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Research Administration Buzz

Research Administration Buzz. Jim Fortner, Grants & Contracts Michelle Powell, Sponsored Programs. ARRA Reporting Update. 09/30/2010 Statistics - GTRC Direct Awards: Budgeted - $43.8 million (68 separate awards) Expended - $8.97 million #Jobs (Qtr.) - 69.9

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Research Administration Buzz

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  1. Research Administration Buzz Jim Fortner, Grants & Contracts Michelle Powell, Sponsored Programs

  2. ARRA Reporting Update • 09/30/2010 Statistics - GTRC Direct Awards: • Budgeted - $43.8 million (68 separate awards) • Expended - $8.97 million • #Jobs (Qtr.) - 69.9 • 09/30/2010 Overall G&C Statistics: • Budgeted- $54.9 million (103 separate awards) • Expended - $12.5 million • #Jobs (Qtr.) – 95.5

  3. ARRA Reporting Update • Preparing for 12/31/2010: • Quarterly Updates from PIs must be easy to understand and must be provided by the internal deadline • Requirement for Quarterly Updates extended to ARRA sub-awards • Post all appropriate Oct-Dec expenses ASAP • Limit cost transfers between reporting periods • Review postings for accuracy and make corrections BEFORE December closes

  4. A-133 Audit Update • Level of Committed Effort - ASR Effort percentages on Federally-funded projects must generally match the effort percentages specified in the proposal budget • Cost Share Accounting and Reporting – Expenses should be posted to separately-budgeted companion cost share projects during the award performance period • Sponsored Project Exceptions – Monthly exception reports should be immediately reviewed and acted upon • Agency-specific Requirements – Examples include NIH and NSF Salary Limitations

  5. Proposed Policy Revisions • G&C Policy 3.4 – Allowable Expenses Recognizes agency or award-specific rules that are more or less restrictive than OMB Circular A-21 • G&C Policy 3.9 (NEW) – Cost Share Expenses Establishes guidance for timely posting and proper accounting of cost share expenses throughout the award performance period • G&C Policy 3.14 – Service Centers Establishes new pre-approval parameters and requirements for timely and accurate reporting

  6. Rate Study Updates • F&A Rate Proposal Timeline • Submission planned for February or March 2011 • Rates likely proposed for FY12-13 • DCAA Audit and ONR Approval by June 30, 2011 • Please help us by ….. • Identifying and separately accounting for significant Building and Equipment Maintenance Expenses • Ensuring that equipment inventory room numbers match room numbers used by Space Planning Dept.

  7. Recovery Act • Recovery Act Reporting Continues • New Narrative Requirements are being passed down “Taken in conjunction, entries in the “Award Description’ and ‘Quarterly Activities/Project Description for Prime and Sub-recipients’ fields must provide, at a minimum, clear and complete information on the award’s purpose, scope, and nature of activities, outcomes, and status of activities.

  8. FFATA Subaward Reporting • Grants issued on or after Oct 1, 2010 • First possible deadline Nov 30 • Reporting cyclical done at the end of the month following the month of the obligation • Prime submits data to the GSA fsrs.gov (FFATA Subaward Reporting System) • Requirement applies to first tier of >$25K

  9. FFATA Subaward Reporting • Obligation: every time you obligate to your sub you have to report, by then end of the following month • Good news: Only First Tier Sub • ARRA funds do not have extra reporting requirments

  10. FFATA Subaward Reporting • October 1st 2010 • Grants & Coop. >$25K is required to report • Contracts > $550K is required to report • March 1st 2011 • Grants & Coop. >$25K is required to report • Contracts > $25K is required to report

  11. NSF: Issues new PAPPG • New PAPPG had guidance on voluntary committed cost sharing is prohibited

  12. NSF: Project Outcomes Report for the General Public America COMPETES Act requirement specific to NSF Report serves as a brief summary prepared by the PI specifically for the public, describing the nature and outcomes of the project Effective for new awards/funding increments to existing awards made on or after January 4 PIs and co-PIs will use Research.gov to prepare and submit this report using new report submission service that will be available in Research.gov later this summer Required in additional to final project reports which will continue to go through FastLane Will be posted for public with other award information in Research.gov’s Research Spending and Results Service 12 12 12

