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The Miller’s Tale

The Miller’s Tale. Summary .

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The Miller’s Tale

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  1. The Miller’s Tale

  2. Summary Nicholas, a student at oxford, boarded in an inn owned by a carpenter named John. John had a wife, Alison, who was eighteen years old. Nicholas and Alison started to have an affair. Another clerk, Absalon, was also in love with Alison and tried to win her love with gifts and bribes. Nicholas and Alison form a plan to have one full night together. Nicholas tricks John into thinking that there will be another flood like Noah’s flood. John puts three bath tubs on the roof of the inn so they can float when the water comes. When John falls asleep in his tub, Alison and Nicholas climbed down to the carpenter’s bedroom and slept the whole night together.

  3. Summary In the early morning before sunrise, Absalon went to express his love to Alison, but Alison and Nicholas played a prank on him. When Absalon asked for a kiss Alison stuck her butt out the window instead of her face, so Absalon kissed her ass. Absalon was enraged, so he went to the blacksmith and returned with a hot iron. He climbed back up Alison’s window and asked for another kiss, but this time Nicholas stuck his butt out the window. Absalon stuck the iron into his butt, so Nicholas screamed for water to cool the burn. John woke up to the screams only to hear Nicholas screaming water, so he thought the flood was coming and cut the rope to release the tub. The tub fell to the ground knocking John unconscious. Once he woke up he explained how there was going to be a flood, but Nicholas and Alison denied the whole thing so John was considered mad. The end of the story was the miller telling people to pray for the four characters.

  4. Character description: John John was a carpenter and was an old man. He loved his wife more than his own life and was very protective over Alison. He became jealous easily. He was not an educated man and could not read Owned an inn in Oxford

  5. Character Description: Alison Alison was the wife of John. She was very young and still wild and free spirited Chaucer described her as having a wanton eye that was neatly plucked and had an arch that symbolized she was unnecessarily lustful and was not restrained by her husband. She had a body like a weasel which showed that she was small and skinny

  6. Character Description: Nicholas Nicholas was a student at Oxford and boarded in John’s inn. Chaucer described Nicholas as lady’s man, but explained all of his relationships as secretive and sly. Nicholas had an interest in Astronomy and owned many books and astronomical tools. Nicholas was also described as a very sweet man, Chaucer said he was sweeter than licorice. Nicholas was musical, he had a good voice and always sung and played his psaltery in his free time. Nicholas did not work because his time was spent in school and singing so his friends pay for his rent.

  7. Character Description: Absalon Absalon was a clerk like Nicholas. He had blonde curly hair that was parted neatly down the middle. His clothes were bright colors like sky blue and red with lace. He was described as a jolly man who played the fiddle and guitar. He had a red complexion. He was in love with Alison and bought her gifts, gave her money, and sang her songs to win over her love.

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