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Colombia Humanitarian Situation Synopsis January - June 2009

Colombia Humanitarian Situation Synopsis January - June 2009. Internal Displacement. APM-UXO. Homicides. Natural Disasters. Internal Displacement 2008 OCHA | UN | Colombia Source: Consejería Presidencial para la Acción Social y la Cooperación Internacional and CODHES.

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Colombia Humanitarian Situation Synopsis January - June 2009

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  1. Colombia Humanitarian Situation Synopsis January - June 2009

  2. Internal Displacement APM-UXO Homicides Natural Disasters

  3. Internal Displacement 2008 OCHA | UN | Colombia Source: Consejería Presidencial para la Acción Social y la Cooperación Internacional and CODHES Expulsion ( 2008 ) Cumulative number or IDPs Internal Displacement Source: Acción Social by year of expulsion, cutoff date June 2009; report date July 2009.;CODHES by year of arrivall, estimate, report date March 2008.

  4. Internal Displacement 2008 OCHA | UN | Colombia Source: Consejería Presidencial para la Acción Social y la Cooperación Internacional Expulsion ( 2008 ) Most affected municipalities by rate per 100,000 inhabitants Internal Displacement Source: Acción Social by year of expulsion, cutoff date June 2009, report date July 2009 Rate per 100,000 inhabitants annualized

  5. Internal Displacement 2008 OCHA | UN | Colombia Source: Consejería Presidencial para la Acción Social y la Cooperación Internacional Reception ( 2008 ) IDPs by Semester Internal Displacement * Source: Acción Social by year of reception, CODHES estimate arrivals Displacement by year, 1997-2008 Source: Acción Social by year of reception ,cutoff date June 2009, report date July 2009 , CODHES by year of arrival estimate, report date March 2009 *Data for some municipalities, due to delays in reporting, are through sep. 2008

  6. Internal Displacement 2008 OCHA | UN | Colombia Source: Consejería Presidencial para la Acción Social y la Cooperación Internacional Reception ( 2008 ) Most affected municipalities by rate per 100,000 inhabitants Internal Displacement Source: Acción Social by year of reception cutoff date June 2009, report date July 2009 Rate per 100,000 inhabitants annualized

  7. APM-UXO 2006-2009 (bySemesters) OCHA | UN | Colombia Source: Programa Presidencial para la Acción Integral contra Minas Antipersonal – PPAICMA Victims (Jan- June 2009) APM-UXO Victims APM (arranged by rate per 100,000 inhabitants) Civilian and Military Victims by Semester Source: Programa Presidencial para la Acción Integral contra Minas Antipersonal (PPAICMA), cut off date June 2009, report date July 2009.

  8. APM-UXO 2006-2009 (by Semesters) OCHA | UN | Colombia Source: Programa Presidencial para la Acción Integral contra Minas Antipersonal – PPAICMA Victims by Gender and Age APM-UXO Source: Programa Presidencial para la Acción Integral contra Minas Antipersonal (PPAICMA), cut off date june 2009, report date july 2009. Most affected municipalities (arranged by rate per 100,000 inhabitants) Source: Programa Presidencial para la Acción Integral contra Minas Antipersonal (PPAICMA,) cut off date June 2009, report date July 2009. Rate per 100,000 inhabitants annualized

  9. Persons Affected (Jan – June 2009) Natural Disasters 2006-2009 (bySemesters) OCHA | UN | Colombia Source: Dirección de Gestión de l Riesgo para La Prevención y Atención de Desastres (DGR) Persons Affected by Natural Disasters 2006-2008 by semester Natural Disasters Source:: Dirección de Gestión del riesgo Para la Prevención y Atención de Desastres. Report date; 2006,2007,2008,2009 Rate per 100,000 inhabitants annualized Source:: Dirección de Gestión del Riesgo Para la Prevención y Atención de Desastres.(DGR) cut off date June 2009, repor date July 2009 Rate per 100,000 inhabitants annualized

  10. Most Affected Municipalities (Arranged by affected rate per 100,000 inhabitants) Source:: Dirección de Gestión del Riesgo Para la Prevención y Atención de Desastres. (DGR) Report date; 2006,2007,2008,2009 Rate per 100,000 inhabitants annualized

  11. Homicide Rate per 100.000 (Jan – June 2009) Homicides 2006-2009 (bySemesters) OCHA | UN | Colombia Source:Dirección de Policía Judicial (DIJIN) Processedby: Observatorio de DDHH y DIH, Vicepresidencia de la República Homicides Homicide rate per 100,000 inhabitants oficial data from Colombia, United States, South Africa, and Venezuela. Iraq estimate 2008 (1) Include Mayors, Municipal Councilmembers, Journalists, Indigenous People and Union Members. Processed by: Observatorio del Programa de Derechos Humanos y Derecho Internacional Humanitario, Vicepresidencia de la República. Source :Dirección de Policía Judicial (DIJIN), cut off date June 2009, report date July 2009 Rate per 100,000 inhabitants annualized

  12. Homicides 2006-2009 (bySemesters) OCHA | UN | Colombia Source:Dirección de Policía Judicial (DIJIN) Processedby: Observatorio de DDHH y DIH, Vicepresidencia de la República Homicides by semester 2006-2009 (by Semesters) Most affected municipalities (arranged by rate per 100,000 inh) Source :Dirección de Policía Judicial (DIJIN), cut off date June 2009, report date July 2009 Homicides among protected person (1) Include Mayors, Municipal Councilmembers, Journalists, Indigenous People and Union Members. Processed by: Observatorio del Programa de Derechos Humanos y Derecho Internacional Humanitario, Vicepresidencia de la República. Source :Dirección de Policía Judicial (DIJIN), cut off date June 2009, report date July 2009 Rate per 100,000 inhabitants annualized Source :Dirección de Policía Judicial (DIJIN), cut off date June 2009, report date July 2009

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