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Landmark-Based Speech Recognition: Spectrogram Reading, Support Vector Machines, Dynamic Bayesian Networks, and Phonolog

Landmark-Based Speech Recognition: Spectrogram Reading, Support Vector Machines, Dynamic Bayesian Networks, and Phonology. Mark Hasegawa-Johnson jhasegaw@uiuc.edu University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. Lecture 6: Speech Recognition Acoustic & Auditory Model Features.

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Landmark-Based Speech Recognition: Spectrogram Reading, Support Vector Machines, Dynamic Bayesian Networks, and Phonolog

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  1. Landmark-Based Speech Recognition:Spectrogram Reading,Support Vector Machines,Dynamic Bayesian Networks,and Phonology Mark Hasegawa-Johnson jhasegaw@uiuc.edu University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

  2. Lecture 6: Speech Recognition Acoustic & Auditory Model Features • Log spectral features: log FFT, cepstrum, MFCC • Time-domain features: energy, zero crossing rate, autocorrelation • Model-based features: LPC, LPCC, PLP • Modulation filtering: cepstral mean subtraction, RASTA • Auditory model based features: auditory spectrogram, correlogram, summary correlogram

  3. Log Magnitude STFT

  4. The Problem with FFT: Euclidean Distance ≠ Perceptual Distance

  5. The “Complex Cepstrum” Cepstrum = Even Part of Complex Cepstrum

  6. Euclidean Distance Between Two Spectra = Cepstral Distance… … but Windowed Cepstral Distance = Distance Between Smoothed Spectra

  7. Cepstrally smoothed spectra

  8. Short-Time Fourier Transform = Filterbank with Uniformly Spaced Bands

  9. How to Implement Non-Uniform Filters Using the STFT

  10. Mel-Scale Bandpass Filters

  11. The Mel Frequency Scale: Humans Can Distinguish Tones 3 Mel Apart

  12. The Bark Scale (a.k.a. “Critical Band Scale”): Noise Within 1 Bark Can “Mask” a Tone

  13. Bark-Scale Warped Spectrum

  14. Mel-Scale Spectral Coefficients (MFSC)

  15. Mel-Scale Spectra of Music(Petruncio, B.S. Thesis University of Illinois, 2003) Piano Saxophone Tenor Opera Singer Drums

  16. Mel-Scale Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC)

  17. MFCC of Music(Petruncio, 2003) Piano Saxophone Tenor Opera Singer Drums

  18. Time-Domain Features

  19. “Time-Domain Features” = Features that can be computed frequently (e.g., once/millisecond) • Energy-based features: energy, sub-band energies • Low-order cepstral features: energy, spectral tilt, spectral centrality • Zero-crossing rate • Spectral flatness • Autocorrelation

  20. Example: 3 Features/1ms(Niyogi and Burges, 2002) Waveform Energy HF Energy Spectral Flatness Stop-Detection SVM TargetOutput Figure from Niyogi & Burges, 2002

  21. Short-Time Analysis: First, Window with Overlapping Windows

  22. Energy-Based Features • Filter the signal, to get the desired band • [0,400]: is the signal voiced? (doesn’t work for telephone speech) • [300,1000]: is the signal sonorant? • [1000,3000]: distinguish nasals from glides • [2000,6000]: detect frication energy • Full Band (no filtering): syllable detection • Window with a short window (4-6ms in length) • Compute the energy:

  23. Cepstrum-Based Features • Average(log(energy)) = c[0] • c[0] = ʃ log|X(w)|dw = ½ ʃ log |X(w)|2 dw • Not the same as log(average(energy)), which is log ʃ |X(w)|2dw • Spectral Tilt: one measure is -c[1] • -c[1] = -ʃ log|X(w)|cos(w)dw ≈ HF log energy – LF log energy • A More Universally Accepted Measure: • Spectral Tilt = ʃ (w-p/2) log|X(w)| dw • Spectral Centrality: -c[2] • c[2] = -ʃ log|X(w)|cos(2w)dw • c[2]≈ Mid Frequency Energy (p/4 to 3p/4) – Low and High Frequency Energy (0 to p/4 and 3p/4 to p)

