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Department of Student Assessment DoSA EXPLORE In-Service August 27 and 28, 2009

2. Agenda. Purpose and uses of EXPLOREWhen to administer EXPLORENew with EXPLORE in 2009-2010Who takes EXPLOREAccommodationsMaterialsTest SecurityOnline OrderingEXPLORE times for components and sessionsTesting ProceduresResults. 3. Purpose and Use of EXPLORE. EXPLORE provides baseline information at 8th and 9th grade about student readiness for college and to assist students in educational and career planning. Assists in developing a high school course work planMay be used for cou32127

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Department of Student Assessment DoSA EXPLORE In-Service August 27 and 28, 2009

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    1. Department of Student Assessment (DoSA) EXPLORE In-Service August 27 and 28, 2009

    2. Agenda Purpose and uses of EXPLORE When to administer EXPLORE New with EXPLORE in 2009-2010 Who takes EXPLORE Accommodations Materials Test Security Online Ordering EXPLORE times for components and sessions Testing Procedures Results

    3. Purpose and Use of EXPLORE EXPLORE provides baseline information at 8th and 9th grade about student readiness for college and to assist students in educational and career planning. Assists in developing a high school course work plan May be used for course placement Predictor of how students will perform on PLAN in grade 10 and the ACT portion of the PSAE in grade 11

    4. 2009-2010 EXPLORE Test Administration Window All EXPLORE makeup tests should be completed during this same window. Two options for returning scorable answer documents (grade 8 only): 1. Send scorable materials directly to ACT (EXPLORE Scoring Service, 2727 Scott Blvd., Iowa City, IA 52243) using a traceable method 2. Hand deliver scorable materials to CPS Test Intake Center (3532 W. 47th Place, 2nd floor) Grade 9 scorable answer documents MUST be hand delivered to the CPS Intake Center.

    5. New with EXPLORE in 2009-2010 Use of 9-digit state student state ID numbers Contract/cycle codes: Grade 8: Code is 114 Grade 9: Code is 214 New Materials FORM 03B Standard Test Booklets (do NOT use 03A test booklets) FORM 03A Accommodated Test Booklets BLUE Answer Folders GREEN Class/Group Headers BROWN School Headers Online ordering of additional and accommodation materials Hand bubbled information MUST have student state ID numbers; no pre-ID labels for students without them at the time of preprint files (August 13, 2009) Run rosters of state student IDs; CPS student IDs are not used anywhere Hand bubbled information MUST have student state ID numbers; no pre-ID labels for students without them at the time of preprint files (August 13, 2009) Run rosters of state student IDs; CPS student IDs are not used anywhere

    6. Rosters with Student State ID Numbers Take the following steps to create a roster of students state ID numbers by grade level or by homeroom/division: Log into IMPACT and access SIM. In the left-hand menu under Admin, click on Reports. Under Student List Reports, click on CPS Student Alpha List. Under Filters, search by Grade Level (Active) or Homeroom Active ? equals ? grade level or homeroom/division number. Click Run Report.

    7. Where to Find Important EXPLORE Information for Documentation Student State ID Numbers: Run roster on IMPACT SIM by grade level or division 8-digit EXPLORE Site Code: Located on EXPLORE packing slip; list available on DoSA website prior to testing window Cycle/contract Code: In previous slide; also located on EXPLORE packing slip

    8. Who Takes EXPLORE? All 8th and 9th grade students take EXPLORE, including those at charter, contract, and AMPS schools ELL students in PY5 and above should take EXPLORE. Students in PY1-4 may participate at school discretion (note that these students are required take ISAT). Students in PY0 are exempt. Students with IEPs who participate in ISAT testing should take EXPLORE. EXPLORE is not a high stakes test. The purpose of EXPLORE is to provide baseline information at 8th grade about student readiness for college and to assist in educational and career planning. It is also a predictor of how students will perform on the ACT portion of the PSAE in grade 11. ELL students may test with the use of accommodations. With this in mind, the Department of Student Assessment (DoSA) encourages schools to carefully consider whether the data provided will be useful when deciding whether to include ELL students in PY1-4 in EXPLORE testing with the use of accommodations. EXPLORE is not a high stakes test. The purpose of EXPLORE is to provide baseline information at 8th grade about student readiness for college and to assist in educational and career planning. It is also a predictor of how students will perform on the ACT portion of the PSAE in grade 11. ELL students may test with the use of accommodations. With this in mind, the Department of Student Assessment (DoSA) encourages schools to carefully consider whether the data provided will be useful when deciding whether to include ELL students in PY1-4 in EXPLORE testing with the use of accommodations.

