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Hello! Welcome to Saksham’s Knowledge Management System (KMS)

Hello! Welcome to Saksham’s Knowledge Management System (KMS). Saksham’s KMS. KMS is a virtual interactive space created for sharing and learning. All concerned with HIV/AIDS counselling are welcome to join KMS In Saksham KMS, we share our ‘learnings’ and we welcome your participation

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Hello! Welcome to Saksham’s Knowledge Management System (KMS)

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  1. Hello!Welcome to Saksham’sKnowledge Management System (KMS)

  2. Saksham’s KMS • KMS is a virtual interactive space created for sharing and learning. • All concerned with HIV/AIDS counselling are welcome to join KMS • In Saksham KMS, we share our ‘learnings’ and we welcome your participation • As a registered user you can access all the five sections / modules of KMS; Virtual Library, Learnings, Resources, Experts & Communities. • KMS members can enroll for E-learning course

  3. Become a KMS member by copy pasting the link given below on the browser http://www.tissgfatmr7.com/kms/

  4. First screen seen after you have copy pasted the link Register Here

  5. When you click on ‘Register’ you will see this page

  6. KMS registration • Please fill in details for all boxes with red star. The rest are optional. • Please ensure that your email address is written correctly. • Information you share with us is for our records and for sending you regular posts. Information is not given away to any other party or agency. • In case you are an expert, please mention ‘Expert’ in the user category. We display list of experts so that readers can utilize your expertise. • Remember your username & password for future KMS login

  7. After registration form is submitted, you will get this message

  8. Click OK and close the page. • Approval of your registration will take about 5-7 hours. • Once approved, you will receive a message in your email box about registration approved. • You can use the same username and password for exploring KMS and joining Saksham’s online course.

  9. Five Sections in KMS • Virtual Library • Learning • Resources • Experts • Communities (Blogs and E-forum)

  10. Each KMS Section has an Introduction page, User manual, ‘Search’ & feedback Search User manual Feedback

  11. What is Possible on Learnings Section • You can send us a feedback after going through our current and archived learnings • You can share your stories, learnings observations, from your neighbourhood, district, state, region, ICTC, ART, health centres • Your sharing can add to our learning

  12. What is Possible on Experts Section • You can join as an Expert • You can search for Experts in different fields • KMS allows Experts in the field to share their knowledge with you (‘Ask An Expert’) • You can read Qts. & Ans. Of current and past themes (we have completed 11 themes so far)

  13. What is Possible on Resources section • You will find resources developed by Saksham on HIV/ AIDS counselling and related issues like, gender, sexuality, rights • You can download and use our resources- (please see “to be referenced as” for credits) • Give feedback on our resources • You may also suggest resources needed in the field of HIV/AIDS counselling

  14. What is Possible on Virtual Library • Your institution (students, counsellors, researchers, academicians) can benefit from the virtual library • You can inform readers about publications and audio-visuals in your library collection • You can also suggest new publications/ audio- visuals through the Feedback Box

  15. What More on KMS- Communities (Blogs & E-forum) You can • Share interesting news on HIV/AIDS • Express your views on situations in your areas, localities, states , country • Suggest what should be done to change the situation • Discuss through E-forum on Physiotherapy & HIV, Counselling in HIV/AIDS, Gender Issues in HIV • Start a new E-forum and invite people to join you in a debate of your choice

  16. See You on KMS…. • In case of problems please send screen shots of page with errors. (to get screenshot press CTRL & Prtscr key together and paste this on a word document. Send it to • Helpdesk- email-support@tissgfatmr7.com  • Call Helpdesk, Ph-0484-6618243 • Thank You

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