticed. • Since the pupils diagnosed with ADHD do not have IQ problems, vocationalprogrammes can be appliedconcerningtheirmisbehaviour. Safetyprecautions of theworkshopsshould be conducted. • Theypupilsshould be trainedpracticalaboutjobsecurity. • They can joinactive workshop teams. Forinstance an electrics-electronicspupil can joinmendingteams.

  19. TipsforTeachersandTrainers • The pupils diagnosed with ADHDshouldn’t be allowedtoworkalone at workshopsandstrictlyshould be warnedabout it. • Theyshouldwork on electricbenchesorpanelswithfuseand/orifpossibletheyshouldworkwithsimulationswhileworkingindividually. • Jobsecuritycontentsshould be remindedandexplainedtothemandtheirparents. • Please do warnand/orremindyourpupils diagnosed with ADHDabouttheirduties. • Instead of tellingwhattheyshouldn’t do, youshouldmentionwhattheyshould do. • Moreovertheirpositivebehavioursshould be highlighted. Theyshould be motivated.

  20. TipsforTeachersandTrainers Something tactile like Blue-Tac / Plasticine so students can fiddle with it, without losing concentration.

  21. Motivationfor ADHD by Dr. Russel • DrRussellBarkley - ADHD MotivationDeficitDisorder • You can watchthe video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3VuV5Jvazs

  22. TipsforTeachersandTrainers • The pupils diagnosed with ADHDareusuallyfidgety. Theirhandsand/orfeetalwaysmove. Precautionsshould be takenespecially in subjectswhichneedhighattentionsuch as electrics-electronics, workshops, engine, turnbench, etc.) • Beforeaskingforanswersafterteachingnewthings. Please do givesome oral orvisualtips. Forinstancewarninghimjustwith a signwhichonly he can understadwouldprovide his attentionwithoutembarrassinghim. • Please do dividehomeworksintopieceswhichwilltake a long time. Thuscompletingandfinishing a taskwillenablethemtofeeltheyaresuccessfulthatthesepupilsneedtoexperience.

  23. TipsforTeachersandTrainers • Neverloseeyecontactduringcommunicationwithpupils diagnosed with ADHD. • PupilsdiagnosedwithADHD should sit in thefrontdesksneartheteacher. Soteacher can conducteasilyand in additiontothis it willavoidthepupiltodaydream. • Occasionallybygivingsomedutiestothe pupils diagnosed with ADHDout of theclassor workshop you can helphimbygiving a chancetocontrolhimselfinstead of gettingboredanddaydream in theclassor workshop. Itwill be a safetyvalveifyou can blanceandregulate it withtheschoolrules.

  24. TipsforTeachersandTrainers • Since pupils diagnosed with ADHD havedifficultyon concentrationandhavedeficiency at payingattention. Whilestudyingorworking on continuoussubjects, insteadof using the same materials, youshouldpreferdifferentmaterialsanddifferenttechniquesforthesamesubjectwhichcouldhelpfor a betterunderstanding. • Eg: Whileteachingtheprinciples of electriccircuits. You can choosevarioustypes of lowvoltagecircuitinstallationswhichwillenablethemtoseeandpracticedifferenttypesand pay attentionbetter.

  25. TipsforTeachersandTrainers • Since pupilsdiagnosedwith ADHD havedifficultysettleandbalancetheirinner-world,theyexpectotherstodesignandadjusttheirexternalworld. • Preparesomelistsabouttheprocess, expectedgoalsandresultswithoutexcludingthemfromtheothers. Itwould be veryusefulfortheoneswhodon’tknowwhatto do orforgetwhatto do ? Theyneed; • limitsandregulations • topractice • be reminded • be oriented

  26. TipsforTeachersandTrainers • YoushouldinformthepupilsdiagnosedwithADHD aboutthecurriculumandannouncethechangesimmediatelyotherwisespontaneouschangesmaycausebadresults. • Youshoulddividelongprojectsintosmallpieceswhichcan be accomplishedeasily. Thisrule is vitalandaboveallforthe pupils diagnosed with ADD. • Longprojectstakethehearts of thepupilsdiagnosedwithADHD. Andthey start tomutter, sayingthatthey can neverachieve it. • Howeverdividingtheprojectintosmallerprojectswon’tscarethem. Thesepupils can usuallytackle a jobmorethantheyandweexpect. • Forinstance, in a projectrelatedwithautomobiles at a vocationalschool, instead of whole engine, lethim start with a smallpart of the engine. (Objectivemethod – induction can be used in most of theprojects)

  27. «ADHD» Solutions • ADHD Solutions and Alternative Treatments • You can watchthe video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBCRQ8lKLnQ

  28. Maltepe M.E.M. Istanbul

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