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Urban settlements in Norway

Urban settlements in Norway. A comparison with delimitations using strict 200 m criteria Erik Engelien Division for Environmental statistics. Background. Definition of urban settlement 1960 in Norway along with national results Nordic definition coined 1960, but never used in Norway

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Urban settlements in Norway

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  1. Urban settlements in Norway A comparison with delimitations using strict 200 m criteria Erik Engelien Division for Environmental statistics

  2. Background • Definition of urban settlement 1960 in Norway along with national results • Nordic definition coined 1960, but never used in Norway • The Norwegian definition originally incorporated functional criteria • Automatic method implemented in the late 1990’s • Easy to test a 200 m criteria by automatic methodology

  3. Definition Norway • En hussamling skal registreres som et tettsted dersom det bor minst 200 personer der (ca. 60-70 boliger). • Avstanden mellom husene skal normalt ikke overstige 50 meter. Det er tillatt med et skjønnsmessig avvik utover 50 meter mellom husene i områder som ikke skal eller kan bebygges. Dette kan f.eks være parker, idrettsanlegg, industriområder eller naturlige hindringer som elver eller dyrkbare områder. Husklynger som naturlig hører med til tettstedet taes med inntil en avstand på 400 meter fra tettstedskjernen. • Tettsteder er geografiske områder som har en dynamisk avgrensing, og antall tettsteder og deres yttergrenser vil endre seg over tid avhengig av byggeaktivitet og befolkningsutvikling.

  4. Nordic definition • «Som tätbebyggt område räknas alla hussamlingar med minst 200 invånare, såvida avståndet mellan husen normalt icke överstiger 200 meter. Avståndet kan dock tillåtas överstiga 200 meter när det gäller hussamlingar inom en större orts influensområde. Å andra sidan bör maximigränsen mellan husen sättas lägre än 200 meter, der bebyggelsens karaktär så påkallar, nämligen då i små tätorter ingen tydlig tätortskärna (centrum, city) framträder och i de fall, då gränsen mellan tätort og landsbygd är diffus, med andra ord då bebyggelsen i tätorten icke framstår som avsevärt tätare än inom övriga närliggande bebyggda områden… • …Även om avståndet mellan husen överstiger 200 meter, skal det inte betraktas som avbrott i bebyggelsen, när det mellan husen belägna området utnyttjas til allmännyttiga ändmål såsom vägar, parkeringsplatser, parker, idrottsplatser och kyrkogårdar; detsamma gäller sådana obebyggda områden som lagerplatser, järnvägslinjer och kajer.

  5. Data source and methodology • Ground property- address- and building register • Population register • Register of sports facilities • (Coastline from national digital map)

  6. Buffering…

  7. …reselecting > 200 inhabitants…

  8. …shrinking polygons to 25 m from buildings

  9. Automatic delimitation… • … does not allow for individual asessments. Choices regarding distance has to be made in advance. • Data source does not include: Storage area, railway lines and roads, quay, parking area and other developed areas • Manual asessment in earlier delimitations led to maximum distances of more than 50 m in many cases • This led to implementation of differensiated max distances based on type of building (50 – 200m)

  10. Norway Buffer 25 – 100 m 200 inhabitants Pluss ”satellittes” Generalized cutting across ”fjords” up to 200 m 25 m from outermost buildings Clipped with coastline Internal not built up area > 1 km2 taken out Norway 200 Buffer 100 m 200 inhabitants 25 m from outermost buildings

  11. Results • 1 493 urban settlements • 3 500 km2 • 3,76 mill inhabitants in urban settlements • or 82,5 percent of the inhabitants • 1 074 inhabitants per km2 • Compared to SSB’s urban settlements: • 561 more urban settlements • 245 491 more inhabitants in urban settlements (7 percent increase) • 1 277 km2 more urban area (57 percent increase)

  12. comparison within size-groups

  13. A 200 m criteria with automatic methodology can not be used in Norway because… • ”Urban settlements” includes too much open land and agriculture • Places which is not regarded as urban settlements will be included in the statistics

  14. This is a consequense of… • Different settlement and building pattern in Norway compared to other Nordic countries • But also of the automatic methodology • if asessment was possible the results would not differ that much from a 200 m criterion? • The existing, operationalized method of delimitation differentiate 50 – 200 m • Given the exceptions to the general distance criteria (in the Nordic definition), what is an urban settlement?

  15. Population density compared to other Nordic countries

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