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Etail dEtails

Truth-in-EAdvertising. Why should Ebusinesses care?. It's the law.It's good business.. Truth-in-EAdvertising. =.com. THE SAME TRUTH-IN-ADVERTISING STANDARDS APPLY.. Truth-in-EAdvertising. Tell the truth.Back up your claims with solid proof.. THE SAME TRUTH-IN-ADVERTISING STANDARDS APPLY:. Truth-in-EAdvertising.

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Etail dEtails

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Etail dEtails Truth in Advertising for EBusiness

    2. Truth-in-EAdvertising Why should Ebusinesses care? Its the law. Its good business.


    4. Truth-in-EAdvertising Tell the truth. Back up your claims with solid proof.

    5. Truth-in-EAdvertising

    6. Truth-in-EAdvertising Money-making ventures

    7. Truth-in-EAdvertising Money-making ventures

    8. Tell the truth. Look at your ad from the POV of average consumers. Back up your claims with solid proof. Be careful with disclaimers and disclosures. Use caution with endorsements.

    9. Truth-in-EAdvertising

    10. #1. Tell the truth.

    11. #1. Tell the truth.

    12. #1. Tell the truth.

    13. #2. Look at your ad from the point of view of the average consumer.

    14. #2. Look at the ad from POV of the average consumer. Safer than other irons. Endorsed by fire safety experts. Safe to leave unattended. Recommended by fire fighters.

    15. #2. Look at the ad from POV of the average consumer. Substantiate all claims express and implied. Claims may be literally true, yet still deceptive. Depictions can convey claims, too. Online, be careful with: mouse-over text hyperlinks metatags

    18. CONTENT="cancer, cancer treatments, Essiac ESSIAC Essiac essiac essiac TEA tea tea tea CANCER CANCER Cancer cancer CURES Cures cures cures information, brain tumors, lymphoma help, essiac, ESSIAC teas, natural colon treatments, natural remedies remedies REMEDIES remedies remedies REMEDY Remedy remedy remedy HERBAL HERBAL herbal Herbal HERBS Herbs herbs herbs thyroid fibromyalgia, brain tumors, Brain Tumors, natural colon cures, colon remedies, lymphoma information, diabetes, information, ovarian treatments, herbal remedies, herbal remedy, herbal teas, remedy, immune systems remedy, immune system, breast, fatigue, help, thyroid, lupus teas, breast cancer, breast solutions, prostate answers, prostate prostate solutions lung liver healing lymphoma diabetes ovarian chronic lung immune systems liver leukemia solutions lung therapy liver cures leukemia leukemia cures books herbs books rene caisse diabetes healing Rene Caisse arthritis holistic options holistic answers holistic arthritis Rene caisse,"> <meta NAME="DESCRIPTION" #2. Look at the ad from POV of the average consumer.

    19. CONTENT="cancer, cancer treatments, Essiac ESSIAC Essiac essiac essiac TEA tea tea tea CANCER CANCER Cancer cancer CURES Cures cures cures information, brain tumors, lymphoma help, essiac, ESSIAC teas, natural colon treatments, natural remedies remedies REMEDIES remedies remedies REMEDY Remedy remedy remedy HERBAL HERBAL herbal Herbal HERBS Herbs herbs herbs thyroid fibromyalgia, brain tumors, Brain Tumors, natural colon cures, colon remedies, lymphoma information, diabetes, information, ovarian treatments, herbal remedies, herbal remedy, herbal teas, remedy, immune systems remedy, immune system, breast, fatigue, help, thyroid, lupus teas, breast cancer, breast solutions, prostate answers, prostate prostate solutions lung liver healing lymphoma diabetes ovarian chronic lung immune systems liver leukemia solutions lung therapy liver cures leukemia leukemia cures books herbs books rene caisse diabetes healing Rene Caisse arthritis holistic options holistic answers holistic arthritis Rene caisse,"> <meta NAME="DESCRIPTION" #2. Look at the ad from POV of the average consumer.

    20. #3. Back up your claims with solid proof.

    21. #3. Back up claims with solid proof.

    22. #3. Back up claims with solid proof. COMPETENT AND RELIABLE EVIDENCE Whats required depends on the nature of the claim

    23. #3. Back up claims with solid proof. WHAT IT ISNT: Personal experience Letters from satisfied customers Newspaper articles Sales materials from the distributor The fact that you have a very low return rate WHAT IT IS: Tests, studies, or other scientific research Based on the expertise of professionals in the field Objectively conducted by qualified people Using procedures that experts accept as accurate

    24. #3. Back up claims with solid proof. Have the proof you say you have. Look at the quality of evidence. Look at the totality of evidence. Does the study support the specific claim you are making?

    25. #3 Back up claims with solid proof. ANTI-TOX has been tested by the world-famous Bernstein Medical Institute to reduce the risk of cancer. Ask the residents of Jodiana! They eat a diet rich in the herb found in ANTI-TOX and their cancer rate is 25% less than in the US. Protect your health with ANTI-TOX.

    26. #3. Back up claims with solid proof. Bernstein Medical Institute Study 20 parrots injected with 10 units of herb 5 times a day vs. 20 injected with 10 units of tap water Parrots who got the herb had fewer tumors.

    27. #3. Back up claims with solid proof. Jodiana Population Study Residents of Jodiana eat twice as much of the herb in Anti-Tox than Americans. For men in Jodiana, the hospital admission rate for cancer is 25% less than for men in the US.

    28. #3. Back up claims with solid proof.

    29. #4. Be careful with disclaimers and disclosures.

    30. #4. Be careful with disclosures. PROMINENCE: Is it big enough for consumers to read easily? PLACEMENT: Is it located in a place where consumers are likely to read it and wont be distracted? PROXIMITY: Is it near the claim its explaining? PRESENTATION: Is it presented in easy-to-understand terms that dont contradict other things youve said in the ad?

    31. #4. Be careful with disclosures.

    32. #4. Be careful with disclosures.

    33. #4. Be careful with disclosures.

    34. #4. Be careful with disclosures.

    35. #5. Use caution with endorsements.

    36. #5 Use caution with endorsements. ENDORSEMENTS = SUBSTANTIATION?

    37. #5 Use caution with endorsements. Is your expert really an expert? Did your expert use methods accepted as accurate in the field?

    38. #5 Use caution with endorsements. Make sure that the endorsement reflects the actual experience of that person. If the endorser has a connection to the company, disclose it. If you cant back the claim up with independent proof, dont say it in an endorsement. REMEMBER: Endorsements convey to consumers that those are the TYPICAL results that they will get.


    40. Truth-in-EAdvertising

    41. Etail dEtails Truth in Advertising for EBusiness

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