  13. NSF: Visual Overview 1a. Via R.gov 4a. Submit a Report Log directly into Research.gov PIs and Co-PIs complete and submit their report 2. Log-in to Research.gov 3. View the Homepage Log into Research.gov From the Research.gov Homepage, PIs and Co-PIs can: See the Project Outcomes Report Dashboard on home page See the number and status of required reports that are due, overdue, submitted, and not yet due Click on link to view, prepare, and submit reports 1b. Via FastLane Login to FastLane, view notification and redirect to R.gov 4b. Add Addenda to an Existing Report To modify the report or update the record of an award’s outcomes, PIs and Co-PIs can add unlimited addenda to a report 1a. Via Email Notification Receive email notification and redirect to R.gov Quickly and easily fulfill reporting requirements using the customer friendly Project Outcomes Reporting tool PIs and Co-PIs log into Research.gov… PIs and Co-PIs receive notification that they have a report due View the status of upcoming, due, and submitted reports 13

  14. NSF: PI sees a list of their awards with reporting requirements Tab was renamed to Annual/Final/Outcomes Reports Select the award number to view report statuses

  15. PI sees a list of their PORs Tab renamed to ‘Annual/Final/Outcomes Reports New note added here so that PIs and users logging in using the OAU pin know that only the PIs and co-PIs can submit the POR Select to create report • A new Project Outcomes Report table will be added. • The ‘NSF Report Status’ will be “Will Not be Reviewed” since PO review is not required. • The Create/Edit link on the POR line will take user to Research.gov Login page.

  16. FAR: Executive Order 13513 • An Interim Rule amending the FAR to implement the EO 13513, was published Sept 29, 2010 in the Federal Register EO 13513 “Federal Leadership on Reducing Text Messaging While Driving” • Signed October 1, 2009 • The clause encourages federal contractors and subcontractors to adopt policies that ban employees from text messaging while driving on business and encourages contractors, in connection with federal contracts, to educate employees about the safety risks associated with such activity.

  17. Grants.gov • As of Oct 11 Grants.gov users are going to be required to enter a password every 90 days any account inactive for over 1 year will be deactivated • New rules do not apply to E-Business (Cayuse)

  18. DOD • ONR: has issued a new template for contracts that will be available with the upcoming 2011 BAA’s • ARL: is expecting a 10% increase in it’s R&D budget

  19. NIH: Time Limit for Resubmission • New Time Limit for NIH Resubmission Applications • http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-10-140.html • The NIH will not accept a Resubmission that is submitted later than thirty-seven months after the date of receipt ("receipt date") of the initial New, Renewal, or Revision application. Applications must be submitted for the dates listed in the appropriate Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) in the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts.

  20. NIH: Adobe Forms B • NIH and other PHS agencies have transitioned to Restructured Application Forms with new page limits. All applications now use the new application packages and instructions (Competition ID of ADOBE-FORMS-B).

  21. New GTRC Staff • Jeff is a 1996 graduate of the University of Pittsburgh and a 2005 graduate of the Mercer University School of Law.  He joined Georgia Tech as the Director of Conflicts of Interest Management on October 13, 2010.  His responsibilities include reviewing faculty and staff outside relationships related to research, preparing conflict of interest cases for committee member review, providing expertise for resolution of research and regulatory issues, and ensuring research compliance under all federal regulations.  He also provides conflict of interest education and training to faculty and staff as needed.

  22. NEW OSP Staff • Candice moved here from Akron, Ohio where I worked at Kent State University managing a research grant. Here in the Office of Sponsored Programs I’ll be part of e-Commerce working as a Proposal Support Coordinator and doing some of the OSP training.

  23. OSP: Tuition Remission 8% Tuition Remission Escalation Factor • Recently the DCAA examined the Georgia Institute of Technology/Georgia Tech Research Corporation/Resident Instruction’s (GIT/GTRC/RI) Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 Graduate Student Tuition Remission Program (GSTRP) forward pricing rate proposal dated May 13, 2010. The purpose of the examination is to determine if the forecasted GSTRP rate is acceptable as a basis to negotiate a fair and reasonable forward pricing rate agreement for FY 2011 (July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011). • They took no exception to the proposed 8 percent tuition remission escalation factor for fiscal year (FY) 2012 only. • Escalation factor for out to Fiscal Year 2012 only 8%

  24. OSP: Ad Hoc Reports


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