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The Demographics Cube

The Demographics Cube. The Demographics Cube will present a view of the membership with respect to Age, Gender and Ethnicity or a combination of these. The Demographics Cube. The Dimension Viewer will allow drilling down or selecting any of the below dimensions.

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The Demographics Cube

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Demographics Cube The Demographics Cube will present a view of the membership with respect to Age, Gender and Ethnicity or a combination of these. bplatt@juno.com

  2. The Demographics Cube bplatt@juno.com

  3. The Dimension Viewer will allow drilling down or selecting any of the below dimensions. bplatt@juno.com

  4. The Age Groups are divided as shown bplatt@juno.com

  5. Clicking on successive “+” you can drill down to a specific unit’ bplatt@juno.com

  6. The data can be found for any state. bplatt@juno.com

  7. You can drill down to find which divisions or flotillas are located in a particular state bplatt@juno.com

  8. Right click on AUXOP and left click on “Filter on the pop up results in...... bplatt@juno.com

  9. ....a report showing the ages of AUXOPs bplatt@juno.com

  10. Right click on “All Genders” and left click on “Nest Columns” changes the report to.... bplatt@juno.com

  11. ...a division of the AUXOPs between Female and Male bplatt@juno.com

  12. Right click on “Hispanic American” and on the pop up left click on “Filter” and the report changes to...... bplatt@juno.com

  13. ...to a report showing Hispanic American AUXOPs by age and Gender. bplatt@juno.com

  14. Further combinations can be found by selected drilling, filtering and nesting. bplatt@juno.com

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