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How does stress contribute to the risk of chronic disease? How to prevent it?

Stress is a continuing problem among the elderly community. It is essential to ensure the mental well-being of our elderly by taking the necessary preventive measures.<br>https://athulyaassistedliving.blogspot.com/2022/04/how-does-stress-contribute-to-risk-of.html

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How does stress contribute to the risk of chronic disease? How to prevent it?

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  1. How does stress contribute to the risk of chronic disease? How to prevent it? Stress is similar to spice, when used correctly, it enriches the flavour of a meal. If you eat less of it, your meal will be bland; if you eat excessively, you will choke. Stress is a natural instinct of the inability to deal with various needs and situations. However, if an individual does not take action to overcome their stress, it could become a lifelong illness. What is stress? Stress can be triggered by any event or thought that provokes you to feel annoyed, mad, or anxious. Your brain's response to a problem or demand is called stress. Stress can be beneficial in short intervals, including when it helps you forgo threats or meet a time limit. Even when things are going well, it is possible to be stressed. What are the signs of stress? Psychosomatic symptoms are among the early symptoms. Despair or fear, indecision, nervousness, anger, feeling down, frustration, sleeplessness, and depression are some of the mental symptoms. When a person is stressed, they may also experience severe mood swings. Feeling nauseous, indigestion, sweating, irregular heartbeats, headache or migraine, difficulty breathing, and other physical symptoms are common.

  2. Aging and stress Because of issues such as deteriorating health, a lack of freedom, loneliness, and a loss of social life, stress is a continuing problem among the elderly community. Long-term stress raises cortisol levels, a hormone linked to high blood pressure, metabolic changes, and hyperglycaemia. It is essential to ensure the mental well-being of our elderly by taking the necessary preventive measures. Stress and health complications Constant stress can lead to serious medical problems and chronic medical conditions. Stress, according to studies, worsens and raises the chances of serious medical illnesses. ●Digestive problems: Stress can cause elders to have constant acid reflux, constipation, or diarrhoea. ●Cardiovascular problems: Because chronic stress can raise cholesterol and blood pressure, seniors who are stressed are more vulnerable to difficulties such as strokes and heart attacks. ●Mental wellness: Stress affects a person's overall well-being. Stress has been shown in studies to have an impact on a person's mental well-being and cognitive ability. ●Diabetes: Stress raises blood sugar levels because the body is attempting to produce energy in case it needs to confront an opponent or flee a real danger. Stress also causes issues adversely since many people deal with stress by consuming comfort foods high in sugar or calories. ●Obesity: Psychological stress alters how the body metabolises carbohydrates, fat, and protein, encouraging the body to store extra fat around the gut and belly. Obesity can harm your adored one's health, but you should help by convincing them to exercise. ●Faster aging: Stress has been linked to accelerated aging, according to research. Stress not only makes you look older but also hastens the aging process. ●Early or unexpected death: Prolonged stress is harmful to one's health and can result in premature cardiovascular death, cancer, and other ailments. However, it turns out that it makes no difference whether the stress is caused by major life changes or minor issues. Both are lethal.

  3. Stress relief activities for seniors Maintain a workout routine: Exercise secretes hormones that counteract stress hormones and can assist seniors in dealing with anxiety. Any form of mindfulness activity such as yoga for seniors or training such as simple walking to swimming helps our seniors age well and cope with stress. Engaging in indoor activities: Indoor activities and games that necessitate little to no movement but a sharp mind help people with mobility limitations remain active, engaged, and stress-free. Music therapy, art and craft making, brain games, and other activities may be included. Talk to a friend: Opening up to a friend or a consultant can help you deal with stress at any age. Allowing one's thoughts to flow and having someone to lean on can easily alleviate all of one's stress. Maintaining a healthy appetite: Managing stress eating habits and choosing a healthy appetite aid in the maintenance of good health. According to research, eating fish high in omega-3 fats can help reduce stress symptoms. Friendly environment: Seniors are more likely to become lonely and depressed as they get older. Meeting people and creating a pleasant, welcoming environment in the senior living community can improve their mood and generate positivity, which relieves stress. We must look after our seniors and support them enjoy their golden years. Athulya Assisted Living is a premium geriatric care assisted living facility that assists seniors by delivering all types of care ranging from housekeeping to skilled nursing care and support. Athulya promotes a healthy and happy lifestyle for seniors by providing human- centred care, love, and attention that everyone craves, thereby promoting carefree aging.

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