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Tell me about it: Pan-American collaborative language exchange projects By

Tell me about it: Pan-American collaborative language exchange projects By Aurora Castillo-Scott Ed.D . Juan Alcarria M.A. Telecollaboration in University Foreign Language Education February 12-14, 2014. eTandem Projects First Project:

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Tell me about it: Pan-American collaborative language exchange projects By

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  1. Tell me about it: Pan-American collaborative language exchange projects By Aurora Castillo-Scott Ed.D. Juan Alcarria M.A. Telecollaboration in University Foreign Language Education February 12-14, 2014

  2. eTandem Projects • First Project: • Institution: EAFIT University, Medellín, Colombia • Courses: • GCSU: Intermediate Grammar • EAFIT: Intermediate Conversation • Length of Project: 3 semesters. • Second Project: • Institution: Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile. • Courses: • GCSU: Spanish Structure and Composition. • UdeC: Intermediate Conversation • Length of Project: 1 semester.

  3. eTandem Projects

  4. Topics • Colombia Project: • Personal Introductions – Family. • Childhood. • College life and plans for the future. • Learning languages and study abroad. • Culture topics (holidays, music, movies, sports, etc.).

  5. Chile Project

  6. Process: • Step 1: • Students’ information (names – emails - Skype accounts). • Pair students (1 English speaker – 1-2 Spanish speakers). • Usernames/passwords. • Instructors’ training session. • Step 2: • Students’ training session (Wimba Instructions Handout – Project Guidelines – Essay/Blog grading criteria). • Meeting times and dates.

  7. Step 3: • Meeting at main Lobby. • Drag and drop (breakout rooms). • Greetings and start interactions. • Supervise interactions and technical problems. • Step 4: • Written reports/Blogs.

  8. Suggestions and Limitations • Suggestions: • Be organized. • Select and prepare topic ahead of time. • Select assessment technique. • Suggest/request time spent in each language. • Give clear instructions and expected outcomes. • Give brief introduction about the partner institution and students. • Reserve time for reflection before and after.

  9. Suggestions cont. • Select technology and back up technology. • Prepare technological support. • Train yourself, partner-instructor, students. • Select students’ pairs (if not at random). • Select dates, time and length of project. • Prepare handouts. • Cooperate with partner instructor. • Be open to last minute changes. • Make sure students have access to technological tools needed.

  10. Limitations: • Time difference between countries. • Time difference between classes. • Equal number of participants in each group. • Students accountability. • Internet speed/connection. • Technology malfunction.

  11. Finding a Partner Institution • First Project: • Personal email. • Personal visits and meetings. • Second Project: • www.LinguaeLive.ca

  12. Contribution of Jennifer Hosek and MayuTakasaki(Queen’sUniversity) jhosek@queensu.ca - Mayu.Takasaki@QueensU.ca

  13. What is www.LinguaeLive.ca? • A free tool for eTandem using VOIP (Skype) to help learners improve their language and cultural skills by making connection abroad. Contribution of Jennifer Hosek and MayuTakasaki(Queen’sUniversity) jhosek@queensu.ca - Mayu.Takasaki@QueensU.ca

  14. Unique Elements • Free, non-commercial, open access. • Developed by instructors and students. • Designed for accountability and efficiency. Contribution of Jennifer Hosek and MayuTakasaki(Queen’sUniversity) jhosek@queensu.ca - Mayu.Takasaki@QueensU.ca

  15. How www.LinguaLive.ca works? • It provides 3 important roles for successful eTandem. • 1)Match maker for instructors: • LinguaeLive website provides a place where instructors can find their partners. Once instructors sign up, they can view potential partners and request partnership. LinguaeLive will match instructors according to their language pairing and their time frame. Contribution of Jennifer Hosek and MayuTakasaki(Queen’sUniversity) jhosek@queensu.ca - Mayu.Takasaki@QueensU.ca

  16. 2) Match makerforstudents. • LinguaeLive matchesstudentsaccordingtotheir availability. Onceinstructorsarepairedup, theirstudents will signupandentertheiravailability. ThenLinguaeLive willmatchstudentsaccordingly. Havingmutually available time, pairscaneasilyscheduletheirsessions. Contribution of Jennifer Hosek and MayuTakasaki(Queen’sUniversity) jhosek@queensu.ca - Mayu.Takasaki@QueensU.ca

  17. 3) Time keeper! • Students canuseLinguaeLivetorecordtheirsessiontime. This functionmakesrecordkeepingeasyasinstructors can viewtheirstudents’ activityonline. *StudentsneedtoopenLiLiandtheirpreferred VOIP at the sametime. Startandstopbuttonshavetobepressed bydifferentstudentsforthecredibility. Contribution of Jennifer Hosek and MayuTakasaki(Queen’sUniversity) jhosek@queensu.ca - Mayu.Takasaki@QueensU.ca

  18. How touseLignaueLive.ca • 1) Instructor signup 2) Instructorpairing • Upon signup, instructorscan see alistof‘Potential Complementally Courses’ Contribution of MayuTakasaki(Queen’sUniversity) Mayu.Takasaki@QueensU.ca

  19. 1) Students signup 2) Student pairing Students willcreatetheirownaccountunder theirinstructor’saccountusing‘CourseCode’, andentertheiravailability. Instructorscanseetheirstudentsaccountactivities. LiLiwilllistpotentialpartnersthathaveoverlapintheir availability. Studentscansendmessagefrom here. Instructorcandecidewhether studentswillhave singleormultiplepartners. Contribution of Jennifer Hosek and MayuTakasaki(Queen’sUniversity) jhosek@queensu.ca - Mayu.Takasaki@QueensU.ca

  20. Student’s Voice about LinguaeLive Contribution of Jennifer Hosek and MayuTakasaki(Queen’sUniversity) jhosek@queensu.ca - Mayu.Takasaki@QueensU.ca

  21. Contribution of Jennifer Hosek and MayuTakasaki(Queen’sUniversity) jhosek@queensu.ca - Mayu.Takasaki@QueensU.ca

  22. Contribution of Jennifer Hosek and MayuTakasaki(Queen’sUniversity) jhosek@queensu.ca - Mayu.Takasaki@QueensU.ca

  23. Students’ Comments • I learned more in this experience that what I could have learned from a book…now I am not nearly as nervous as before about speaking with native speakers, I am ready to practice with native speakers around the world. EAFIT Students GCSU Students

  24. Students’ Comments • I gained motivation and confidence to continue studying Spanish as a foreign language in hopes that I will become fluent one day. eTandem allowed me to realize that Spanish speakers living in a part of the world I have never been to can understand my Spanish without any problems and that gave me so much confidence in myself. GCSU Students with UdeC Students (Chile)

  25. Instructional video about Linguaelive (LiLi) • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRpkvuxLwwQ

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