    9. Available Accommodations for Students with IEPs Accommodation should be based on IEP or 504 plan on file. Extended time Alternate test formats include the following: Braille Large print CD Audio cassette Readers script Students testing with different accommodations should test in different rooms.

    10. Available Accommodations for Students Based on ELL Status Extended time Use of a translator to translate instructions into the students native language (test questions or answers cannot be translated as an accommodation). Alternate test formats include the following: CD Audiocassette Readers script Please note that all accommodations materials are only available in English they have not been translated into other languages. Students testing with different accommodations should test in different rooms.

    11. Students Testing with EXPLORE Alternate Test Formats Alternate test formats must be requested via the DoSA online ordering system. Each alternate test format should be administered in different room. If students use a large-type answer folder or write responses in the test booklet as their accommodation, the answers MUST be transferred to a standard answer folder by Room Supervisor before returning for scoring. Primary accommodation MUST be marked AFTER testing in the appropriate block at the top of page 2 on students answer folders.

    12. Materials Delivery and Supplemental Ordering Deadlines

    13. Materials Shipment Materials will be delivered to schools in two shipments. Shipment one contains the following: Student pre-ID labels, sorted by homeroom (if available) and student alphabetical last name Note: No pre-ID labels for students without state ID numbers at the time of printing - Sorted by homeroom if available at the time pre-ID file was run (July 20, 2009)- Sorted by homeroom if available at the time pre-ID file was run (July 20, 2009)

    14. Materials Shipment (cont) Shipment 2 includes the following: EXPLORE administration materials Administration bulletin School header two per school Class/group headers 1 per 25 students on pre-enrollment file Room Supervisors Manual one per 20 students Test Supervisors Packet Student materials (including automatic 10% overage) Standard time student test booklets Standard time answer folders Instructions for Completing Your Answer Folder one per student Why Take EXPLORE? pretest info for students and parents Students need one of each of the four student materials Test Sup Packet contains: Test Supervisors Manual Room Supervisors Manual Using Your EXPLORE Results Lets Go to College Poster Instructions for the Return of Materials Answer Document Notice Students need one of each of the four student materials Test Sup Packet contains: Test Supervisors Manual Room Supervisors Manual Using Your EXPLORE Results Lets Go to College Poster Instructions for the Return of Materials Answer Document Notice

    15. Test Security Inventory all items immediately upon receipt. Store in a locked room or cabinet. Limit access to the test supervisor and/or school administrator. Give materials to room supervisors personally rather than leave in an unattended room for pick up.

    16. Ordering Supplemental Test Materials Additional materials and accommodation materials can be ordered via the DoSA online ordering site: http://itgcenter.cps.k12.il.us/ Students need one of each of the four student materials. Need your 8-digit EXPLORE site code. Caps on number of materials.

    17. Logging Into Online Ordering Site Log on to http://itgcenter.cps.k12.il.us/ using their Principal CPS login and password. NOT the password for REA Principal Login site

    18. Create a Request On left hand toolbar, click on Demand Management Click on Create a Request

    19. Request Type Under the Request Type drop down menu, scroll down and select the DoSA assessment for which you need to order materials. Once selected, press the Create button.

