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Test Review AP World History

Test Review AP World History. Chapters 8,9 & 10. Why did Muhammad flee from Mecca? The leaders of Mecca feared that accepting Muhammad as the sole agent of the one true god would threaten their power and prosperity. What is “Shari’a”? Law of Islam Foundation of Islam society. Islam.

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Test Review AP World History

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  1. Test ReviewAP World History Chapters 8,9 & 10

  2. Why did Muhammad flee from Mecca? The leaders of Mecca feared that accepting Muhammad as the sole agent of the one true god would threaten their power and prosperity What is “Shari’a”? Law of Islam Foundation of Islam society Islam

  3. What caused the split between Sunni and Shi’ite Muslims? A difference between Muslims about who should be Islam’s leader after Abu Bakr (Muhammad’s father-in-law) died. Some thought it should be a descendant/relative of Muhammad’s, others thought the leader should be elected from the people who best understood the teachings of the Prophet Split between Sunni and Shi’ite

  4. What are the achievements during the Abbasid Golden Age? • Rise of literary works from Greek, Iranian, Central Asian and African sources EX. “The Arabian Nights”, Arabic poetry • House of Wisdom-repository of works of history, politics, literature etc. • Translations of Greek & Roman works by Plato, Aristotle • Medical research flourished • Algebra and other mathematical advancements • http://www.nmhtthornton.com/mehistorydatabase/abbasid_golden_age.php

  5. Describe impact of trade Describe impact of religion S.E. Asia

  6. What about the issue of slavery in Islamic communities? • Muslims did not make slaves of Jews or Christians or Zoroastrians because they were considered “People of the Book” (those who revered holy books respected by Muslims) • It was only allowed if the slave was a prisoner of war. • Did not develop a hereditary slave society. If a slave converted to Islam, he was usually freed • Offspring of slave women and Muslim men were free

  7. What are the 5 pillars of faith in Islam? • Avowal of faith-”Allah is the only god, and Muhammad is his messenger” • Pray five times a day • Fast during Ramadan • Give alms to the poor • Make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in your life

  8. What is the role of “Umma” in Islamic society? • A community defined by acceptance of Islam and Muhammad. • Combined Meccan and Medina residents and calmed the tension between them

  9. Name the five major religions of the world in the order in which they developed • Hindu • Judaism • Buddhism • Christianity • Islam • http://www.mapsofwar.com/ind/history-of-religion.html

  10. How was the Islamic religion spread? • Through conquest • Through trade

  11. What is a Madrasa? A religious college, begun in Iran’s urban centers that became popular throughout the Islamic world. What is a Ulama? A Muslim religious scholar, a primary interpreter of Islamic law and the social core of Muslim urban society How were the teachings of Islam shared with the community?

  12. How were the caliphs instrumental in the spread of Islamic empires? • They used the concept of “umma” to unite Muslims of many different ethnic societies and social customs as they gradually expanded the Islamic empires

  13. In general…. The caliph, Umar, forbid Muslims from owning property in conquered lands. This permitted the residents to go on with their lives without interruption but non-Muslims had to pay a tax which was used to support the Muslim armies To Christians and Jewish subjects… Considered them to be “people of the book” so they could not be converted to slaves, and usually were treated somewhat as equals. Converts to Islam usually migrated to cities so they would not be discriminated against in their religious community How did the Muslims relate to the peoples they conquered?

  14. Who is Abu Bakr? Father-in-law to Muhammad Became successor to Muhammad when he died What are Bedouins? Nomadic herders of the Middle East and north Africa

  15. Explain the importance of Baghdad in the Muslim world • Built by the Abbasids. • Most beautiful city of the time • Became the center for trade, artists and scholars

  16. How did the practice of veiling and secluding women begin? Began in the Byzantine and Sasanid periods. Interpretation of the Quran said that women should be secluded from the view of men What was the position of women in Islamic society during the period of 600-1200 C.E.? Islamic women had greater status than Christian or Jewish women. They could inherit property Influential at home but barred from public office Could testify, go on pilgrimage and practice birth control Women in Muslim society

  17. What happened to the Western Roman empire after the 5th century C.E.? • Fragmented into a handful of kingdoms under Germanic rulers • Rome lost political influence but was still influential as a religious center • Latin dissolved into dialects-Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian and Romanian • Fear and physical insecurity led communities to seek protection from local strongmen

  18. Why was it signed? When Louis the Pious (Charlemagne’s son) died, the Treaty split the Carolingian Empire (Gaul, parts of Germany & Italy) into 3 parts. This was because of the Germanic tradition of splitting property among sons. They never re-united Treaty of Verdun

  19. What was the social hierarchy during the feudal period? King Nobles/Lords Knights Merchants/Craftsmen Peasants Serfs Explain how the feudal system worked The King gave a “fief” to a noble (vassal) in return for “fealty” The Noble promised loyalty and “knights service” to the king The noble then offered a small piece of his land to knights in return for loyalty The fief provided financial support to the knight Feudalism

  20. What is chivalry ? • The Code of Honor expected of a knight. He was to be virtuous, honest, courageous, loyal and a devout Christian • A knight was expected to defend the weak, protect the realm and obey his king. • “A knight without honor is dead”

  21. Describe manorialism • A manor was the economic backbone of the Middle Ages. It was granted to a lord by the king • The manor was self-sufficient and selling the produce of the manor supported the lord and his family • The work on the manor was done by serfs (attached permanently to the manor) and peasants who might work in the village as a craftsman.

