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Polarization Vijay Natraj

Polarization Vijay Natraj. Importance of Polarization. Polarization is a result of scattering. The Earth’s atmosphere contains molecules, aerosols and clouds, all of which contribute to scattering. Surfaces can also polarize, in some cases significantly ( e.g., ocean).

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Polarization Vijay Natraj

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  1. Polarization Vijay Natraj

  2. Importance of Polarization • Polarization is a result of scattering. • The Earth’s atmosphere contains molecules, aerosols and clouds, all of which contribute to scattering. • Surfaces can also polarize, in some cases significantly (e.g., ocean). • Polarization depends on solar and viewing angles and will therefore introduce spatial biases in XCO2 if unaccounted for. • The OCO instrument measures only one component of polarization.

  3. Polarization in the O2A Band SZA = 10° (solid); 40° (dotted); 70° (dashed) continuum gas absorption od ~ 1 line core

  4. Proposed Solution: Two Orders of Scattering Approximation • Full multiple-scattering vector ARTM codes (e.g. VLIDORT) are too slow to meet large-scale OCO processing requirements. • Scalar computation causes two kinds of errors. • polarized component of the Stokes vector is neglected. • correction to intensity due to polarization is neglected. • Major contribution to polarization comes from first few orders of scattering (multiple scattering is depolarizing). • Single scattering does not account for the correction to intensity due to polarization.

  5. Polarization Approximation Overview • XCO2 retrievals will only be applied to optically thin scattering (τ<0.3). • Intensity will still be calculated with full multiple scattering scalar model. • S = Isca+Icor-Q2 • Fast correction to standard scalar code • Exact through second order • Simple model, easily implemented • Supports analytic Jacobians

  6. 45 geometries 9 scenarios Scenarios for Testing Proposed Method • SZA: 10°, 40°, 70° • VZA: 0° (OCO nadir mode), 35°, 70° • Azimuth: 0° (OCO nadir mode), 45°, 90°, 135°, 180° • Surface Albedo: 0.01, 0.1, 0.3 • Aerosol OD: 0 (Rayleigh), 0.01, 0.1 • Dusty continental aerosol (Kahn et al., JGR 106(D16), pp. 18219-18238, 2001)

  7. Rayleigh Aerosol OD = 0.01 Aerosol OD = 0.1 Increasing Surface Albedo Forward Model Radiance Errors: O2A Band Asterisks refer to different geometries; The red triangles refer to OCO nadir viewing geometry.

  8. Rayleigh Aerosol OD = 0.01 Aerosol OD = 0.1 Increasing Surface Albedo Forward Model Radiance Errors: 1.61 µm CO2 Band Asterisks refer to different geometries; The red triangles refer to OCO nadir viewing geometry.

  9. Rayleigh Aerosol OD = 0.01 Aerosol OD = 0.1 Increasing Surface Albedo Forward Model Radiance Errors: 2.06 µm CO2 Band Asterisks refer to different geometries; The red triangles refer to OCO nadir viewing geometry.

  10. Residuals: Best Case Scenario (O2A Band) SZA = 10°; VZA = 0°; Azimuth = 0°; Surface Albedo = 0.3; No Aerosol

  11. Residuals: Best Case Scenario (1.61 µm CO2 Band) SZA = 10°; VZA = 0°; Azimuth = 0°; Surface Albedo = 0.3; No Aerosol

  12. Residuals: Best Case Scenario (2.06 µm CO2 Band) SZA = 10°; VZA = 0°; Azimuth = 0°; Surface Albedo = 0.3; No Aerosol

  13. Residuals: Worst-Case Scenario (O2A Band) SZA = 70°; VZA = 70°; Azimuth = 90°; Surface Albedo =0.01; Aerosol OD = 0.1

  14. Residuals: Worst-Case Scenario (1.61 µm CO2 Band) SZA = 70°; VZA = 70°; Azimuth = 90°; Surface Albedo =0.01; Aerosol OD = 0.1

  15. Residuals: Worst-Case Scenario (2.06 µm CO2 Band) SZA = 70°; VZA = 70°; Azimuth = 90°; Surface Albedo =0.01; Aerosol OD = 0.1

  16. Timing Results: No Aerosol 16 half-space streams for Gaussian quadrature

  17. Timing Results: Aerosol Present 2 scat approx. adds only 50% to scalar calculation (for simulating 45 geometries). For OCO retrievals, overhead is expected to be around 10%.

  18. Linear Error Analysis • 6 scenarios considered • Surface Albedo: 0.01, 0.1, 0.3 • Aerosol OD: 0.01, 0.1 • SZA = 45°; VZA = 0°; Azimuth = 0° (OCO Nadir Mode) • 8 half-space streams, 11 layers • Number of spectral points: 8307 (O2 A band), 3334 (CO2 bands)

  19. Status and Implementation Schedule • Offline sensitivity tests for nadir viewing over Lambertian surface: Done • Implementation in OCO Level 2 Algorithm: May • Testing and implementation of two orders of scattering approximation for glint viewing over ocean: June • Modification for spherical geometry, calculation of analytic weighting functions, spectral binning: December

  20. Summary • Ignoring polarization could lead to significant (as high as 10 ppm) errors in XCO2 retrievals. • A two orders of scattering approach to account for the polarization works very well, giving XCO2 errors that are much smaller than other biases. • The approach is two orders of magnitude faster than a full vector calculation. • The additional overhead is in the range of 10% of the scalar computation .

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