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10 The Nature of Work Groups and Teams

10 The Nature of Work Groups and Teams. Learning Objectives. Describe the different types of work groups and the difference between a group and a team Appreciate the characteristics of work groups and their effects on the behavior of group members

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10 The Nature of Work Groups and Teams

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  1. 10 The Nature of Work Groups and Teams

  2. Learning Objectives • Describe the different types of work groups and the difference between a group and a team • Appreciate the characteristics of work groups and their effects on the behavior of group members • Describe how groups control their members through roles, rules, and norms

  3. Learning Objectives • Appreciate the need for conformity and deviance in groups and why and how group goals need to be aligned with organizational goals • Understand the socialization process and how socialization tactics can result in an institutionalized or an individualized role orientation

  4. Teams Fuel Global Innovation • How can teams fuel innovation? • Use of cross-functional teams at Whirlpool • Engineers • Graphic artists • Usability researchers • Human factor experts • Marketers • Industrial designers

  5. When Is a Group a Group? Interactivity Mutual Goal

  6. Types of Work Groups Formal Work Groups Command Groups Task Forces Teams Self- Managed Work Teams

  7. Types of Work Groups Informal Work Groups Friendship Groups Interest Groups

  8. Exhibit 10.2 Five-Stage Model of Group Development Forming Storming Norming Performing Adjourning

  9. Work Group Characteristics Group Status Group Size Work Group Characteristics Group Function Group Composition Social Facilitation Group Efficacy

  10. Benefits of Small Groups Regular interaction Ease of sharing information Recognition of individual contributions to group Strong group identification Higher group satisfaction Benefits of Large Groups More resources Division of labor Specialization of tasks How Large Should a Group Be?

  11. Homogeneous groups Collegiality amongst group members Information sharing Low levels of conflict Few coordination problems Heterogeneous groups Diversity of views represented High performance Variety of resources Group Composition Advantages

  12. Toyota’s Matrix was designed by a heterogeneous group

  13. Group Function Group function is the work that a group contributes to the accomplishment of organizational goals; it provides a sense of meaning and purpose.

  14. Group Status Group status is the implicitly agreed upon, perceived importance of what a group does in an organization The more important the task performed by a work group, the higher the group’s status in the organization Members with high status are likely to be motivated to perform at a high level

  15. Group Efficacy Group efficacy is the shared belief group members have about the ability of the group to achieve its goals and objectives Efficacy emerges over time and influences the aspirations of the members

  16. Factors Contributing to Group Effectiveness • Group composition • Ability to work well together • Coordination of efforts • Resources • Shared information • Development of effective strategies

  17. Social Facilitation Social Facilitation Effects Audience Effects Co-Action Effects

  18. Exhibit 10.5 Social Facilitation Social Facilitation Presence of other group members enhances performance of repetitive tasks Presence of other group members impairs performance of difficult tasks

  19. Group Member Control Mechanisms Roles Rules Norms

  20. Advantages of Rules • Ensure that members perform desired behaviors • Facilitate control of behavior • Facilitate evaluation of individual performance • Provide information for newcomers

  21. Rules at Zingerman’s Delicatessen

  22. Why Do Group Members Conform to Norms? Compliance Identification Internalization

  23. Group Response to Deviants • Attempt to change deviant • Expel deviant • Change norm

  24. Exhibit 10.6 Conformity and Deviance

  25. Socialization and Role Orientation Role Orientation Institutionalized Individualized

  26. Tactics Leading to an Institutionalized Orientation Collective tactics Formal tactics Sequential tactics Fixed tactics Serial tactics Divestiture tactics Tactics Leading to an Individualized Orientation Individual tactics Informal tactics Random tactics Variable tactics Disjunctive tactics Investiture tactics Exhibit 10.7 Socialization Tactics

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