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Electronic resources and services to support academic process at AUCA

Electronic resources and services to support academic process at AUCA. Battalova Sania American University – Central Asia Director of Information Resources and Technology battalovas@mail.auca.kg. E-Services provided by IRT http://irt.auca.kg/. e-Course system (Moodle) e-Reserve system

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Electronic resources and services to support academic process at AUCA

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  1. Electronic resources and services to support academic process at AUCA Battalova Sania American University – Central Asia Director of Information Resources and Technology battalovas@mail.auca.kg

  2. E-Services provided by IRThttp://irt.auca.kg/ • e-Course system (Moodle) • e-Reserve system (Moodle environment) • E-Portfolio (Mahara) • E-Library (DSpace) • E-survey tool (SurveyMonkey)

  3. AUCA e-Course system: http://e-course.auca.kg/

  4. AUCA e-Course system: http://e-course.auca.kg/ • Online Course Management System (based on Moodle Open Source Software), can be used to supplement traditional face-to-face classroom activity or to deliver a completely online course. • Includes tools for managing student communication and grades, sharing content, collaborating outside of class, administering quizzes and surveys, and communicating with email, forum or chat. • Is being used as a tool to keep student majors or student groups informed and to collaborate with other professors in research projects. • Is being used as an information and collaboration environment for the University working groups (administrative and/or academic)

  5. AUCA e-Course system: course example

  6. AUCA e-Course system: usage statisticshttp://irt.auca.kg/en/e-course_statistics/

  7. AUCA e-Course system: Student’s responds • Very positive to work with the system • Have no problems with the E-course technology • Have an opportunity to work at home • Have better opportunity to communicate with instructor • Students prefer to take course in which teacher use the E-course system

  8. AUCA e-Course system: faculty responds • Do not need too much time to learn (regularly 2 training sessions and some consultations) • Many features to organize the course • Possibility to use any file formats (video, audio, video lessons as well) • Changing of teaching methodology (active learning approach) • More possibilities for collaboration (faculty-students, faculty-faculty)

  9. AUCA e-Course system: how to start • Follow the link http://e-course.auca.kg/ • Set up an account • Submit ‘Electronic Course Request Form’ (find the form at the IRT web-site or the e-Course web-site) • Fill in a course by resources and activity (information resources, assignments, forums, quizzes) • Enroll students in a course • Have all required support and consultation: Senior Specialist for eLearning – Maya Sharsheeva, irt@mail.auca.kg, tel. (ext): 300

  10. AUCA e-Reserve system: http://library.auca.kg/en/crs/ • eReserve is a part of the e-Course system • e-Reserve is an opportunity to provide an access to learning materials in the framework of your course for your students in electronic (digital) format. • E-Reserves extend the Course Reserves to those outside of the Library by providing a digital copy of the required reading • Library specialists will help you to place the materials at the system.

  11. AUCA e-Reserve system: examples

  12. AUCA e-Reserve system: examples

  13. AUCA e-Reserve system: statistics

  14. AUCA e-Reserve system: how to start • Go to the Library web-site – Electronic reserve section http://library.auca.kg/en/crs/ • Complete online or printed e-Reserve request form  • Bring your materials to the Library • Have all required support and consultation: by phone 66-10-88 (275 int.) or by e-mail library@mail.auca.kg

  15. AUCA e-portfolio system:http://eportfolio.auca.kg/ to present yourself effectively, properly, creatively, professionally, up-to-date to make the information visible to update your profile the information regularly to control and operate the ePortfolio content access to store and to show of the personal achievements Showcase of the personal accomplishments

  16. AUCA Personal professional information – the way to start

  17. Start to create your ePortfolio: http://eportfolio.auca.kg

  18. How it may look like: area of your creativity

  19. “Key points” of the academic career Basic Knowledge For the Beginners To make the process easier and faster Background for future development of the personal e-Portfolio – be creative! AUCA ePortfolio “Easy to make” template

  20. AUCA e-Portfolio system: how to start • Open web browser http://eportfolio.auca.kg • Login with the username and password that you would normally use when you log on to AUCA's computer network. • Complete the Account form with your details. Required items: proper First name and Surname, valid Email address. • Press the button ‘Submit’ • Create your own e-Portfolio • Have all required support and consultation: Senior Specialist for eLearning – Maya Sharsheeva, irt@mail.auca.kg, tel. (ext): 300 or Sania Battalova, (tel/ext. 273)

  21. Research databases (new databases access available) Electronic books collection (all subjects) AUCA Digital Library news What news at the AUCA Library:http://library.auca.kg/

  22. AUCA Digital Library http://elibrary.auca.kg:8080/dspace/

  23. Survey Monkey is an easy-to-use tool for the creation of online surveys It has an intuitive Web interface, which makes it easy for even non-technical folks to create surveys and export collected data It has advanced features, like the ability to branch questions based on response and exporting to different formats, including HTML, CVS and SQL e-Survey tool (SurveyMonkey)http://www.surveymonkey.com/ An example: AUCA web-mail survery http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/7JFZNWN

  24. AUCA e-Survey tool

  25. AUCA e-Survey tool: how to start • Go to the IRT web-site: http://irt.auca.kg/ - Web-survey tool • Complete a request form • Get a login and password to access the system • Have all required support and consultation: Maya Sharsheeva, irt@mail.auca.kg, tel. (ext): 300 Marat Kuldashev, marat@mail.auca.kg, tel(ext): 207 Sania Battalova, battalovas@mail.auca.kg, tel(ext): 273

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