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Engaging Students with STEM Challenged Based Learning Activities

Engaging Students with STEM Challenged Based Learning Activities. Lancaster Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13. Sunny Minelli Weiland – Curriculum & Instruction. DefinedSTEM.com. Joel Jacobsen joel_jacobsen@definedlearning.com Drue Feilmeier Drue_feilmeier@iu13.org Sunny M. Weiland

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Engaging Students with STEM Challenged Based Learning Activities

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  1. Engaging Students with STEM Challenged Based Learning Activities Lancaster Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13 Sunny Minelli Weiland – Curriculum & Instruction

  2. DefinedSTEM.com Joel Jacobsen joel_jacobsen@definedlearning.com Drue Feilmeier Drue_feilmeier@iu13.org Sunny M. Weiland sweiland@iu19.org

  3. Who are we? • Most of you already know…. • But you may not know... • I am here today because...

  4. Perfection Challenge • What would you design/re-design to allow perfection to be played by astronauts in space?

  5. Why?? • Did You Know? • Rising Above the Gathering Storm – 10 years Later • Your ticket out  What are your top 5 indicators for urgency?

  6. DefinedSTEM.com An opportunity to provide relevance and motivation to students in grades 7-12

  7. DefinedSTEM.com Welcome from Chicago, Illinois Overview Defined Learning: http://definedlearning.com/ Defined STEM: http://definedlearning.com/defined-stem.cfm

  8. DefinedSTEM.com Overarching Ideas Relevance Motivation Career Links to Academic Content Scope of Technology in Cell Phone Design: http://stem.definedlearning.com/connect.cfm?asset_guid=fa87353e-7dc4-4809-bed0-913bac107901&blnSearch=1

  9. DefinedSTEM.com

  10. STEM in PA Schools

  11. Three Forces Changing Our Nation’s Future Inadequate literacy and numeracy skills among large segments of our student and adult populations An ongoing shift in the demographic profile of our population, powered by the highest immigration rates in nearly a century The continuing evolution of the economy and the nation’s job structure, requiring higher levels of skills from an increasing proportion of workers

  12. Globalization • Bachelor’s degrees in science and engineering make up sixty percent of the total degrees earned in China. • Five percent of the degrees earned in the United States last year were in science and engineering. • This year, China alone will graduate 350,000 engineers. • By 2010 it is predicted that 90 percent of all the world’s scientists and engineers will be in Asia. •

  13. Globalization U.S. enrollment in science and engineering has dropped by 12 percent in the last five years. • Nearly one-half of all U.S. enrollments in science, technology, engineering and mathematics are students who are non-U.S. citizens. • In 1975, the United States ranked third in the world in the percentage of its students who were received degrees in science and engineering. Today we are 17th in the world.

  14. Regarding Competitive Advantage “If you look at India, China, and Russia… even if you discount 90 percent of the people there as uneducated farmers…you still end up with about 300 million people who are educated. That’s bigger than the U.S. work force.” Bob Herbert, New York Times

  15. Number of ParticipantsIntel International Science Competition U.S. 50,000 China 6 Million SOURCE: Craig Barrett, CEO Intel

  16. Challenges The United States ranks tenth among industrialized nations in the percentage of 25-34 year olds with an Associate’s degree or higher, and stands as one of the only nations where older adults are more educated than younger adults. The United States ranks near the bottom of industrialized nations in the percentage of entering students that complete a degree program. Disparities in educational attainment persist across racial and ethnic groups. 42 percent of whites ages 25-64 have an Associate’s degree or higher, compared with 26 percent of African Americans and 18 percent of Hispanics.

  17. Challenges The US will produce approximately 48 million new undergraduate degrees between 2005 and 2025. We need to produce approximately 64 million additional degrees over this period to match leading nations in the percentage of adults with a college degree (estimated at 55 percent) 16 million degrees will be needed to meet domestic workforce needs Demographic trends point toward substantial growth in populations historically underserved in higher education—African Americans and Hispanics in particular—this looming degree gap cannot be filled without a strong commitment to erasing racial and ethnic disparities in educational attainment.

