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Natural Gas Drilling ( Fracking )

Natural Gas Drilling ( Fracking ). Lauren Thompson, Carly Meyer, Jeannie Kwan. Introduction. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U01EK76Sy4A&feature=related. What is Fracking (Natural Gas Drilling)?.

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Natural Gas Drilling ( Fracking )

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  1. Natural Gas Drilling(Fracking) Lauren Thompson, Carly Meyer, Jeannie Kwan

  2. Introduction • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U01EK76Sy4A&feature=related

  3. What is Fracking (Natural Gas Drilling)? • Better known as natural gas drilling, it involves pumping water saturated with chemicals into shale (rocks) in the ground to release natural gases. • Began in the 1940’s in Texas as simple hydrofracking • Made more efficient in 1990’s with horizontal drilling • http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=timfvNgr_Q4

  4. Safe Drinking Water Act • Federal law ensuring safe water to drink • Passed by Congress in 1974 • Amended 1986 and 1996 • Fracking exempted by Congress in 2005

  5. Energy Policy Act of 2005 • Addresses energy production • Signed by George W. Bush • Provides loan guarantees for people using new technologies to avoid by product of greenhouse gases

  6. Evidence/Statistics • In the west, fracking waste water is injected underground and is intended to be permanently kept there • In PA, used to just flow into rivers but EPA is now trying to pass legislation to control how waste water is disposed

  7. Recent Developments • EPA finds need to further investigate safety of fracking, and is due to be released 2012 • Arlington put $2,397 annual fee on natural gas drilling wells; money will go to emergency preparedness and response programs • New York state court ruled that towns have the right to ban fracking even though states argue otherwise

  8. Public Opinion A survey was taken of 525 Pennsylvania residents from randomly selected areas • “Key findings include: • (1) more Pennsylvanians believe drilling has and will provide more benefits than problems; • (2) drilling firms should be taxed and the revenue should be used for road and bridge repair or environmental protection; • (3) Pennsylvanians view natural gas as a public resource and believe there should be disclosure of fracking chemicals used; and, • (4) Pennsylvanians have significant doubts about the credibility of the media, environmental groups and scientists on the issue, and also believe Governor Tom Corbett is too closely aligned with the preferences of energy extraction groups.”

  9. Public Opinion (cont.) • “The survey also found that: • 44 percent of those polled say they somewhat or strongly agree the media are overstating the environmental impacts of fracking, while 41 percent say they somewhat or strongly disagree. • 48 percent say they somewhat or strongly agree that environmental groups are overstating the impacts of the drilling, while 39 percent say they somewhat or strongly disagree. • 34 percent say they somewhat or strongly agree that scientists are overstating the impacts of fracking, while 42 percent say they somewhat or strongly disagree.” • http://rfflibrary.wordpress.com/2011/11/17/fracking-for-natural-gas-public-opinion-on-state-policy-options

  10. Frack Action • Tries to protect water, air, and public health from dangers of hydraulic fracturing • Raising awareness, exposing false claims of gas industry, mobilizing a citizen movement

  11. Frack Action Arguments • Generates large amounts of toxic wastewater • Left to evaporate • Dumped into rivers and streams • Contaminates drinking water • Can cause people to get sick • Uses large amounts of fresh water

  12. Other Groups Opposed to Fracking • Josh Fox (Gasland) • Earth Justice • ProPublica

  13. Earth Justice Video • http://earthjustice.org/our_work/campaigns/fracking-gone-wrong-finding-a-better-way?gclid=CIjr-5CBiq4CFWYTNAodRhLB2Q

  14. Political Party Views • For the most part, all parties agree that it would be beneficial to our economy • Green party opposes • President Obama, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Ron Paul, and Mitt Romney think that natural gas drilling would be beneficial for America

  15. Political Cartoons

  16. Sources • http://www.propublica.org/ • http://earthjustice.org/ • http://www.gaslandthemovie.com/ • http://frackaction.com/content/what-fracking • http://www.intoon.com/cartoons.cfm/id/105548 • http://www.propublica.org/article/new-york-court-affirms-towns-powers-to-ban-fracking • http://www.2facts.com/icof_story.aspx?PIN=i1600570&term=natural+gas+drilling • http://www.naturalgas.org/naturalgas/exploration.asphttp://ic.galegroup.com/ic/ovic/searchResults/actionWin?failOverType=&query=BS+natural+gas+drilling&prodId=OVIC&windowstate=normal&display-query=BS+natural+gas+drilling&mode=view&limiter=AC+y&totalSearchResultCount=1090&displayGroups=&userGroupName=&action=e&catId=&activityType=BasicSearch&scanId=CSH • http://www.2facts.com/icof_story.aspx?PIN=ib160572&term=fracking • http://www.earthworksaction.org/issues/detail/hydraulic_fracturing_101 • http://www.propublica.org/article/epa-plans-to-issue-rules-covering-fracking-wastewater • http://blog.modspace.com/2012/02/09/2012-presidential-election-candidates-views-on-natural-gas/

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