  24. Measures of Turbulence • Zero Crossing Rate: • Count the number of times that the signal crosses zero in one window. Many: frication. Some: sonorant. Few: silence. • A related measure, used often in speech coding: “alternation rate” = the number of times the derivative crosses zero • Spectral Flatness: • average(log(energy)) – log(average(energy)) • Equal to zero if spectrum is flat (white noise, e.g., frication) • Negative if spectrum is peaky (e.g., vowels)

  25. Autocorrelation • Autocorrelation: measures the similarity of the signal to a delayed version of itself • Sonorant (low-frequency) signals: R[1] is large • Fricative (high-frequency) signals: R[1] is small or negative • R[0] is the energy • -R[0] ≤ R[k] ≤ R[0] for all k

  26. Model-Based Features: LPC, LPCC, PLP

  27. During Vowels and Glides, VT Transfer Function is All-Pole(All-Pole Model sometimes OK at other times too)

  28. Finding LPC Coefficients: Solve the “Normal Equations” • LPC Filter Prediction of s[n] is Saks[n-k]. Error is En: • ak minimize the error if they solve the Normal Equations:

  29. Roots of the LPC Polynomial • Roots of the LPC Polynomial: • Roots include: • Complex pole pair at most formant frequencies, rk and rk* • In a vowel or glide, there are additional poles at zero frequency: • One or two with bandwidth ≈ 100-300Hz; these give a negative tilt to the entire spectrum • One or two with bandwidth ≈ 2000-3000Hz; these attenuate high frequencies • In a fricative: poles may be at w=p, causing the whole spectrum to be high-pass

  30. Reflection Coefficients • LPC Speech Synthesis Filter can be implemented using a reflection line. This reflection line is mathematically equivalent to a p-tube model of the vocal tract: • PARCOR coefficients (= reflection coefficients) are found using the Levinson-Durbin recursion:

  31. LAR and LSF • Log Area Ratio (LAR) is bilinear transform of the reflection coefficients: • Line Spectral Frequencies (LSF) are the resonances of two lossless vocal tract models. Set U(0,jW)=0 at glottis; result is P(z). Set P(0,jW)=0 at glottis, result is Q(z). (Hasegawa-Johnson, JASA 2000)

  32. LSFs Tend to Track Formants • When LPC finds the formants (during vowels), the roots of P(z) and the roots of Q(z) each tend to “bracket” one formant, with a Q(z) root below, and a P(z) root above. • When LPC can’t find the formants (e.g., aspiration), LSFs interpolate between neighboring syllables

  33. LPC Cepstrum: Efficient Recursive Formula

  34. LPC Cepstrum: Efficient Recursive Formula

  35. Perceptual LPC(Hermansky, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 1990) • First, warp the spectrum to a Bark scale: • The filters, Hb(k), are uniformly spaced in Bark frequency. Their amplitudes are scaled by the equal-loudness contour (an estimate of how loud each frequency sounds):

  36. Perceptual LPC • Second, compute the cube-root of the power spectrum • Cube root replaces the logarithm that would be used in MFCC • Loudness of a tone is proportional to cube root of its power Y(b) = S(b)0.33 • Third, inverse Fourier transform to find the “Perceptual Autocorrelation:”

  37. Perceptual LPC • Fourth, use Normal Equations to find the Perceptual LPC (PLP) coefficients: • Fifth, use the LPC Cepstral recursion to find Perceptual LPC Cepstrum (PLPCC):

