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ANALISIS DAN SELEKSI STRATEGI Pertemuan 17. Matakuliah : J0134/ Manajemen Strategik Tahun : 2006. Nature of Strategy Analysis & Choice. Penetapan LTO (Long Term Objectives) Penetapan strategi alternative Seleksi strategi

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  1. ANALISIS DAN SELEKSI STRATEGI Pertemuan 17 Matakuliah : J0134/ Manajemen Strategik Tahun : 2006

  2. Nature of Strategy Analysis & Choice • Penetapan LTO (Long Term Objectives) • Penetapan strategi alternative • Seleksi strategi • Alternative strategi terbaik adalah alternative strategi untuk mencapai misi dan tujuan • Dalam perumusan alternatif strategi: dibutuhkan partisipasi seluas mungkin pihak

  3. Alternative Strategies Derive From -- • Vision • Mission • Objectives • External audit • Internal audit • Past successful strategies Participation in generating alternative strategies should be as broad as possible

  4. Comprehensive Strategy-Formulation Framework Stage 1:The Input Stage Stage 2:The Matching Stage Stage 3:The Decision Stage

  5. Internal Factor EvaluationMatrix (IFE) Stage 1:The Input Stage External Factor EvaluationMatrix (EFE) Competitive Profile Matrix(CPM)

  6. SWOT Matrix SPACE Matrix Stage 2:The Matching Stage BCG Matrix IE Matrix Grand Strategy Matrix

  7. Quantitative StrategicPlanning Matrix(QSPM) Stage 3:The Decision Stage

  8. Stage 1: The Input Stage • Merupakan info input dasar bagi tahap berikutnya (Matching & Decision Stage) • Strategist perlu melakukan kuantifisir secara subyektif pada tahap awal ini • Penilaian secara intuitif sangat diperlukan • Stage 2: The Matching Stage • Pemadanan/pencocokan antara sumber daya & skill internal dengan peluang & risiko dari faktor eksternal Stage 3: The Decision Stage • QSP Matrix – suatu teknik yang didesain untuk menentukan daya tarik relatif dari alternatif tindakan yang feasible

  9. Komponen Matrix -- Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats 4 tipe strategi – Strengths-Opportunities (SO) Weaknesses-Opportunities (WO) Strengths-Threats (ST) Weaknesses-Threats (WT) SWOT Matrix

  10. SO Strategies StrengthsWeaknessesOpportunities ThreatsSWOT Use a firm’sinternal strengthsto take advantageof external opportunities SOStrategies

  11. WO Strategies StrengthsWeaknessesOpportunities ThreatsSWOT Improving internalweaknesses bytaking advantageof externalopportunities WOStrategies

  12. ST Strategies StrengthsWeaknessesOpportunities ThreatsSWOT Use a firm’s strengthsto avoid orreduce the impactof externalthreats STStrategies

  13. WT Strategies StrengthsWeaknessesOpportunities ThreatsSWOT Defensive tacticsaimed at reducinginternal weaknesses & avoidingenvironmentalthreats WTStrategies

  14. SWOT Matrix

  15. Excess working capacity (strength) + 20% annual growth in the cell phone industry (opportunity) = Acquire Cellfone, Inc. Insufficient capacity (weakness) + Exit of two major foreign competitors form the industry (opportunity) = Pursue horizontal integration by buying competitor's facilities Strong R&D (strength) + Decreasing numbers of young adults (threat) = Develop new products for older adults Poor employee morale (weakness) + = Develop a new employee benefits package Strong union activity (threat) Matching Key Factors to Formulate Alternative Strategies Key Internal Factor Key External Factor Resultant Strategy

  16. SWOT MatrixBrand X, Electronic Household

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