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NLCD and MODIS Landuse Processing Tools and Projection Issues in Modeling

NLCD and MODIS Landuse Processing Tools and Projection Issues in Modeling. Limei Ran and Alison Eyth Center for Environmental Modeling for Policy Development Institute for the Environment University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Outline of the Presentation. Landuse Data

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NLCD and MODIS Landuse Processing Tools and Projection Issues in Modeling

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  1. NLCD and MODIS Landuse Processing Tools and Projection Issues in Modeling Limei Ran and Alison Eyth Center for Environmental Modeling for Policy Development Institute for the Environment University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  2. Outline of the Presentation • Landuse Data • New Release of Spatial Allocator (SA) 3.5 • Projection Issues in Modeling • Future Enhancements for SA • Acknowledgements

  3. Landuse Data in WRF and MM5 • USGS Global Land Cover Characteristics (GLCC) 30-second (around 1km) landuse data are used in: • WRF GEOGRID • MM5 TERRAIN • GLCC database was developed from: • NOAA 1km AVHRR satellite images spanning 04/1992 through 03/1993

  4. 2001 NLCD and MODIS Landuse Data • Two new land cover data sets are available: • 2001 30m NLCD for US (Landsat 7 and 5 TM images) • 2001 1km MODIS for the Globe (TERRA MODIS satellite images) • 30m NLCD data can be obtained from two places: USGS for US • 21-classes USGS Land cover data • Imperviousness • Tree Canopy NOAA Coastal Change Analysis Program (C-CAP) for coast regions • 30-classes USGS Land cover data • MODIS land cover database can be obtained from: • Department of Geography, Boston University • 20-classes IGBP land cover data

  5. 2001 NLCD Data USGS NOAA

  6. 11 - Open Water 12 - Perennial Ice/Snow 21 - Developed - Open Space 22 - Developed - Low Intensity 23 - Developed - Medium Intensity 24 - Developed - High Intensity 31 - Barren Land (Rock/Sand/Clay) 32 - Unconsolidated Shore 41 - Deciduous Forest 42 - Evergreen Forest 43 - Mixed Forest 51 - Dwarf Scrub 52 - Shrub/Scrub 71 - Grassland/Herbaceous 72 - Sedge/Herbaceous 73 - Lichens 74 – Moss 75 - Tundra 81 - Pasture/Hay 82 - Cultivated Crops 90 - Woody Wetlands 91 - Palustrine Forested Wetland 92 - Palustrine Scrub/Shrub Wetland 93 - Estuarine Forested Wetland 94 - Estuarine Scrub/Shrub Wetland 95 - Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands 96 - Palustrine Emergent Wetland 97 - Estuarine Emergent Wetland 98 - Palustrine Aquatic Bed 99 - Estuarine Aquatic Bed 2001 NLCD Classification

  7. MODIS 2001 Land Cover Data

  8. 0 - water 1 - evergreen needleleaf forest 2 - evergreen broadleaf forest 3 - deciduous needleleaf forest 4 - deciduous broadleaf forest 5 - mixed forests 6 - closed shrublands 7 - open shrublands 8 - woody savannas 9 - savannas 10 - grasslands 11 - permanent wetlands 12 - croplands 13 - urban and built-up 14 - cropland/natural vegetation mosaic 15 - permanent snow and ice 16 - barren or sparsely vegetated 17 - IGBP Water Bodies (recoded to 0 for MODIS Land Product consistency). 254 - unclassified 255 - fill value MODIS Land Cover IGBP Classification

  9. New Release of Spatial Allocator 3.5 • New release is organized into three parts: • Vector Tools to process shapefiles • Raster Tools to process NLCD/MODIS landuse data • Surrogate Tools to compute surrogates • Uses PROJ4.6 to project between spherical earth R and ellipsoid: • PROJ4.6: no datum transformation. Matches WRF,MM5 projections. • PROJ4.5 or older versions: performs datum transformation automatically and results in mismatches.

  10. NLCD and MODIS 2001 Data Processing • Two steps to generate modeling grid land cover data from NLCD and MODIS data: • Pre-process original NLCD data sets to get rid of overlaps. • Compute modeling grid land cover information from: • USGS NLCD land cover • USGS NLCD imperviousness • USGS canopy • NOAA coastal NLCD land cover • NASA MODIS land cover data • Two output files produced: • WRF landuse NetCDF file • CSV text file

  11. NC 1km Grids, NLCD and MODIS

  12. NLCD and WRF Land CoverNC 1km Grids

  13. NLCD and WRF Land CoverNC 1km Grids

  14. NLCD and WRF Land and Water

  15. Projection Issues in Modeling • Map projection can be: Forward: P(x,y) = F { Projection, Parms(Earth_Model), P(long,lat) } Reverse: P(long,lat) = F { Projection, Parms(Earth_Model), P(x,y) } Projection: LCC, AEAC, UTM Earth model (datum): sphere R, ellipsoid WGS84 or NAD83, NAD27 • Datum transformation is needed when projecting a GIS data set to a projection that uses a different earth model. NLCD AEAC with NAD83 to LCC with R=6370000m No Reverse projection to lat/long file in NAD83 transform datum? Forward projection to x/y file in LCC with R Yes Transform to lat/long file in sphere R

  16. Conclusion: • Make sure that spatial data are in WGS84 datum (USGS GLCC data). • No Datum transformation from WGS84 to WRF or MM5 sphere (PROJ4.6).

  17. Future Enhancements for Spatial Allocator • Develop programs to extract preprocessed GOES satellite data for a modeling grid. • User defined domain to extract GOES data • Output in WRF NetCDF format • Add variable grid option to: • Surrogate computation • BELD3 data processing • Land cover computation

  18. Acknowledgements • This project is fully funded by US EPA under the Contract No. EP-W-05-045, “Operation of the Center for Community Air Quality Modeling and Analysis”. • We gratefully acknowledge the support of William Benjey, Jonathan Pleim, and Robert Gilliam from US EPA.

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