  38. Modulation Filtering: Cepstral Mean Subtraction, RASTA

  39. Reverberation • Reverberation adds echos to the recorded signal: • Reverberation is a linear filter: x[n] = Sk=0∞ak s[n-dk] • If ak dies away fast enough (ak≈0 for dk>N, the STFT window length), we can model reverberation in the STFT frequency domain: X(z) = R(z) S(z) • Usually, STFT frequency-domain modeling of reverberation works for • Electric echoes (e.g., from the telephone network) • Handset echoes (e.g., from the chin of the speaker) • But NOT for free-field echoes (e.g., from the walls of a room, recorded by a desktop microphone)

  40. Reverberation: Recorded and Simulated Room Response

  41. Cepstral Mean Subtraction: Subtract out Short-Term Reverb • Log Magnitude Spectrum: Constant Filter → Constant Additive Term • Reverberation R(z) is Constant during the whole sentence • Therefore: Subtract the average value from each frame’s cepstrum  log R(z) is completely subtracted away • Warning: if the utterance is too short (contains too few phonemes), CMS will remove useful phonetic information!

  42. Modulation Filtering • Short-Time Log-Spectrum, log|Xt(w)|, is a function of t (frame number) and w. • Speaker information (log|Pt(w)|), Transfer function information (log|Tt(w)|), and Channel/Reverberation Information (log|Rt(w)|) may vary at different speeds with respect to frame number t. log|Xt(w)| = log|Rt(w)| + log|Tt(w)| + log|Pt(w)| • Assumption: Only log|Tt(w)| carries information about phonemes. Other components are “noise.” • Wiener filtering approach: filter log|Xt(w)| to compute an estimate of log|Tt(w)|. log|Tt*(w)| = Sk hk log|Xt-k(w)|

  43. RASTA (RelAtive SpecTral Amplitude)(Hermansky, IEEE Trans. Speech and Audio Proc., 1994) • Modulation-filtering of the cepstrum is equivalent to modulation-filtering of the log spectrum: ct*[m] = Sk hk ct-k[m] • RASTA is a particular kind of modulation filter:

  44. Features Based on Models of Auditory Physiology

  45. Processing of Sound by the Inner Ear • Bones of the middle ear act as an impedance matcher, ensuring that not all of the incoming wave is reflected from the fluid-air boundary at the surface of the cochlea. • The basilar membrane divides the top half of the cochlea (scala vestibuli) from the bottom half (scala tympani). The basal end is light and stiff, therefore tuned to high frequencies; the apical end is loose and floppy, therefore tuned to low frequencies. Thus the whole system acts like a bank of mechanical bandpass filters, with Q=centerfrequency/bandwidth≈6. • Hair cells on the surface of the basilar membrane release neurotransmitter when they are bent down, but not when they are pulled up. Thus they half-wave rectify the wave-like motion of the basilar membrane. • Neurotransmitter, in the cleft between hair cell and neuron, takes a little while to build up or to dissipate. The inertia of neurotransmitter acts to low-pass filter the half-wave rectified signal, with a cutoff around 2kHz. Result is a kind of localized energy in a ~0.5ms window.

  46. Filtering: Different Frequencies Excite Different Positions on the Basilar Membrane Inner and Outer Hair Cells on the Basilar Membrane. Each column of hair cells is tuned to a slightly different center frequency.

  47. Half-Wave Rectification: Only Down-Bending of the Hair Cells Excites a Neural Response Close-up view of outer hair cells, in a “V” configuration

  48. Neural Response to a Synthetic Vowel(Cariani, 2000)

  49. Temporal Structure of the Neural Response • Neural response patterns carries more information than just average energy (spectrogram) • For example: periodicity • Correlogram (Licklider, 1951): Measure periodicity on each simulated neuron by computing its autocorrelation • Recursive Neural Net (Cariani, 2000): Measure periodicity by building up response strength in an RNN with different delay loops • YIN pitch tracker (de Cheveigne and Kawahara, 2002): Measure periodicity using the absolute value of the difference between delayed signals

  50. Correlogram of a Sine Wave: Center Frequency vs. Autocorrelation Delay, Snapshot at one Instant in Time

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