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WSU Assistantship & Fellowship

WSU Assistantship & Fellowship . Paul Weed: Director of Administrative Services, 5-7618 or pweed@wsu.edu Rita Whitcomb: Fiscal Specialist, 5-5165 or rwhitcomb@wsu.edu Joel McChesney : Program Assistant, 5-9545 or jmcchesney@wsu.edu. July 2012. Objectives. Eligibility requirements

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WSU Assistantship & Fellowship

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  1. WSU Assistantship & Fellowship Paul Weed: Director of Administrative Services, 5-7618 or pweed@wsu.edu Rita Whitcomb: Fiscal Specialist, 5-5165 or rwhitcomb@wsu.edu Joel McChesney: Program Assistant, 5-9545 or jmcchesney@wsu.edu July 2012

  2. Objectives Eligibility requirements Waiver Options Exceptions to Policy PERMS processing reminders & tips Waivers & student's account Fellowships Resources

  3. Eligibility RequirementsGraduate School Processing Memo Class Code 6 RCR training Include date in PERMS waiver section RCR Date 3.0 GPA Full time enrollment ITA exam Include date in PERMS wavier section Engl Ex Dt or enter Scheduled date in PERMS Conditions NADC & UNDG May not carry an “incomplete” for more than 1 semester Must reside in the state of Washington

  4. Waiver Options Driven by position funding & FTE Appointment for the entire semester (8/16-12/31, 1/1-5/15 or 8/16-5/15) FTE at least 25% to 50% Enrolled as a full time student 10-18 credits Operating Fee Waiver (OFW) State or F & A funded (001-01, 148-02, 148-05) Non-academic department may need to request approval All But Dissertation Waiver (ABD) Competitive extramural grant funded Meets all the eligibility requirements for an assistantship Completed all formal course work on their program of study Prior to semester seeking the ABD waiver Successfully passed the preliminary exam ABD waiver available for only up to 5 academic semesters

  5. Waiver Options Continued Non-Resident Waiver (NR) Is not charged to any departmental account or grant NR waiver guaranteed for ONE year only for domestic students Encourage students to apply for WA residency – takes 1 year Qualified Tuition Reduction (QTR) Grant funded positions should receive QTR unless job class 9904 or approved for the ABD waiver TNA & BNA grants: can provide an override account in the PERMS waiver section under QTR OvrAcct Any override account provided pays for the QTR for the entire semester. Please contact Payroll Services w/questions. QTR is a fringe benefit of employment EAA does not change the QTR funding when it is on Override status Any EAA or PA submitted after the PERMS action is approved may have waiver implications. Please contact the Graduate School if you have questions.

  6. Exceptions to Policy When do you need to submit a memo to the Graduate School? FTE > 50% Split funded appointments Additional appointment: Time-slip working more than 5hrs/week • Memo to Dr. Sellon from Chair of Academic home department GPA less than 3.0 – need to reinstate student

  7. PERMS Processing & Tips POSN = Job Class in DEPPS Two waiver lines for academic year appointments If no funding in DEPPS for position enter a comment in “conditions” If English exam is need: enter comment in “conditions” When submitting a “change” action, it does not allow you to add waiver- enter waiver information in “conditions” If the actions has been approved by GS but not yet in DEPPS and you need to change or update a waiver- discard pending action and re-submit

  8. Waivers & Student Account First waiver download: evening of 8/16/12 Waiver downloads do not happen when Payroll is open Have students pay their portion of tuition or sign up for payroll deduction prior late fees being applied Students cannot sign up for payroll deduction if their appointment is not in DEPPS Correct waivers cannot be applied if the student is not enrolled full time Late fees cannot be removed if students don’t pay their portion of tuition Late Fees: 9/4/12, 9/18/12, 10/3/12 Department should contact the Graduate School if waivers have not posted by 9/7/12

  9. Fellowships Eligibility Stipend of at least $800/month Engaged in research activity Enrolled full time: 10-18 credits or In their final semester and previously funded on assistantship or On internship Forms Sponsored Student Tuition & Non-Resident Waiver form Non-Service Payment Form Ph.DFellowship Tuition Support Program Supplement the fellowship cost of education allowance up to 50% of current resident tuition rate

  10. Links Graduate School http://www.gradschool.wsu.edu/ http://gradsch.wsu.edu/CurrentStudents/Assistantships http://www.gradschool.wsu.edu/CurrentStudents/Funding/FellowshipsAndGrants.aspx Payroll Services http://www.wsu.edu/payroll/stntpay/stntpay.htm Health & Wellness http://studentinsurance.wsu.edu/ RCR training https://myresearch.wsu.edu OGRD http://informer.ogrd.wsu.edu/ http://fundingopps.cos.com/cgi-bin/fo2/search

  11. Important Dates PERMS deadline to meet 1st payroll8/21/12 Tuition due  1st day of classes 8/20/12 Last day to sign up for direct deposit  8/27/12 Last day to set up payroll deduction  9/4/12 First Late Fee  9/4/12 QTR begin posting to student accounts  8/20/12 Waivers begin to post  8/17/12 First payroll deduction for students  9/25/12

  12. Commonly Asked Questions What are the different assistantship classifications? When is tuition due? When are tuition waivers applied to a students account? How are waivers determined? What should a student do if they have already received one (1) year of NR waiver, but has not yet applied for WA residency? If the student is All But Dissertation and on an assistantship do they need to be enrolled in 10-18 credits?

  13. Commonly Asked Questions Continued What should you do if the position funding changes after you submitted the PERMS action? How can a student enroll in payroll deduction? Our student is supposed to receive a tuition waiver, but has not posted to their student account. What can I do? How many years can someone with an assistantship receive a NR waiver? How do students receive their Health Insurance? How will a student’s assistantship be affected if the student cancels enrollment in the middle of the semester?


  15. This has been a WSU Training Videoconference If you wish to have your attendance documented in your training history, please notify Human Resource Services within three days of today's date: hrstraining@wsu.edu

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