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The SUSY PAT in the Jet+MET+Tau Final State (Status Update)

The SUSY PAT in the Jet+MET+Tau Final State (Status Update). Jonathan Asaadi , Alfredo Gurrola, Seema Sharma*, Teruki Kamon, and David Toback All Hadronic SUSY Group Meeting Texas A&M *Tata Institute 10/16/08. Goals of the SUSY PAT w/ Taus. Implement PAT::Tau Information into the SUSY PAT

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The SUSY PAT in the Jet+MET+Tau Final State (Status Update)

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  1. The SUSY PAT in the Jet+MET+Tau Final State(Status Update) Jonathan Asaadi, Alfredo Gurrola, Seema Sharma*, Teruki Kamon, and David Toback All Hadronic SUSY Group Meeting Texas A&M *Tata Institute 10/16/08 Jonathan Asaadi Texas A&M

  2. Goals of the SUSY PAT w/ Taus • Implement PAT::Tau Information into the SUSY PAT • Allow search for SUSY High Tan(b)where Taus are in the final state • Do this is a “standard” way similar to PAT::Electrons, PAT::Muons…etc • Understand / Validate Tau information found in the PAT • Evaluate how well the default PAT settings identify Taus by comparing to Monte Carlo Truth (establish efficiencies) • Determine what additional discriminators should be added to identify “good” tau candidates • Write an event selector for the SUSY PAT that selects events based on Tau criteria • Allow the study of SUSY event topology with Jet + MET + Taus using a standard set of tools Jonathan Asaadi Texas A&M

  3. Outline • Understanding PAT::Tau objects • Diagram of PAT::Tau definition • Plots of Tau variables accessed in the SUSY PAT • Tau Event Selector in SUSY PAT • Reproducing the CMS TDR results • Next Steps / Conclusions Jonathan Asaadi Texas A&M

  4. PAT::Tau Note: Since the Signal Cone and Isolation Cone are the same size Track Pt Requirements Particle Flow Reco Tau Producer Default Setting (It is from this information that PAT::Tau is constructed) LeadChargedHadron_minPt = 5. GeV ChargedHadrCand_minPt =1 GeV LeadChargedHadron_trackmaxDZ = 0.2 NeutralHadron_minPt = 1. GeV GammaCand_minPt = 1. GeV LeadTrack_minPt = 5. GeV Track_minPt = 1. GeV TrackLeadTrack_maxDZ = 0.2 MatchingConeSize_min = 0.00 MatchingConeSize_max = 0.60 TrackerSignalConeSize_min = 0.00 TrackerSignalConeSize_max = 0.60 TrackerIsolConeSize_min = 0.00 TrackerIsolConeSize_max = 0.60 ECALSignalConeSize_min = 0.00 ECALSignalConeSize_max = 0.60 ECALIsolConeSize_min = 0.00 ECALIsolConeSize_max = 0.60 HCALSignalConeSize_min = 0.00 HCALSignalConeSize_max = 0.60 HCALIsolConeSize_min = 0.00 HCALIsolConeSize_max = 0.60 Isolation Information Jonathan Asaadi Texas A&M

  5. PAT::Tau Note: Since the Signal Cone and Isolation Cone are the same size, the isolation annulus has size zero…making this cut ineffective reco::BaseTau PAT Layer 0 - Performs basic cleaning 1) PFTauDiscriminationByIsolation - # of other charged Hadrons in Tracker Isolation Annulus =0 - # of other charged Hadrons in ECAL Isolation Annulus = 0 2) Overlap Checking to remove Electrons and Muons in some DR = 0.5 {off by default} - Monte Carlo Matching {off by default} PAT Layer 1 - Breaks Layer 0 into types {pat::Lepton} and object inherits Layer 0 information from the source (reco:CaloTau or reco:PFTau) - Performs matching with trigger Primitives (tauTrigMatchHLT1Tau) - Adds Layer 1 Isolation Information (tracker, ECal, and HCal Isolation) PAT does not cut on this isolation information by default - Adds PAT Variables (emEnergyFraction, eOverP, leadeOverP) pat::Tau SUSYPAT TauEventSelector Jonathan Asaadi Texas A&M

  6. Tau Event Selector • What we found was that pat::Tau in version PAT 1_6_12 was a list of PFJets that pass discrimination by isolation requirement • PFRecoTauDiscriminationByIsolation is set by default to pass all PFJets • Monte Carlo Matching is turned off by default Produced for LM2 SUSY Point: High Pt “Tau” is a PFjet Shown Previously High Tau Multiplicity Shown Previously Jonathan Asaadi Texas A&M