  18. Literacy Research 6 million students in grades 6-12 will not graduate HS, or will be unprepared for post secondary education 30% of HS students do not graduate nationally 51% of Black HS students graduate 52% of Hispanic HS students graduate 75% of students with literacy problems in 3rd grade will have literacy problems in 9th grade The US is 15th in the World in literacy scores 25% of all HS students read below basic levels HS dropouts are 3 times more likely to be on welfare 75% of state prison inmates did not complete HS NASSP. (2005). Creating a Culture of Literacy. Reston: VA

  19. The National Challenge More than 3,000 students drop out of high school every day US reading scores have remained flat for 30 years 31% of high school students take the minimal credits required for college admission 49% of entering college freshmen need some remediation 1/4 to 1/3 of freshman do not return for a 2nd year of college Yet, 97% of students say they want to go to college and 63% of students enroll in college.

  20. Engaging Students in STEM STEM Career Pathways STEM CareerLinkingAcademies STEM Job Shadowing Classroom Integration: DefinedSTEM

  21. DefinedSTEM.com Relevance How Engineering Design Applies to Consumer Products: http://stem.definedlearning.com/connect.cfm?asset_guid=99721848-28d0-4906-b171-2391470ed136&blnSearch=1

  22. DefinedSTEM.com Work Environment Jobs of a Civil Engineer http://stem.definedlearning.com/connect.cfm?asset_guid=857b2d51-140a-458a-8968-560dc713ab80&blnSearch=1

  23. DefinedSTEM.com Connected Educational Extensions & Standards Linked to the Videos Using Virtual Technology to Assist in Rocket Design http://stem.definedlearning.com/connect.cfm?asset_guid=6d37717d-0305-4740-ab70-a5fa946e793c&blnSearch=1

  24. DefinedSTEM.com Website navigation Searching content Standards Alignment Web Based Education Resources Social Networking

  25. DefinedSTEM.com The Performance Task Problem Based Learning Multiple Intelligences Differentiated Instruction Authentic Assessment Alignment with Standards & Curriculum (Sample Handout)

  26. DefinedSTEM.com Passwords Professional Development

  27. DefinedSTEM.com Questions and Answers Thank you!!!

  28. Motivation and Learning • Learning and student achievement, always having been a priority, has new meaning.   • Can we motivate and prepare students to be successful in a variety of assessment circumstances while cultivating critical thinking, problem solving skills, innovation, imagination, creativity and collaboration?  

  29. Experiential learning ~ • construction of knowledge ~ powerful Performance tasks ~ blur the line between teaching and assessing!

  30. Our Purpose • Understand that good assessment is good instruction and vice versa! • Experience processes involved in using and designing performance tasks • Develop performance assessments

  31. Performance Task Traditional Assessment Assessing Assessments

  32. Performance Assessments • Students construct responses and knowledge • Create products, or perform demonstrations to provide evidence of their knowledge and skill • Adapt the content knowledge and apply it to a situation based in reality • Motivate students with engagement in a scenario • Students solving problems nurturing critical thinking, communication, teamwork, and problem solving

  33. Why Performance Assessments? • Learning should prepare students for life by being an integral part of life itself -- John Dewey • Simulating real problems and real problem-solving is one way to encourage this connection! • Performance assessments give students opportunities to choose among a diverse selection of projects • Performance assessments facilitate the creation of learning opportunities based upon students’ individual interests and strengths • Shift from “How will we test students on what we have taught?” to “What performances can we design to see what students can do with what they know?”

  34. “One of the challenges in teaching is designing, and to be a good designer you have to think about what you're trying to accomplish and craft a combination of the content and the instructional methods, but also the assessment.” Grant Wiggins, co-author of “Understanding by Design"

  35. Characteristics of Performance Assessments • Students as active participants, not passive selectors of a right answer • Outcomes should be identified and should guide the design of the task • Student activities should match the objectives and allow student demonstration of mastery of intended outcomes • Students should actively apply knowledge and skills to reality based situations and scenarios • Clear set of criteria should be available to help judge the proficiency of student response

  36. CBL & GRASPS  Designing a Challenge Based ~ Performance Assessment • Overview • Defined Learning Integration • Essential Questions • Title • GOAL  Reflect on standards identified • * Identify observable and measurable indicators for each standard • ROLE  Generate a meaningful context for the task (real issues, problems, themes, student interest areas) • AUDIENCE  Identify an audience for which the students are working • SITUATION  Crete a scenario in which the student learning is embedded. Promote thinking skills & processes that encourage application of knowledge and skills • PRODUCTS OR PERFORMANCES • STANDARDS FOR SUCCESS

  37. Overview • The purpose of this section is to provide the teacher and/or student with the big idea. • The first sentence should consider the essential content aligned with the appropriate academic standard. • The second sentence should provide the overarching connections for utilization of the Defined STEM videos. • The final statement should connect the potential career connections that may be associated with the performance task. • Considerations may also be given to the career pathways that may be followed through course selection.

