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The Safavid Empire

The Safavid Empire. Bill Lampe and Emily T homas. Interactions. Trade, conquest, migration, religious freedom Results of cultural blending Language, religion and Ethical systems, styles of govt., ethnic blending, art and architecture Interactions promoted by S ulleyman

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The Safavid Empire

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Safavid Empire Bill Lampe and Emily Thomas

  2. Interactions Trade, conquest, migration, religious freedom Results of cultural blending Language, religion and Ethical systems, styles of govt., ethnic blending, art and architecture Interactions promoted by Sulleyman Turks had a major trading route New trade language was Swahili

  3. Political Safavids concentrate on building powerful military due to geographic location Isma`il names himself Shah New capital made under Shah Abbas, Esfahan Two armies one was Christian one was Persian

  4. Culture/Religon Esfahan had beautiful mosque called the Nisjin-e In Esfahan art flourishes carpet making, art,pottery High demand for Persian carpets/national industry Isma`il Became religious tyrant and killed anyone who didn’t convert to Shi`ism

  5. Economic Systems Trade and exchange flourishes as people migrate toward Esfahan The Ottomans empire (that the safavids later captured) had amazing trade routes Saffavidstook advantage of silk road which brought carpets Had direct trade with Europe

  6. Social While trade flourishes people were exposed to new religions Men did work while women stayed at home, took care of children cooked etc. Shah> shi`ite citizen> anyone who didn’t convert to Shi`ism = DEAD

  7. Thank you for listening

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