  7. Monte Carlo Truth Plots • Insert Monte Carlo Truth comparisons when plots are generated Jonathan Asaadi Texas A&M

  8. Tau Event Selector • We needed to add stronger selection criteria to the in order to study Taus in the SUSY PAT • Wanted to make this configurable to the user yet done in the standard way • We wrote a Tau Event Selector that would select “good” Taus • Added Isolation parameters based on Particle Flow requirements • Obtained code used for the Electroweak Tau analysis and modified it for use in the SUSY PAT Tau framework • Additionally added Track multiplicity information and Lead Track Pt requirements Jonathan Asaadi Texas A&M

  9. Tau Event Selector • Tau Event Selector now takes pat::Tau’s and matches them to their particle flow candidate • Then takes an Inner Isolation Cone and an Outer Isolation Cone {Size to be configured by user} • Then applies an Isolation Minimum and Isolation Maximum cut {values to be configured by user} based on the candidates Pt • If the candidate passes this Particle Flow Isolation requirement then the user can select the event based on other selection criteria…(see next slide) Jonathan Asaadi Texas A&M

  10. Tau Event Selector • A glimpse at the code… OuterIsolationConeSize = 0.5 InnerIsolationConeSize = 0.05 IsolationMinCut = 0.0 IsolationMaxCut = 10.0 minPtTau = {20.,20.} maxEtaTau {2.2,2.2} minNumberTrackTau = {1.0,1.0} minLeadTrackPt = {5.0, 5.0} minTrackIsoTau = {0, 0} Note: Set to zero until variable is better understood Particle Flow Isolation Variables Tau Kinematic Variables Jonathan Asaadi Texas A&M

  11. Tau Event Selector Results SUSY PAT w/Tau 34,000 Signal Events -> Selected 1901 Events ~ 5.6% of events selected Tau Selection After Isolation Number of Taus >= 2 Minimum Pt of Each Tau >= 20 GeV Maximum Eta of Each Tau <= 2.2 Minimum Number of Tracks = 1 Minimum Pt of Lead Track = 5 GeV Number of Taus Excess in 1 and 3 Prong Tracks ! Monte Carlo Plot Number of Signal Tracks Jonathan Asaadi Texas A&M

  12. Tau Event Selector Results SUSY PAT w/Tau 34,000 Signal Events -> Selected 1901 Events ~ 5.6% of events selected Monte Carlo Plot Tau Pt Jonathan Asaadi Texas A&M

  13. Tau Event Selector Results SUSY PAT w/Tau 34,000 Signal Events -> Selected 1901 Events ~ 5.6% of events selected Opposite Sign Di-Tau Invariant Mass Like Sign Di-Tau Invariant Mass Opposite Sign Di-Tau Invariant Mass Monte Carlo Plot Monte Carlo Plot Jonathan Asaadi Texas A&M

  14. Using “New” Tau Event Selector • One benchmark for performance is how well do our results match the CMS Technical Design Report Vol II results for Di-Tau mass selected from SUSY LM2 sample Produced for LM2 SUSY Point: Event Selection Missing Et > 150 GeV Number of Tau Candidates >= 2 At least 2 Jets with Et > 150 GeV DR between any tau pair <= 2 (Not implemented in my selection yet…) Tau Selection After Isolation Minimum Pt of Each Tau >= 20 GeV Maximum Eta of Each Tau <= 2.2 Minimum Number of Tracks = 1 Minimum Pt of Lead Track = 5 GeV Select only 1 & 3 Prong Taus Jonathan Asaadi Texas A&M

  15. SUSY PAT w/Tau  CMS TDR Event Selection • CMS TDR 93,500 Signal Events -> Selected 2735 Events ~ 2.8% of events selected • SUSY PAT w/Tau 34,000 Signal Events -> Selected 782 Events ~ 2.3% of events selected Good agreement with the peak ! Opposite Sign Di-Tau Invariant Mass Still have tail though… Jonathan Asaadi Texas A&M

  16. SUSY PAT w/Tau  CMS TDR Event Selection Opposite Sign Di-Tau Invariant Mass Like Sign Di-Tau Invariant Mass Opposite Sign Di-Tau Invariant Mass Like Sign Di-Tau Invariant Mass Jonathan Asaadi Texas A&M

  17. Next Steps / Conclusions • We are on the path to implementing taus into the SUSY PAT in a standard but end-user configurable way • Still need to work on the exact selection requirement for a “good” tau • Working closely with Tau and PAT experts to do this in the most standard way • We are adding / analyzing the Monte Carlo information to establish concrete efficiencies for our selector • Need to establish the efficiency of selecting taus • Need to establish efficiency of selecting “golden” events Jonathan Asaadi Texas A&M

  18. BACKUP SLIDES Jonathan Asaadi Texas A&M

  19. Tau Event Selector Variables Jonathan Asaadi Texas A&M

  20. SUSY PAT w/Tau  CMS TDR Event Selection Allowing only 1 and 3 Prong Taus to Construct Invariant Mass Jonathan Asaadi Texas A&M

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