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Mulberry extract inhibits the development of atherosclerosis in cholesterol-fed rabbits

Mulberry extract inhibits the development of atherosclerosis in cholesterol-fed rabbits. 生科四甲 91240253 吳威儀.

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Mulberry extract inhibits the development of atherosclerosis in cholesterol-fed rabbits

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  1. Mulberry extract inhibits the development of atherosclerosis in cholesterol-fed rabbits 生科四甲 91240253 吳威儀

  2. 脂質的過氧化及低密度脂蛋白的氧化被證實是動脈粥狀硬化發生過程的致病因子。利用抗氧化劑預防低密度脂蛋白的氧化反應可能使是一種有效的抑制動脈粥狀硬化發生過程的方法。利用桑椹豐富的天然抗氧化色素成分,我們期待桑椹可抑制低密度脂蛋白氧化而達到預防動脈粥狀硬化的發生。此外,並以高膽固醇飲食混合桑椹萃取物餵食之動物實驗模式,觀察動物血脂變化及血管的病理變化,最終以科學證據驗證桑椹具有抑制預防動脈粥狀硬化發生的效果。脂質的過氧化及低密度脂蛋白的氧化被證實是動脈粥狀硬化發生過程的致病因子。利用抗氧化劑預防低密度脂蛋白的氧化反應可能使是一種有效的抑制動脈粥狀硬化發生過程的方法。利用桑椹豐富的天然抗氧化色素成分,我們期待桑椹可抑制低密度脂蛋白氧化而達到預防動脈粥狀硬化的發生。此外,並以高膽固醇飲食混合桑椹萃取物餵食之動物實驗模式,觀察動物血脂變化及血管的病理變化,最終以科學證據驗證桑椹具有抑制預防動脈粥狀硬化發生的效果。 Abstract

  3. 名詞解釋 • MWE→mulberry water extract • HCD→High cholesterol diet • Atherosclerosis→動脈粥狀硬化 • Anthocyanin→花色素(抗氧化物質) • Foam cell→泡沫細胞 • Intima→動脈血管內膜

  4. LDL富含膽固醇,人體總血清中約有65%的膽固醇由LDL攜帶傳送至周圍組織,因此LDL的吸收與膽固醇的代謝息息相關。若LDL無法有效的被細胞組織吸收,而在血液循環系統中存在過多的LDL會增加罹患心血管循環系統疾病的風險。LDL富含膽固醇,人體總血清中約有65%的膽固醇由LDL攜帶傳送至周圍組織,因此LDL的吸收與膽固醇的代謝息息相關。若LDL無法有效的被細胞組織吸收,而在血液循環系統中存在過多的LDL會增加罹患心血管循環系統疾病的風險。 低密度脂蛋白80%可由肝吸收,另20%則由周圍組織吸收,吸收方式是經由LDL receptor攝取,藉由receptor-mediated途徑與nonspecific endocytosis方式進入細胞及肝臟中。 Introduction 低密度脂蛋白(LDL)

  5. Atherosclerosis

  6. 病程的中期macrophage會與intima中T cell作用而產生成cytokines

  7. Materials and methods • Preparation of MWE 桑椹果實(100g)+飲用水(200cc) 果汁機 濾網過濾去渣 離心機離心去渣(3000rpm,15mins) -80c冷凍;12小時 真空冷凍乾燥 • Concentrations of anthocyanins in MWE >MWE contains about 2.5% anthocyanins

  8. Animals and diets • Group1 rabbits were fed with standard chow. • Group2 rabbits were fed with standard chow with 1% MWE in the daily diet. • Group3 rabbits were fed with HCD diet(containing 3% lard oil and 1.3% cholesterol). • Group4 treated with HCD plus 0.5% MWE. • Group5 treated with HCD plus 1% MWE.

  9. No significant difference in body weights was observed during the experimental period. Growth and diet intake

  10. This may indicate a specific inhibitory effect of MWE on fatty acid synthesis, especially triglycerides. Result and Discussion

  11. Effect of MWE on plasma cholesterol levels in 10 week-period HCD-fed rabbits. Effect of MWE on serum lipid levels

  12. 動物動脈組織切片之病理分析

  13. The arrow( ) is shown for foam cell and () for smooth muscle cell migration. Calcification core is shown as arrow ( ) in (c);

  14. Calcification是指foam cell apoptosis後,細胞所流出的膽固醇和脂質聚集而促使Gruel的形成。Gruel唯一種糜粥狀的油脂聚合物,也是形成動脈粥狀硬化斑的主因。 Pathological analysis

  15. 脂肪的堆積情形 動物動脈脂肪斑(fatty streak)染色

  16. 主動脈損害程度

  17. 此表顯示MWE添加於飲食中並不會有生化毒性 MWE餵食下肝、腎之生化毒性分析

  18. Conclusion In this study, MWE was shown to decrease cholesterol and triglyceride and attenuate the development of atherosclerosis in HCD-fed rabbits. Additionally, MWE had no toxic effects on the liver or renal functions during the experimental period. Taken together, these data suggest a promising application of MWE in cardioprotection. MWE was shown to lower the serum cholesterol and triglyceride and repress progression of atherosclerosis in HCD-fed rabbits. This outcome might be attributed to the preventative effect of anthocyanins against LDL-oxidation in the arterial wall and supports the use of MWE for lowering the incidence of atherosclerosisand coronary heart disease.

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