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The value of health care planning for people with disabilities: A formative evaluation

The value of health care planning for people with disabilities: A formative evaluation. Sarah Mott, Elizabeth Nagy, Jeff Chan, Andrew Chau Royal Rehabilitation Centre Sydney. HEALTH CARE PLANNING. Background. Community Integration Program. The Evaluation. Recommendations. BACKGROUND.

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The value of health care planning for people with disabilities: A formative evaluation

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  1. The value of health care planning for people with disabilities: A formative evaluation Sarah Mott, Elizabeth Nagy, Jeff Chan, Andrew Chau Royal Rehabilitation Centre Sydney

  2. HEALTH CARE PLANNING Background Community Integration Program The Evaluation Recommendations

  3. BACKGROUND Transition to the community Needs for general and disability specific services Service provision to people with disability

  4. Community Integration Program Established in 1993 Primary objective of transitioning 74 persons with disabilities from Weemala Centre into the community. Currently services 60 clients in 19 dwellings Health care planning process

  5. The Evaluation Aim: To undertake a comprehensive formative evaluation of the Health Care Plan Project Three strands of inquiry: Interviews with clients and staff regarding their perceptions of the HCPs and their implementation Clients (n=18) Guardians (n=3) Community support workers (n=25) Team leaders (n=8)

  6. Analysis of the contents of the Health Care Plans. A checklist was devised to review the HCPs (n=14). A survey of GPs’ responses to the HCP process. An 18-item survey tool was developed for use with the GPs.

  7. The Results • Four key issues were identified: • training in the use of the HCP • utility of the HCP in addressing health issues • format and content of the HCP • implementation of the HCP

  8. The Recommendations Establish a working party to refine the HCP to meet the needs of its consumers Training for CIP staff to be redesigned Training for general practitioners be redesigned to meet their needs and schedules Increase the inclusion of clients who want to be involved in their health care planning

  9. Progress Working party drafted Version 2, pilot tested successfully User booklet for Version 2 developed and currently being pilot tested Education brochure for GPs being developed

  10. The Future Evaluate Health Care Plan Version 2 in 2008 Continue to strive for excellence in health care for people with disabilities

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