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“Batteries included”: Advantages of an End-to-end JavaScript Stack

“Batteries included”: Advantages of an End-to-end JavaScript Stack. Juergen Fesslmeier @chinshr. Challenges. Web Applications. Device Fragmentation. Source: http://opensignalmaps.com/reports/fragmentation.php.

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“Batteries included”: Advantages of an End-to-end JavaScript Stack

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  1. “Batteries included”: Advantages of an End-to-end JavaScript Stack Juergen Fesslmeier @chinshr

  2. Challenges

  3. Web Applications

  4. Device Fragmentation Source: http://opensignalmaps.com/reports/fragmentation.php

  5. A#, .NET, A#, (Axiom), A-0, System, A+, A++, ABAP, ABC, ABC, ALGOL, ABLE, ABSET, ABSYS, Abundance, ACC, Accent, Ace, DASL, ACT-III, Action!, ActionScript, Ada, Adenine, Agda, Agora, AIMMS, Alef, ALF, ALGOL, 58, ALGOL, 60, ALGOL, 68, Alice, Alma-0, AmbientTalk, Amiga, E, AMOS, AMPL, APL, AppleScript, Arc, Arden, Syntax[1], ARexx, Argus, AspectJ, Assembly, language, ATS, Ateji, PX, AutoHotkey, Autocoder, AutoIt, AutoLISP, Visual, LISP, Averest, AWK, Axum, Babbage, Bash, BASIC, bc, BCPL, BeanShell, Bertrand, BETA, Bigwig, Bistro, BitC, BLISS, Blue, Bon, Boo, Boomerang, Bourne, shell, (including, bash, and, ksh), BREW, BPEL, BUGSYS, BuildProfessional, C, C--, C++, C#, C/AL, ObjectScript, C, Shell, Caml, Candle, Cayenne, CDuce, Cecil, Cel, Cesil, Ceylon, CFML, Cg, Chapel, CHAIN, Charity, Charm, Chef, CHILL, CHIP-8, chomski, Chrome, (now, Oxygene), ChucK, CICS, Cilk, CL, (IBM), Claire, Clarion, Clean, Clipper, CLIST, Clojure, CLU, CMS-2, COBOL, CobolScript, Cobra, CODE, CoffeeScript, Cola, ColdC, ColdFusion, Cool, COMAL, Combined, Programming, Language, (CPL), Common, Intermediate, Language, (CIL), Common, Lisp, (also, known, as, CL), COMPASS, Component, Pascal, COMIT, Constraint, Handling, Rules, (CHR), Converge, Coral, 66, Corn, CorVision, Coq, COWSEL, CPL, csh, CSP, Csound, Curl, Curry, Cyclone, Cython, DASL, (Datapoint's, Advanced, Systems, Language), DASL, Dart, DataFlex, Datalog, DATATRIEVE, dBase, dc, DCL, Deesel, (formerly, G), Delphi, DinkC, DIBOL, DL/I, Draco, Dylan, DYNAMO, E#, Ease, EASY, Easy, PL/I, EASYTRIEVE, PLUS, ECMAScript, Edinburgh, IMP, EGL, Eiffel, ELAN, Emacs, Lisp, Emerald, Epigram, Erlang, Escapade, Escher, ESPOL, Esterel, Etoys, Euclid, Euler, Euphoria, EusLisp, Robot, Programming, Language, CMS, EXEC, EXEC, 2, F#, Factor, Falcon, Fancy, Fantom, FAUST, Felix, Ferite, FFP, Fjölnir, FL, Flavors, Flex, FLOW-MATIC, FOCAL, FOCUS, FOIL, FORMAC, @Formula, Forth, Fortran, Fortress, FoxBase, FoxPro, FP, FPr, Franz, Lisp, Frink, F-Script, Fuxi, Game, Maker, Language, GameMonkey, Script, GAMS, GAP, G-code, Genie, GDL, Gibiane, GJ, GLSL, GNU, E, GM, Go, Go!, GOAL, Gödel, Godiva, GOM, (Good, Old, Mad), Goo, GOTRAN, GPSS, GraphTalk, GRASS, Groovy, HAL/S, Hamilton, C, shell, Harbour, Haskell, HaXe, High, Level, Assembly, HLSL, Hop, Hope, Hugo, Hume, HyperTalk, IBM, Basic, assembly, language, IBM, HAScript, IBM, Informix-4GL, IBM, RPG, ICI, Icon, Id, IDL, IMP, Inform, Io, Ioke, IPL, IPTSCRAE, ISLISP, ISPF, ISWIM, J#, J++, JADE, Jako, JAL, Janus, JASS, Java