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HRSCview: online version

HRSCview: online version. Greg Michael Planetology and Remote Sensing Institute of Geosciences Freie Universitaet Berlin. Tour… http://hrscview.fu-berlin.de Entry page Coverage maps Pre-selected views Image selection Via footprint maps Zooming, re-centring Footprint shading

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HRSCview: online version

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Presentation Transcript

  1. HRSCview: online version Greg Michael Planetology and Remote Sensing Institute of Geosciences Freie Universitaet Berlin

  2. Tour… http://hrscview.fu-berlin.de Entry page Coverage maps Pre-selected views Image selection Via footprint maps Zooming, re-centring Footprint shading Archival DTM/orthimage map Map scale By surface coordinates By image identifier Composite modes Nadir, elevation, slope, colour: mars-like, raw, stretched, enhanced, ratio, IR-substitution Image scale Perspective views Direction, exaggeration Data product pages Image label items Downloads: levels 2, 3, 4 PDS, VICAR formats Processing Image lookup Overlap map and look-up table Subsetting nadir, dtm, r-, g-, b-, ir-channels (latitude, longitude) to (line, sample) (map scale, view size) to (subset size) Extract subset, downsampling if necessary Upsample if necessary Compositing Stretch nadir Colourise DTM Stretch and composite (r,g,b) or (ir,g,b) or (ir/r,r/g,g/b) Composite (nd, colour) or (nd, colourised DTM) with HSV transform (pan-sharpening) Perspective projection Project DTM with overlaid composite Delivery Package as jpeg image Accompanying (lat, lon)-grid, distance and elevation bars HRSCview: online version Mars Express HRSC/OMEGA data workshop, St. Louis, 21-23 May 2008

  3. HRSC Stereo processing • Preliminary 200m DTMs and orthoimages • fully automatic processing sequence • fast availability, for initial assessment of new data • no quality control, orientation data not improved by bundle adjustment • Archival HRSC DTMs (up to 50m resolution) and orthoimages • generated at full resolution and based on refined orientation data • Ongoing systematic processing (currently to orbit 1961) • Within HRSCview: • Absolute scales for MOLA areoid-referenced DTMs (.da4 products) • Local relative scales for preliminary DTMs; some features not offered to avoid misinterpretations Mars Express HRSC/OMEGA data workshop, St. Louis, 21-23 May 2008

  4. Slope maps • baseline • slope is calculated over a two-displayed-pixel baseline where the displayed pixels are larger or equal to the DTM pixels; where the displayed pixels are smaller than the DTM pixels, the slope is calculated over a two DTM-pixel baseline. • gradient/slope scales Mars Express HRSC/OMEGA data workshop, St. Louis, 21-23 May 2008

  5. HRSCview: local data version Greg Michael Planetology and Remote Sensing Institute of Geosciences Freie Universitaet Berlin

  6. - Installation and set up IDL virtual machine HRSCview software: http://hrscview.fu-berlin.de/software.html mex4 directory, global basemap Filenaming Hxxxx_yyyy_NDL.IMG ND - (ND, RE, GR, BL, IR, DT, DA) – channel/DTM (ND, RE, GR, BL, IR, DT, DA) sets in single folder User-generated product sets should differ by these 2-letter indicators only, e.g.: mosaic.nd, mosaic.dt, mosaic.re etc. Quick tour of features Basic ones as online HRSCview Footprint map Panning, zooming RGB without nadir DTM: colour-scaled, shaded relief, contours Stretch locks Colour interpolation DTM analysis tools Volume and area measurements Working DTM: copying, cutting, zero level shifting Volumes relative to local surface (e.g. channels) Defining local surface Surface elevation profiles Single and multi-section paths Isotropic profiles Export Crater counting Three-point marking Crater table export Including unit surface area HRSCview: local data version Mars Express HRSC/OMEGA data workshop, St. Louis, 21-23 May 2008

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