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Solution for Future Electrical Supply in the Middle Europe Nuclear Power

Solution for Future Electrical Supply in the Middle Europe Nuclear Power. Ivo Kouklík ivo.kouklik@cez.cz. CONTENT. ČEZ Group introduction Energetic situation in the Czech Republic ČEZ nuclear experience Nuclear power plant construction - preparation from the beginning.

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Solution for Future Electrical Supply in the Middle Europe Nuclear Power

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  1. Solution for Future Electrical Supply in the Middle Europe Nuclear Power Ivo Kouklík ivo.kouklik@cez.cz

  2. CONTENT • ČEZ Group introduction • Energetic situation in the Czech Republic • ČEZ nuclear experience • Nuclear power plant construction - preparation from the beginning

  3. ČEZ IS A DOMINANT PLAYER IN ALL SEGMENTS OFTHE CZECH ELECTRICITY MARKET Lignite mining Generation Transmission Distribution Supply for final consumption 45% 22 million tons 72% 59.5 TWh 100% 62 TWh* 5 out of 8 distribution companies 62% of customers 54% 31.1 TWh CEZ 55% 27 million tons 46% 26.5 TWh 38% of customers Others 28% 23.1TWh • The Czech transmission grid is owned and operated by CEPS, 100% owned by the Czech state ZCE, SCE, STE, VCE, SME Source: CEZ, ERU

  4. CEZ ABROAD Poland (Elcho, Skawina) • Installed capacity (MW) Czech republic • Electricity sales (TWh) • Number of customers (million) • Installed capacity (MW) • 900 • 68 • 3.4 • 12,300 Romania (EDC Oltenia) • Electricity sales (TWh) • Number of customers (million) • 7 • 1.4 Bulgaria (3 EDCs in western region + Varna PP 1260 MW) • Electricity sales 8 TWh • Number of customers 1.9 million Own assets Trading office Source: CEZ, a. s.

  5. CEZ, A. S. - POWER PLANTS Germany Poland Germany Slovakia Total 12 300 MW Austria AJ

  6. ČEZ ELECTRICITYPRODUCTION IN 2006 11 Hydro + 1 Solar + 1 Wind 1 935 MW; 2 TWh Installed Power 2 Nuclear 3 760 MW 26 TWh 10 Coal 6 603 MW 33,7 TWh Production Nuclear Power Plant is giant source of energy Source : CEZ Annual Report 2006

  7. Domestic consumption without savings DECOMMISSIONING OF CURRENT POWER PLANTSAND GROWTH OF CONSUMPTION CAUSE LACKOF ELECTRICITY Domestic consumption with savings Production of current power plants vs. consumption growth Missing productioncapacity Refurbishment of coal power plants Current coal power plants Gas and other renewables Nuclear power plants Hydro

  8. LOW VARIABLE COST AND HIGH UTILIZATION ALSO GIVE A GOOD CHANCE THAT ATTAINABLE MARGIN WILL COVER FULL COSTS OF NEW BUILDS Economies Prices covered full costs of new builds*: EUR/MWh, 2020 CO2 cost Full-cost w/o CO2 • Excepting Lignite in benchmarking allocation scheme the Nukes have the lowest full cost • No risk regarding next CO2 allowances allocation scheme 63 62 53 40 * in West Europe (WACC 7%)

  9. CO2 PRODUCTION Nuclear push down CO2 emissionsignificantly CO2 [kg CO2/kWh] * Direct and indirect CO2 production Source : Öko-Institut Darmstadt

  10. ČEZ nuclear experience

  11. Nuclear NPP - 3760 MWel Temelín 2x1000 MW VVER 1000 (PWR) Commissioned 2002 Dukovany 4x 440 MW VVER 440 (PWR) Commissioned 1985 AJ

  12. ČEZ nuclear experienceDukovany Dukovany has been in operation since 1985. NPP Dukovany produced more than 14 TWh of electricity last year We have implemented hundreds of modifications Intermediate spend fuel storage was erected Number of employees decreased more then twice Plant operates on increased power – nominal electrical output is 460 MW today We have long experience with safe and reliable operation of nuclear power plants.

  13. ČEZ nuclear experienceTemelín Temelín has been in operation since 2003 – the last NPP successfully commissioned in Europe. NPP produced more than 10 TWh of electricity last year. We are preparing dry spend fuel storage We are working on stabilization of operation We have experience with construction and commissioning of nuclear power plants.

  14. ČEZ nuclear experience – new build Political situation in the Czech Republic We carried out several studies and analysis including studies about impact on environment, feasibility study, transport study,.. Our advantage : utilization of the Temelin construction experience

  15. Schedule

  16. How to start with new NPP preparation and construction • Strong support from the government • Public acceptance • Nuclear legislation („Atomic law“ + regulations) • Knowledgeable and capable nuclear regulatory authority • Educational system ( including teachers) – job preparation, high schools, universities, training capacities • Industrial and research capacities • Strong financing for the long time

  17. How to start with new NPP preparation and construction • Ability to say what you want to the vendors • Ability to check the vendors offers and designs • Territorial plans • Agreement of municipalities – system of benefits

  18. How to start with new NPP preparation and construction Site – many conditions: • Earthquake • Transport – routes, railways, harbors,.. • Cooling water • Connections to the electrical grid • Infrastructure • Density of population • ….

  19. Conclusions • ČEZ is financially strong, continuously growing electrical utility • We are ready to start with preparation of new nuclear build in our country and also abroad

  20. Thank you for your attention ivo.kouklik@cez.cz

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