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J. Armando Guevara Visual Intelligence President and CEO visualintell

J. Armando Guevara Visual Intelligence President and CEO www.visualintell.com. Visual Intelligence.

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J. Armando Guevara Visual Intelligence President and CEO visualintell

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  1. J. Armando Guevara Visual Intelligence President and CEO www.visualintell.com

  2. Visual Intelligence • We did not set out to build yet another aerial sensor. We set out to create an architecture from which all kinds of sensors could be build, fused or integrated in an economical, efficient and effective way. • We set out change the rules of technological and business engagement and transform the industry for the better – to empower small companies- the flyers and with it create new and growing business opportunities. • We set out to create a paradigm shift!

  3. Visual IntelligenceAn Ongoing Paradigm Shift The state of affairs of the digital aerial imaging technology market is that of the computer industry 20+ years ago with a mix of non-standardized and proprietary computing technologies… disruptive, inefficient and expensive for the end-user. Forces in favor of VI’s paradigm shift: miniaturization, digitization and convergence (all in One - iOne). Smaller, faster, more for less. Integrateable digital commercial off the shelve components (COTS). Mobile/camera/video phones. PIXELGRAMMETRY (photogrammetry + digital image processing)

  4. Geoimaging Metric SensorsIris One USGS Sensor Type Certified http://calval.cr.usgs.gov/documents/manufacturers_certification/USGS_Sensor_Type_Certification_M7VI.pdf

  5. Visual Intelligence A Geospatial Industry Paradigm Shift INNOVATION STARTS HERE Digital Geoimaging Sensors iOne Sensor Tool Kit Architecture Metric Geoimaging Aerial Sensors Terrestrial Sensors Mobile Sensors Miniaturized Sensors

  6. Metric Geoimaging iOne Sensor Tool Kit Architecture Innovation Starts Here iOne Sensor Tool Kit Architecture PATENTS Leveraging Software + IT Trends Methods & Procedures Ingenuity • Onboard selective geoprocessingTM • Automated workflows – from image to information • Sensor fusion via CoCoTM • Made to order sensors

  7. Metric Geoimaging Commercial Mapping Made-to-Order SensorsTM Sensor Fusion CoCoTM Digital Geoimaging Sensors < 1 micron cal B/H .6 Optimal Virtual Frame Lowest cost of ownership Largest kps No moving parts Modular/Scalable Wide area collection up to 80 kps Single Pass Highest Resolution -Optimal Swath - Linear or Area – Collection - Ortho Stereo MS Nadir Oblique 3D Video Thermal UV Engineering Hand-held close range photogrammetry Metric highest resolution with engineering accuracy

  8. Wide Area CollectionFrom 20 kps to 70+ kps Flight direction

  9. Ortho – MS – Stereo – ObliqueAll in One Sensor = iOne Dual ARCA Array Larger swath Dual ARCA Array Co Registered

  10. iOne UAV/UASMetric Innovation Fully metric, small and light 25 lbs

  11. Product Delivery Visual IntelligenceInnovating Geospatial Information Services jag Empowering Mom & Pops TM Optimized Automated Workflows • LPS • KLT • VR One • Dat/EM • PCI • Orthovista

  12. Iris One R&D Partners Joint development of the Iris One Riegl Cessna 210 Turbo test flights at 18,500 feet over Harrison GA Pioneering R&D partner. Executed numerous area and pipeline corridor projects Cessna 401 at 6,000 to 9,000 feet Most extensive tests in the hundreds of hours at altitudes from 1,000 to 15,000 feet Cessna 206 test flights at 3,500 feet over Houston WHA Navajo flights over Mexico for National Mapping Agency INEGI at 9,000 feet Lear Jet Test Installation and Evaluation Back to back with an ADS 40 on a Conquest at 33,000 NAIP WA State Aerocommander test flights at 10,000 feet over Denver area Horizons - EarthData

  13. Small – Medium – Large FrameObsolete Concepts – kps or bucket? kps – kilo pixel swath 1 kps = 1,000 pixels cross track Iris One Hi-5 TASK: Collect 500 kilometers of corridor with 800 meter swath at 30 cm GSD (1 foot) pixels –impact of kps 12,000 m AGL 12 kms swath 40 kps 30 cm GSD

  14. Iris One and iOne by J. Armando Guevara Visual Intelligence President and CEO www.visualintell.com Geoimaging the World Online!

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