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6 th grade GRC

6 th grade GRC. What to expect in GRC in middle school. . GRC.

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6 th grade GRC

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  1. 6th grade GRC What to expect in GRC in middle school.

  2. GRC • GRC is taught through the English/Language Arts class in middle school. You will be learning the exact same stuff that all other 6th graders have to learn, but we just learn the content in different ways- through critical thinking strategies, Six Thinking Hats, Socratic Circles, and more. We also address the social and emotional needs of gifted kids.

  3. Social and Emotional Issues are dealt with through bibliotherapy, cinematherapy, and through reading the Gifted Kids Survival Guide.

  4. READ, READ, READ • Each student will be reading approximately 15 novels this year. I expect students to have a book to read with them at all times. They may also check out a book from my personal library. Electronic readers like Nooks or Kindles may be used in class.

  5. We get CREATIVE!

  6. We learn!

  7. We have fun!

  8. Sample project with a novel • Historical Fiction PRODUCT Guidelines • 100 points • You will be responsible for researching the “historical” aspect of your historical fiction novel. Try to find first-hand accounts. First-hand accounts are documents from someone who actually went through that time period or event. Find a memoir, a newspaper article, a non-fiction book, or something like that. We went to learn more about the historical event or time period in which your book took place. • You will need to create a poster or tri-fold poster filled with pictures and information about your historical event/time period. You will need to research MOST of this information at home as well as print off pictures at home. We will use netbooks in class to research, but we will not have access to computers with printers. Remember, the library is open every day before school and printing is allowed there. Black and white copies are .10 and color copies are .25. You can illustrate your own pictures as well. • ____________________________________ _______________________________ • Parent Signature Student signature • If this form is returned tomorrow with your signature, your child will receive 5 extra points on their PRODUCT poster. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR CHILD’S BOOK IS HISTORICAL FICTION.

  9. Historical Fiction project continued • 10 points for first-hand account • 10 points for displaying a picture and/or short summary of the book • 20 points for good facts • 20 points for pictures • 30 points because the poster is nice to look at • 10 points for effort, neatness • ________________________________ • 100 points total • 25 points for presentation • 25 points on time • ___________________________________ • 50 points total • 150 POINTS FOR PROJECT

  10. What do we study?What do we do? Here are a few topics: • Grammar- parts of speech • Writing- narrative, argumentative… • Literary Genres- sci-fi, historical fiction… • Shakespeare • Watsons Go to Birmingham • Vocabulary- particularly root words etc… • Mythology • Research Papers

  11. Concept Based Curriculum- Our theme is CHANGE Essential Understandings: Change is inevitable. Change is necessary for growth. Change requires adaptation. Change is constant. Individuals deal with change differently. Guiding Questions: How is change inevitable? How does change affect our lives? Why must things change? How can change influence an individual’s decisions? In what ways do things change?

  12. Do you have any questions?We thought so. https://www.wevideo.com/hub/#media/ci/165245599?timelineId=165204685

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