    20. Enter Order Details Principal name and e-mail will pre-populate in Summary section. Required fields for submission have a red asterisk. Enter school and Test Coordinator contact info. Automatic e-mail response will be sent to TC and principal School name and school ID field will automatically show options once you type in a few letters/numbers Save Draft if you need to come back to the order. Request Status at top will tell you status of your order (submitted, not submitted)School name and school ID field will automatically show options once you type in a few letters/numbers Save Draft if you need to come back to the order. Request Status at top will tell you status of your order (submitted, not submitted)

    21. EXPLORE Times for Components and Sessions Pre-test activities (65-75 minutes) Must be completed PRIOR to testing. Recommendation is to administer over a two-day period (Day 1: Pre-test session; Day 2: Academic tests) Components required to be completed PRIOR to testing Plans and Background [Block J] (Instructions for Completing your Answer Folder, pages 4, 5, and 6) Needs Assessment [Block L] (Instructions for Completing your Answer Folder, page 5) Interest Inventory (Instructions for Completing your Answer Folder, page 7)

    23. Materials for School to Provide in EXPLORE Testing Two pieces of scratch paper per student Pencil sharpener in each test room Supply of No. 2 pencils Supply of calculators for the Mathematics Test (if desired) Reliable stopwatch or interval timer

    24. EXPLORE Testing Procedures Before Testing Test Supervisor Immediately inventory and secure all test materials Thoroughly read Test Supervisors Manual, Room Supervisors Manual, and CPS EXPLORE Bulletin Order additional and/or accommodation materials ASAP Select and schedule test days during testing window Assign proctors to rooms with more than 25 students Select and in-service all room supervisors and proctors. Review EXPLORE Procedures Checklist on back cover of Room Supervisors Manual with staff. Distribute and use Instructions for Completing Your Answer Folder for pre-test activity Block M is for supplemental information we dont need Blocks R and S are if EXPLORE is used as high school admissions test, which it is not Extra answer folders and test booklets in case any are defective Record number of materials assigned to each room and have them sign off on it. Distribute and use Instructions for Completing Your Answer Folder for pre-test activity Block M is for supplemental information we dont need Blocks R and S are if EXPLORE is used as high school admissions test, which it is not Extra answer folders and test booklets in case any are defective Record number of materials assigned to each room and have them sign off on it.

    25. EXPLORE Testing Procedures Before Testing Test Supervisor Select and reserve testing rooms that allow for appropriate seating arrangements, including sufficient rooms for students testing with various accommodations (pg. 2-3 in RSM) Apply pre-ID labels to upper left-hand corner of student answer folders BEFORE testing. Hand bubble information for students without pre-ID labels Assemble and count all required and additional materials for each test room. Include extra answer folders and test booklets Print out rosters of students names and state ID numbers for room supervisors. Ensure all pre-test activities are completed PRIOR to testing

    26. EXPLORE Testing Procedures Before Testing Room Supervisor Thoroughly read the Room Supervisors Manual Distribute and review with students Why Take EXPLORE? Distribute to students the Instructions for Completing Your Answer Folder for pre-test session Distribute student state ID numbers to students. Direct students to confirm all information on pre-ID label is correct. Tell students to ignore Blocks M S. Student addresses are not needed for EXPLORE. Arrange test room Make sure each student has appropriate materials Ensure students write name on test booklets and answer folders

    27. EXPLORE Testing Procedures During Testing Room Supervisor Read instructions verbatim. Administer test sessions in order, allowing the appropriate time for each test. Post start, stop, 5-minutes-remaining times on the board. Write times in manual. Check to see that students are recording answers in the appropriate area. Document any testing irregularities.

    28. EXPLORE Testing Procedures After Testing Room Supervisor Collect answer folders first and then test booklets from each student before they leave the room. Verify counts of test materials before students are dismissed. Check each answer folder for a Pre-ID label or that hand gridded student information is accurate and complete. Check for no stray marks or doodles and answer choices are darkly marked with pencil, not pen. Check the correct test form is marked in section K (Form 03B for standard time; Form 03A for accommodation). Ignore special status codes on page 23 of the Room Supervisors Manual (RSM). Mark accommodation codes for students who received special accommodations (RSM page 10).