, JavaScript, Javascript#, JCL, JEAN, Join, Java, JOSS, Joule, JOVIAL, Joy, Julia, JScript, JavaFX, Script, Kaleidoscope, Karel, Karel++, Kaya, KEE, KIF, KRC, KRL, KRL, KUKA, Robot, Languageå, KRYPTON, ksh, L#, .NET, LabVIEW, Ladder, Lagoona, LANSA, Lasso, LaTeX, Lava, LC-3, Leadwerks, Script, Leda, Legoscript, LIL, LilyPond, Limbo, Limnor, LINC, Lingo, Linoleum, LIS, LISA, Lisaac, Lisp, -, ISO/IEC, Lite-C, Lithe, Little, b, Logo, Logtalk, LPC, LSE, LSL, Lua, Lucid, Lustre, LYaPAS, Lynx, M2001, M4, Machine, code, MAD, (Michigan, Algorithm, Decoder), MAD/I, Magik, Magma, make, Maple, MAPPER, MARK-IV, Mary, MASM, Microsoft, Assembly, x86, Mathematica, MATLAB, Maxima, (see, also, Macsyma), Max, (Max, Msp, Graphical, Programming, Environment), MaxScript, internal, language, 3D, Studio, Max, Maya, (MEL), MDL, Mercury, Mesa, Metacard, Metafont, MetaL, Microcode, MicroScript, MIIS, MillScript, MIMIC, Mirah, Miranda, MIVA, Script, ML, Moby, Model, 204, Modelica, Modula, Modula-2, Modula-3, Mohol, MOO, Mortran, Mouse, MPD, MSIL, CIL, MSL, MUMPS, Napier88, NASM, NATURAL, Neko, Nemerle, NESL, Net.Data, NetLogo, NetRexx, NewLISP, NEWP, Newspeak, NewtonScript, NGL, Nial, Nice, Nickle, NPL, Not, eXactly, C, (NXC), Not, Quite, C, (NQC), Nu, NSIS, o:XML, Oak, Oberon, Obix, OBJ2, Object, Lisp, ObjectLOGO, Object, REXX, Object, Pascal, Objective-C, Objective-J, Obliq, Obol, OCaml, occam, occam-π, Octave, OmniMark, Onyx, Opa, Opal, OpenEdge, ABL, OPL, OPS5, OptimJ, Orc, ORCA/Modula-2, Oriel, Orwell, Oxygene, Oz, P#, PARI/GP, Pascal, -, ISO, 7185, Pawn, PCASTL, PCF, PEARL, PeopleCode, Perl, PDL, PHP, Phrogram, Pico, Pict, Pike, PIKT, PILOT, Pizza, PL-11, PL/0, PL/B, PL/C, PL/I, -, ISO, 6160, PL/M, PL/P, PL/SQL, PL360, PLANC, Plankalkül, PLEX, PLEXIL, Plus, POP-11, PostScript, PortablE, Powerhouse, PowerBuilder, PPL, Processing, Prograph, PROIV, Prolog, Visual, Prolog, Promela, PROTEL, ProvideX, Pro*C, Pure, Python, Q, Qi, QtScript, QuakeC, QPL, R++, Racket, RAPID, Rapira, Ratfiv, Ratfor, rc, REBOL, Redcode, REFAL, Reia, Revolution, rex, REXX, Rlab, ROOP, RPG, RPL, RSL, RTL/2, Ruby, Rust, S, S2, S3, S-Lang, S-PLUS, SA-C, SabreTalk, SAIL, SALSA, SAM76, SAS, SASL, Sather, Sawzall, SBL, Scala, Scheme, Scilab, Scratch, Script.NET, Sed, Self, SenseTalk, SETL, Shift, Script, SiMPLE, SIMPOL, SIMSCRIPT, Simula, Simulink, SISAL, SLIP, SMALL, Smalltalk, Small, Basic, SML, SNOBOL(SPITBOL), Snowball, SOL, Span, SPARK, SPIN, SP/k, SPS, Squeak, Squirrel, SR, S/SL, Strand, STATA, Stateflow, Subtext, Suneido, SuperCollider, SuperTalk, SYMPL, SyncCharts, SystemVerilog, T, TACL, TACPOL, TADS, TAL, Tcl, Tea, TECO, TELCOMP, TeX, TEX, TIE, Timber, Tom, TOM, Topspeed, TPU, Trac, T-SQL, TTCN, Turing, TUTOR, TXL, Ubercode, UCSD, Pascal, Unicon, Uniface, UNITY, Unix, shell, UnrealScript, Vala, VBA, VBScript, Verilog, VHDL, Visual, Basic, Visual, Basic, .NET, Visual, C#, Visual, DataFlex, Visual, DialogScript, Visual, FoxPro, Visual, J++, Visual, J#, Visual, Objects, VSXu, Vvvv, WATFIV, WATFOR, WebDNA, WebQL, Winbatch, X++, X10, XBL, XC, xHarbour, XL, XOTcl, XPL, XPL0, XQuery, XSB, XSLT, -, See, XPath, Yorick, YQL, Yoix, Z, notation, Zeno, ZOPL, ZPL Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_programming_languages