  22. What is the difference between feudalism and manorialism ? • Feudalism is the system of nobles (vassals) swearing “fealty” to the king, to help him fight in the king’s wars in exchange for a “fief” of land. • Manorialism is the system of economic structure where a lord pays taxes and possibly knight’s service to the lord or king who granted him the manor and makes his living from the produce of the manor

  23. Politically? Socially? Economically? Literacy? Kings depended on the Church for financial and spiritual aid The Church depended on the King for protection and support The Church was the center of social life Priests were literate so taught the sons of nobles Monks copied books by hand How did religion impact medieval society?

  24. The monks, friars and priests provided many services to the people such as… • Hand copying texts of liturgical books • Travelling to small villages and manors to provide religious sacraments • Repository of accumulated knowledge and history such as that of the Greeks and Romans • Hospitals

  25. What was the controversy over the investiture of priests? • The Church resented the kings appointing church officials who appointed the Bishops. It gave the kings some control of the clergy and put the clergy square between the orders of the Pope and the orders of the King. • The King wanted to choose church officials who would be compliant with his goals

  26. What was the purpose of the Crusades? To regain the Holy Lands (Jerusalem) from the Muslims. To bring Christianity to those who were “infidels” In what ways did the Crusades impact Europe? Opened trade connections between Europe and Middle East Eventually led to the fall of feudalism and the growth of cities Crusades

  27. Explain how the schism in the Catholic church developed. • Split of Roman empire Split the church down language lines, cultural lines • Debate over head of the church- Head of the Roman church, seat of Saint Peter Head of the Constantinople church, seat of St. Andrew • Debate over doctrine

  28. How is the Schism in the church related to the rise of Russia under Peter the Great? • The Pope tried to heal the schism by arranging a marriage between Peter the Great of Russia (Roman Catholic) and Sophia Paleologue, the niece of the last Byzantine Emperor (Eastern Orthodox) • However, Peter adopted the Eastern Orthodox faith

  29. What is this language? Where was it used? • Cyrillic • Russia, Slavic Christians

  30. What is the legacy of Emperor Justinian of the Byzantine empire? • Corpus Juris Civilis- Justinian had his legal experts completely re-work the Roman laws, streamline them and separate them into books. The laws were more uniform and reflected more rights for women (Thanks, Theodora! ) • Our word justice comes from Justinian • He built the beautiful Hagia Sophia

  31. This represents the typical art that characterizes the Byzantine Empire. What is it called?

  32. Iconoclasm Icons are the formal, stately representations of holy figures usually painted or done in mosaics. Characteristic of the Byzantine empire

  33. Describe the fall of this important city It was under siege by the Ottoman Turks because it was a very desirable, profitable port city. Eventually, the overwhelming numbers of the Ottomans won the city. What long term significance did the fall have? It led to Europeans needing to find a new route to Asia since the Silk Road was cut off, and thus discovered the New World! Constantinople

  34. Explain the rise and importance of the Mediterranean Italian city trade powers. • Located on the rivers and seaways of Italy • Dominated the maritime trade in the Mediterranean • Cities became independent through the power of trade • Gold coinage became prolific due to trade increase

  35. Describe Justinian’s plague • The Bubonic plague (Black Death) that was spread through the crowded port cities and eventually to densely populated areas through trade.

  36. Tang period of China • Buddhists? The ruler was responsible for making society into a harmonious Buddhist society • Faith in bodhisattvas-those who postpone nirvana in order to help others achieve it • Tang princes tried to get monastic leaders to pray and preach for them to get contributions to their war chests • In return, the monasteries got tax exemptions, land privileges and gifts • Expansion of empire expanded Buddhism too

  37. Describe the tribute system of China Independent countries acknowledged the Chinese emperor’s supremacy by sending money and goods What is “flying money”? To improve trade Chinese merchants developed a form of uniform money or credit that could be used all over the empire Economy in Tang China

  38. What is the Grand Canal ? Why is it important? It was designed to connect the Yangtze and Yellow river and make trade faster and easier How did the invention of moveable type impact Asia? Increased literacy Allowed many more to study for the civil service exams Spread knowledge of farming and other tasks. Expanded agriculture China’s economy

  39. What is this? A Chinese “junk” What is aUighur ? How is it related to the Silk Road ? Turkic group that moved in and took over much of inner Asia. (Silk Road) Brought a literate culture with ties to Islam Great merchants and scribes who spoke many languages China’s economy

  40. How did the renewal of the civil service exams in Tang China impact the country? • Spread Confucian ideals • Allowed many young men to take the examinations so appointments were based on ability rather than family lineage • Government became more efficient because of more competent officials

  41. How did Tang China affect Japan? • Japanese rulers adopted key features of Tang government: • Legal code • Official variety of Confucianism • Official reverence for Buddhism • Centralized government

  42. Tang http://www.chinaknowledge.de/History/Tang/tang-tech.html Song http://www.chinaknowledge.de/History/Song/song-tech.html What are some technological achievements of the Tang and Song dynasties?

  43. Now go on to Part II !!

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