    29. EXPLORE Testing Procedures After Testing Room Supervisor (cont) Fill out EXPLORE Class/Group Header and place one on top of your class/groups answer folders. Transfer any student responses from large print answer documents to standard answer folder. Use Testing Irregularity Report to describe any unusual circumstances that may affect students scores found on page 25 in the EXPLORE Room Supervisors Manual. Return all materials (except used scratch paper) to the Test Supervisor Manuals say class/group headers are optional. They are required for CPS.Manuals say class/group headers are optional. They are required for CPS.

    30. EXPLORE Testing Procedures After Testing Test Supervisor Ensure there is a correctly completed EXPLORE Class/Group Header returned from the Room Supervisor for each class/group. Flip through answer folders to make sure correct test form code is in block K at bottom of page 1 (Form 03B for standard time; Form 03A for accommodation). Complete one EXPLORE School Header and place on the very top of all answer folders to be scored. If you have grade 8 and 9, do one for each grade level. (Need EXPLORE site code and contract/cycle code for this).

    31. EXPLORE Testing Procedures After Testing Test Supervisor Return scorable materials to CPS Test Distribution Center or (if grade 8) directly to ACT by specified deadline If bringing to CPS Test Distribution Center, bring materials and UNSEALED return envelopes Disregard scoring and reporting deadline in Test Supervisor manual not applicable to CPS

    32. EXPLORE Class/Group Headers Class/group headers green Enter teacher name or initials for Class/Group Name 1 completed by each room supervisor

    33. EXPLORE School Headers School headers are brown One for each grade (8 and 9) Blocks C & D determine national norm group Block G Organize student reports Block H School or class/group rosters Block I Bubble NO

    34. EXPLORE Answer Folders Answer folders are blue Ignore blocks B-I ONLY IF pre-ID label is used Ignore special status codes on page 1 Ignore M-S (student addresses are not needed; local items are not used) Do NOT forget accommodation codes next to block M on page 2 Ignore scoring codes on page 2

    35. EXPLORE Test Irregularities Listed on page 6 of Room Supervisors Manual Student becomes ill or leaves room during testing Student fails to follow instructions (marks responses randomly, refuses to mark responses) Exhibited behavior that disrupts other students Student is observed reading ahead, working ahead or behind Student is observed giving assistance or filing in ovals after time is called Student is observed using unauthorized testing aids A test is mistimed A disturbance/distraction occurs that could affect one or more students scores Student has a defective test booklet or answer folder

    36. Reporting EXPLORE Test Irregularities Test irregularities should be reported on the Testing Irregularity Report included page 25 of the Room Supervisors Manual. Fax to DoSA at (773) 553-2421 before sending to ACT with scorable materials. Do NOT complete Scoring Codes on page 2 of student(s) answer folder to void individual academic tests. E for English; M for math; R for Reading; S for science.E for English; M for math; R for Reading; S for science.

    37. EXPLORE In-Service Topics Purpose of EXPLORE Where to place student pre-ID labels (if staff is helping with this task) Testing day schedule (including school plans for makeup testing, timeframe for picking up materials on test day, etc) Student state ID numbers Proper seating arrangements (ex: all students face same direction, etc) Acceptable calculators No cell phones during testing Exact time of each test Requirements for not leaving the room Accommodation codes Testing irregularities

    38. EXPLORE Results

    39. Upcoming Events: EXPLORE November 2009: In-service on reading and interpreting EXPLORE reports Potentially will be at Counselors Meeting on November 5

    40. Assessment Information

    41. Assessment List Serve

    42. Where to Find Test Results REA Principal Login site http://research.cps.k12.il.us/ IMPACT CIM https://cim.cps.k12.il.us/ IMPACT Report Portal https://impact.cps.k12.il.us/ The Dashboard https://dashboard.cps.k12.il.us/.

    43. DoSA Info Website: http://research.cps.k12.il.us/cps/accountweb/Assessment List serve: http://research.cps.k12.il.us/cps/accountweb/ENews Phone: (773) 553-2430; Fax: (773) 553-2421 Staff: EPAS Project Manager: April Stevens, astevens1@cps.k12.il.us

    44. EXPLORE Best Practices Any tips or lessons learned to quickly share out from previous Test Supervisors?

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