  6. HTTP Framework/ Middleware DB

  7. /* node v0.6.15 -- package.json */ { "name": "Application", "version": "0.0.1", "private": true, "dependencies": { "express": "2.5.1", "jade": ">= 0.0.1", "redis": "~0.7.1", "hiredis": "~0.1.14", "coffee-script": "~1.2.0", "connect-redis": "~1.2.0", "express-namespace": "0.0.4", "connect-assets": "~2.1.8", "socket.io": "~0.9.2", "underscore": "~1.3.1", "stylus": "~0.24.0" } } Managing Package Dependencies

  8. Rocket Science Develop, configure, run and maintain.

  9. Web Apps for the rest of us.

  10. Full-stack

  11. End-to-end JavaScript stack Development Environment JS App Server JS C/S Library

  12. Simplicity is the love child of two of the most powerful forces in business: Brains and Common Sense. Insanely Simple, Ken Segall

  13. KISS and DRY

  14. JavaScript and CoffeeScript /* JavaScript */ Scope.prototype.find = function(name, options) { if (this.check(name, options)) { return true; } this.add(name, 'var'); returnfalse; } /* CoffeeScript */ Scope::find = (name, options) -> return true if @check(name, options) @add name, "var" false Source: http://js2coffee.org/

  15. /* collection of employees documents */ [{name: "Duncan", manager: ObjectId("…d730")}, {name: "Moneo", manager: ObjectId("…d730")}, {name: "Smith", manager: ObjectId("…d729")}] /* Smith’s employees */ var manager = db.employees.find({manager: ObjectId(”…d731”)); How MongoDB does it

  16. class Employee extends DS::DataClass field "name", type: "String" belongsTo "manager", type: "Employee" hasMany "employees", type: "Employee" How Wakanda does it

  17. /* Smith’s employees */ ds.Employee.query("name = ‘Smith’”).employees /* Smith’s manager’s manager’s employees */ ds.Employee.query("name = :1", "Smith").manager.manager.employees Object-relations

  18. “Batteries included”: Advantages of an End-to-end JavaScript Stack wakanda.org http://github.com/wakanda @wakandasoft jf@wakanda.org

  19. Resources • Rugby – http://www.flickr.com/photos/blind_beholder/5491105857/ • Device Fragmentation – http://opensignalmaps.com/reports/fragmentation.php • Rocket Science – http://www.flickr.com/photos/nasahqphoto/6400675145/ • Batteries Included – http://www.flickr.com/photos/78566961@N00/6569887495/

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