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SMART Notebook Software

SMART Notebook Software. Education and Training Educational Software Ana Luisa Rivas. How does it work?. http:// salliedraper.com /blog/2011/08/13/smart-is-as-smart-does/. Smartboard. The Smartboard is both an input and output device .

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SMART Notebook Software

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  1. SMART Notebook Software Education and Training Educational Software Ana Luisa Rivas

  2. How does it work? http://salliedraper.com/blog/2011/08/13/smart-is-as-smart-does/

  3. Smartboard • The Smartboard is both an input and output device. • This is the device that enhances learning and it works as a screen, touch screen and has access to all the features that are offered by the software. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-dG4_w9u5-6o/T2f-Yg0PDqI/AAAAAAAAAHM/x6HsIIwecWI/s1600/smartboard+2.JPG

  4. Laptop • Input and Output device. • This device is utilized to download, install and utilize the software. This is the primary controller of the software but it can be transferred to the smartboard. http://www.tabletsnlaptops.com/laptop-images/hp-compaq-6910p-1.jpg

  5. Smartboard Projector • Output device • This device is used to transfer the software in the laptop to the smartboard. http://smarttech.com/en-SG/Solutions/~/media/BA986C9A91BF41CBB678309366592059.ashx?sc_lang=en-SG

  6. Software SMART Notebook Software http://www3.gobiernodecanarias.org/medusa/ecoescuela/autoformacion/files/2011/09/NB10.jpg

  7. Software • . Its wide selection of intuitive tools and features can help you quickly and easily create and deliver lessons that are engaging and have greater impact. http://smarttech.com/notebook

  8. Features http://smarttech.com/us/Solutions/Education+Solutions/Products+for+education/Software/SMART+Notebook+collaborative+learning+software/SMART+Notebook+collaborative+learning+software

  9. Features http://smarttech.com/us/Solutions/Education+Solutions/Products+for+education/Software/SMART+Notebook+collaborative+learning+software/SMART+Notebook+collaborative+learning+software

  10. Stakeholders: Advantages Teachers in every school would benefit from this system because it provides an engaging way of teaching. It will make the teaching easier and more fun. http://smarttech.com/Solutions/Education+Solutions/Products+for+education/Interactive+whiteboards+and+displays/SMART+Board+interactive+whiteboards/~/media/Images/Versioned/ppl/white%20BG/prd/Body/ppl_whitebg_prd_sb600i4_teacher.ashx?w=275&h=249&as=1

  11. Stakeholders: Disadvantages A disadvantage is that teacher’s use this system to obtain resources that could be unreliable on the internet. http://i199.photobucket.com/albums/aa90/wendie-photo/5678-Angry-Woman-Holding-Computer-Wires-And-A-Mouse-Clipart-Illustration.jpg

  12. Stakeholders: Advantages Students will be more engaged in the learning because of this more interactive way of learning. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-VVOqkrqiDy4/TWr9kuhlqaI/AAAAAAAAADE/nG0gpt-R6CM/s400/sb680Kids.jpg

  13. Stakeholders: Disadvantages Some students don’t have access to this system and don’t have the benefit of learning from this system. http://nyulocal.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/frustrated_student_sm-2.jpg

  14. Reliability This system has a software and network connections that allow teachers to download different worksheets and other resources from other teachers http://www.tga.gov.au/images/contentimages/who-medical-products-internet-1.jpg

  15. Reliability This information could be unreliable and then could be taught to students incorrectly. https://maetoday.nea.org/images/teachers/geography-teacher-4.jpg

  16. Equality of Access Nowadays, most of the first world countries have access to this system, which improves education. http://www.mes.gov.ge/uploads/News/Klassi%202-%207.11.11.jpg

  17. Equality of Access On the other hand, third world countries or poor countries don’t have the money to obtain this system http://www.pwathne.dk/images/ghana/IMG_2949-large.JPG

  18. People and Machines This is a system where stakeholders can interact with the machine to get most of the benefits https://smarttech.com/Resources/~/media/5A399B78A0E0458EA2660ABBBD23F677.ashx?sc_lang=en

  19. People and Machines Also, students can also participate and be integrated more in the class by solving problems, drawing and interacting with the smartboard http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-VVOqkrqiDy4/TWr9kuhlqaI/AAAAAAAAADE/nG0gpt-R6CM/s400/sb680Kids.jpg

  20. Sources • http://express.smarttech.com • http://smarttech.com/Solutions/Education+Solutions/Products+for+education/Software/SMART+Notebook+collaborative+learning+software • http://smarttech.com/notebook

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