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Assessment Objective 2 WALT Identify methods of communication

Assessment Objective 2 WALT Identify methods of communication Investigate collaborative working tools WILF Students who have worked collaboratively to identify collaborative working tools and communication methods. To Start... THINK/PAIR/SHARE

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Assessment Objective 2 WALT Identify methods of communication

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  1. Assessment Objective 2 WALT • Identify methods of communication • Investigate collaborative working tools WILF • Students who have worked collaboratively to identify collaborative working tools and communication methods

  2. To Start... THINK/PAIR/SHARE Think about all of the lessons you have had and your everyday life! • Write down all of the methods of communication and collaborative tools which you have used • Write them on the sheet

  3. Collaborative V Communication • Collaborative tools are programs/sites which allow us to work together at the same time to complete a document or task • Google Docs • Mindmeister • Communication tools are ways of communicating with your group • Email Highlight the ones you’ve put on your THINK/PAIR/SHARE – one colour for collaborative & another for communication

  4. The A to Z Challenge! http://year12ocrnationals.weebly.com/ao2.html Using the correct link for your class, complete the A to Z Challenge. 12 A to Z Challenge - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1l-yG-uQXIJbihxzUENwY3q1QusmnEyDw8PJojmomaiE/edit12C A to Z Challenge - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1d17cZs3ua34wJwYTyF5HGGZXTeF9RTHKLt-NP9-ranc/edit

  5. Your Challenge... Search for collaborative tools and communication tools which you can use in your project. • Add the name of the tool to the slide • Provide sources/references to help the group later

  6. Completing Assessment Objective 2 Assessment objective 2 will be an on going homework DEADLINES: • 12A – Monday 30th April 2012 • 12C – Tuesday 1st May 2012 Explain, in detail, the communication & collaboration methods available to you. Think about: • Describing what they are • Explain how and why they might be used Don’t forget to use the Google Doc to help you!

  7. Assessment Criteria

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