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Starter What sort of learners do we need to be in order to pass a BTEC?

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Starter What sort of learners do we need to be in order to pass a BTEC?

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  1. 10th Jan 2011AFL - Meeting BTEC Health & Social Care Pass/ Merit StandardsLO: To listen carefully to what must be achieved in each of your Unit 11 tasks to meet the pass/ merit criteria.To carefully read through all comments on your Unit 11 work to understand what you must improve on to pass the unit.To carefully read through the lesson to ensure you understand what you must have included in each task to pass the unit. Starter What sort of learners do we need to be in order to pass a BTEC?

  2. The Main skills you are required to show when completing a BTEC qualification: • Functional skills – reading/ literacy/ maths / ICT skills. • Effective participators – be able to participate in learning and not disrupt others from learning or indeed yourself. • Independent Enquirers – eg you need to be able to find things out for yourself not be spoon fed by a teacher. • Reflective learners - reflect back and think about what you have learnt already. • Self managers – be able to manage your work appropriately and get on with each task with the time you have been given wisely. • Team workers – be able to work effectively with others when required. • Creative thinkers - think of creative ways of finding out information and/ or presenting your work.

  3. Main sticking points • P1 – No glossary or missing key definitions out of glossary eg The 3 dietary Reference values: (EAR) -Estimated Average Requirement, (RNI) Reference Nutrient Intake & (LRNI) Lower Reference Nutrient Intake – You must explain what each of these means! Also, too many people have simply copied and pasted all other key glossary words from the PDF file which is not acceptable – they must be in your own words to show you understand what each means! • P2 – Some people have written each life stage without the equivalent years egchildhood = 4 – 10 yrs. Some people have missed out some life stages and many people have forgot to explain about the importance of weaning at infancy stage or explain the diet of a baby eg breast/ formula milk. Many people have forgot to emphasise the importance of extra calories for a breastfeeding woman in the adult stage. Some people failed to include a picture for each life stage. • M1 - Finally in order to gain the merit you must write a lot of information for each stage. • P3 – Not enough information given to link the diet to the illness and too vague with symptoms – a couple of words will not gain you a pass here? • M2 – Your diet plans MUST show a healthy balanced diet with drinks and including 5 fruit & veg per day BUT ALSO an increased amount of foods with the vitamin or food group that is lacking or some food groups cut out. • D1 – You must clearly explain why the diet will work for this patient.

  4. Main Sticking points (cont) • P4 – You must explain at least 2 factors which can impact on a persons diet and explain why eg geography, financial circumstances, the media, peer pressure, personal choices, religious or cultural factors. P5/P6/M3/D2 should be in the form of a leaflet or pamphlet for a Health & Social Care setting eg a nursery (creative learners) • P5 - You MUST outline the 3 main food health and safety laws for preparing cooking and handling food. • P6 – You must not only explain hygiene control, temperature control and pest control but ALSO describe safe practices to prevent problems with each. • M3 – You must clearly describe the effects of unsafe practices and describe the sorts of illnesses that can be caused by unsafe practices. • D2 - You MUST assess the effectiveness of safe practices when preparing, storing and serving food eg how well do these practices work in a health and social care environment. • BIBLIOGRAPHY

  5. Main Task • YOU MUST GET ALL YOUR TASKS up to grade today thus you will work in silence, follow the sticking points already outlined, hands up for any questions and sitting in the seating plan. • Remember if you get stuck or need advice and I am with another of the 24 pupils in the class then move on to the next task you must work on to upgrade to pass level.

  6. P1 - Identify the components of a balanced diet In order to pass this task: You must have produced a poster for the school canteen which shows a clear understanding of the different good groups which make up a healthy diet including the food pyramid, the importance of water, fibre and 5 a day. You need to have produced a food glossary for your canteen staff which shows the meanings of the key food glossary terms. You also need to have produced a set of 7 reference cards for staff and pupils which show important information of the 5 key food groups and also the importance of water and fibre.

  7. P2/M1 - Life stages timeline You must ensure you have explained weaning in the infancy stage and the importance of the increase in calories at the breastfeeding stage within adulthood In order to pass this task you must explain how dietary needs may differ at each life stage:

  8. P3/M2 - Explain & treat 2 medical conditions linked to an unbalanced diet In order to passthis task you need to explain what dietary factors cause the illnesses, the symptoms of the illnesses and dietary ways to treat it eg what aspects of the diet could you change? In order to get a merit levelyou MUST have produced a thorough and suitable 2 day diet plan for each patient with these illnesses. In order to get a Distinction you must justify how these 2 day diet plans meets the needs of the patients

  9. P4 – Identify 2 service users with specific dietary needs Explain at least 2 factors which can impact on your diet such as: Cultural factors such as religion or ethnicity. Financial reasons & social class eg the less money you have the more likely you will be obese. Personal preferences such as choice to not eat certain types of food. The impact of the media on what we choose to eat. Geography – some parts of countries are more accessible to certain types of foods than others. Position in the family – eg mothers tend to eat less well than their children

  10. P5/P6/M3/D2– Design a Food & Hygiene leaflet which explains the rules to follow when preparing handling and serving food in a health and social care environment In Order to PASS you must explain and describe basic hygiene, control pest control and temperature control in your leaflet. You must also outline and briefly describe the 3 main food safety laws and what they cover. I order to gain a merit you must explain the effects of unsafe practices when preparing, cooking and serving food. In order to gain a distinction you MUST assess the effectiveness of safe practices when preparing, cooking & serving food.

  11. Plenary • You MUST hand in the new upgraded tasks along with task that have already past and fill in new cover sheets. • Have you checked through and upgraded all failed tasks? • Do you feel confident to hand in? • Have you got a bibliography completed? • Have you signed your new cover sheet? LO: To listen carefully to what must be achieved in each of your Unit 11 tasks to meet the pass/ merit criteria.To carefully read through all comments on your Unit 11 work to understand what you must improve on to pass the unit.To carefully read through the lesson to ensure you understand what you must have included in each task to pass the unit.

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