  38. DefinedSTEM Integration • http://stem.definedlearning.com • After you review the various Defined STEM videos associated with the theme and/or big idea for your task, you will choose three or four videos to provide relevance, engagement, and motivation for your students. • The videos should be placed here in the order that they will be most useful for completing the performance task.

  39. Essential Questions • Essential questions are broad in scope and are relevant beyond the classroom experience. A good essential question should cultivate a sense of curiosity and motivate student to seek answers. • They should be open-ended and thought provoking and not answerable with a simple yes or no (Wiggins & McTigue, 2005). A strong essential question provides a link to prior knowledge as well as gives personal meaning to the student. • For the performance task, one and a maximum of two should be present. These questions bring about student inquiry. They should help set the focus for the performance task. They should be compelling and promote higher order thinking skills.

  40. Sample EQs! • Delaware Department of Education: • http://www.doe.k12.de.us/infosuites/staff/ci/DRC/Essential%20Questions.pdf • Derry Village School: • http://www.derry.k12.nh.us/dvs/staff/cmccallum/curricmap_essential.htm • Glastonbury Public Schools: • https://www.glastonburyus.org/curriculum/foreignlanguage/foreignlanguagecurriculum/essentialquestions/Pages/default.aspx • Greece Central School District: • http://www.greece.k12.ny.us/instruction/ela/6-12/Essential%20Questions/Index.htm • Greenville County Schools Online: • http://www.greenville.k12.sc.us/league/esques.html

  41. Title • After you create your GRASPS, be sure to give it a catchy title! • May want to relate the title to the goal, role, scenario for students!

  42. Academic Standards • Please choose the academic standards, big idea and essential question from Pennsylvania http://pdesas.org that best meet the teaching and learning expectations associated with this performance task. • The standards should reflect what a student should know and be able to do at the completion of this task. • When choosing the standards, please be sure to select the appropriate benchmarks that link the content and processes with the appropriate grade level.

  43. GOALThinking about the objective for students… • Reflect on the assessment anchors ~ select ideas that you would like to investigate in your classroom!! • What performances would allow students to demonstrate mastery of the knowledge and skills identified within the academic standard or assessment anchor? • How can students create answers or products to demonstrate knowledge and skills?

  44. Why performance tasks? • The performance task is an authentic, “real-world” problem or scenario that provides students the opportunity to demonstrate understanding of critical content, concepts, and processes. • The first four sections are concerned with building an appropriate context in which students can operate. The products should compliment the context. Decisions will need to be made by educators in terms of which products may be required, which products are part of student choice and differentiation, and which products will be scored formally. The answers to these questions may vary by system, school, classroom, and/or student.

  45. Goal • GOAL:Establish the goal or problem that begins to set the context for the scenario. • Please consider the following guiding stems to help with development: • Your goal is to ……………. • The problem that you must solve is ……………..

  46. Observable Outcomes My performance assessment will focus on the ability of my students to: • Compare and contrast simple machines to complex machines

  47. Next Steps… • Generate a meaningful context for the task (real issues, problems, themes, student interest areas) • Identify thinking skills or processes that encourage application of knowledge and skills • Identify student products or performances

  48. ROLE • Define the role of the students in the performance task that aligns appropriately with the context for the scenario. • This role should have a connection to a career and potentially to the careers discussed in the DefinedSTEM videos. • Please consider the following guiding stems to help with development: • Your job is …………. • You have been asked to ……………You are a graphic designer and have been asked to assist in the creation of cartoon characters created in the likeness and movement of simple and complex machines.

  49. Advertiser Author Political Candidate Cartoon Character Coach Composer Filmmaker Teacher Lawyer Newscaster Photographer Detective Interviewer Researcher Playwright Park Ranger Tour Guide Travel Agent Nutritionist Board Member Caterer Translator Engineer Scientist Doctor Fire Fighter Police Officer Possible “Roles” for these tasks

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